I wipe my eyes and lay on my bed. My phone beep and it’s a new message from an unknown number.
FROM UNKNOWN: hi princess , ready for frat night ?

Never. I don’t wanna get humiliated. Hanging around pretty girls from college it’s the worst idea ever. I sigh and text Piper back after saving her number.
TO PIPER: No sorry. I don’t feel like. I’m sick.

I toss my phone aside and rub my temple. My phone vibrated and it’s a new message from Piper again.
FROM PIPER: I’m on my way. You ain’t backing out.

I sigh and rub my hand down my face. I bury my face on my pillow and try to shut out Leslie’s hate speech towards me. I just wanna move out , if that’s even possible. Time went so far and it’s evening already. I heard chatters from Leslie and hazel talking about God knows what.

Obviously they are getting prepared for frat party. It sucks , even if I haven’t attended any.

“Ariel , I’m leaving. Do yourself good and stay indoors.” Leslie shouted as the front door click shut.

“Ariel..” I heard Piper’s voice alongside Brandon who’s humming to a song.

I get out of bed and stroll out of my room to the living room. Piper’s holding a bag and she doesn’t even look dressed. Brandon stand beside her with his arms crossed accompanied by a cocky grin.
” What happened to you babe ?” Piper ask as she check me out.
“I can’t go.”

” Why princess ?”
“I don’t like parties.” I said half the truth , even if I wanna go.
“That’s not an excuse. You’re gonna like it. We’re gonna be there and it’s gonna be fun.”

I sigh loudly and sat down. They won’t understand.
“I don’t belong there.”
“What ?”

” Piper , I’m not pretty. I don’t dress fancy and my closet is filled with jeans and t-shirts. Hoodies , sweatpants and no designer clothes.

I’m a nerd who doesn’t wear makeup. So.” I open my arms and shrug pulling my knees to my chest.
“I’m sorry what ?” Brandon laughs and sits close to me.

” Who told you that bullshit ? You’re one of the most prettiest girls I have seen around school.”
” No you don’t get it. I always feel inferior hanging out with people and plus , the last time I partied , I woke up with a stupid hangover in a stranger’s bed.”
” Shit.”
“You had sex with…”
“Gross no. I didn’t. He was a gentle man and we did nothing. Precise that was his guest bedroom.” Telling them it was Gray would bring a lot of stories out of my mouth. Stories I don’t wanna share.

“Still. You’re getting up and you’re getting dressed. It’s just a frat party.”

“And some of college most prettiest girls would be there. I don’t belong there.”

“Who told you that ?”
“My sister has always been the best. She’s attractive and really pretty.”
“You mean the ugly bitch we met downstairs with another Blondie I think.”

“Leslie isn’t ugly.” I retorts.
“She’s fake Ariel.”
“She’s not. I don’t like the way I look down at myself when she’s around me .

I can’t cope being in the same party with her.”
“What’s wrong with your family ? Girlfriend , your sister has no right to tell you how to live your life.”

“True Brandon. But I’m never comfortable around people and parties.”
“We don’t give a fuck.” Piper scoff and pull me to my feet. She grab my arm and pull through the hallway.
“Which one is your room ?”

I sigh and point to my door. She open the door and storm In throwing the bag she was holding on the bed. She open my closet and snake through my clothes. Yeah , a lot of jeans.

I groan internally and sit down.
“Brandon do her hair please.” Piper says going through my clothes.
“Pipes , it’s just frat.”
“And there will be boys.” She giggle and bring out a black jeans as she toss it on my bed.

“Don’t ever let people make you feel inferior like you don’t belong. I don’t care if it’s your bitchy ass sister or anyone , they won’t tell you how to live your life.” Yeah , really ?


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