“What’s up sis ! Is he hot. Did you both have sex ?”what the hell?

” No we didn’t.”
” You woke up in his bed wearing his sweatpants and of course t-shirts. What’s that supposed to mean dummy ?” Leslie asks. There’s jealousy in her tone.

” I didn’t sleep with him.” I sigh and look at Vickie who’s already entertained. Why will they bring up such thing in my place of work.
” So what does he look like ?”

” I’m not interested in him and I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
” Of course. It’s just father Benjamin that’s definitely gonna ask girls like sister Ariel out ? I’m perplexed.” Leslie snorts.

” She’s jealous.” Alexa scoff and ask me to make coffee for her.
” Talking about Gray Carter. Damn , he’s a hot gig.” Alexa smirks and wiggle her brows.

” True. A lot of girls would do anything to be his girl for a night.” Vickie added. I almost choke on nothing but pretend like I didn’t hear them.

” I really haven’t seen him , just magazines and social media. He’s totally hot.” Leslie moan and bites her bottom lip.

” Les , don’t say that. The day I met him in Las Vegas , I almost pee on my panties. I just want a night out with him then I’m okay.”
” Alex you have a boyfriend.” I huff loudly, getting irritated with their choice of conversation.

” Does it even matter ? We’re dating, not married. So obviously , I have every right to grind with a super hot Gray.” She twist her waist snapping her fingers like she’s humming to a song.

” That’s cheating.”
” Who cares, let him cheat too.” Alexa scoff and roll her eyes.
I shake my head sideways and ignored her. What a cousin.

“He’s always busy. Driving tinted cars. I’ve always wished we meet in a club so that I can give him a good lap dance.” Alexa says. So she really haven’t come across him in a stupid club.

” He eats here once in a while with some brunette sometimes.” Vickie says.

” Really ? Do you have any vacancy , I wanna work.” Alexa says and I chuckle. I give her her coffee as she paid.

” What’s so special about him in the first place ?” I sigh keeping Alexa’s payment.

” You really don’t have to ask Ariel. He’s not for girls like you. He would never look at you , so forget it.” Leslie snorts. Now I wish I could punch her nose right now.

Why does she finds joy in talking bad words about me. Reminding me that I’m unfortunate. It’s stupid , cause I just kissed that same Gray Carter.

He’s too good for the crowds and it seems almost every girl wanna hang out with him. Seriously !
” You said he eats here sometimes ?” Alexa ask Vickie.

” Yeah. I’m sure he’s gonna walk through that door any moment from now.”

Talk of the grey eyes devil and he just walks in. My breath is tensed and I could see shock in the eyes of the girls. Yeah , he’s attractive. His tattoos were visible on his simple black T-shirt.

He looks perfect , but I don’t care. Seeing him standing few feets from me reminds me of that weird kiss. Who kiss a boy they don’t know ?

A normal person. Most ladies avert their gaze to Gray Carter.
” Hi , welcome to Sandy’s. What do you care for ?” Vickie asks giggling like a high school student who just saw her crush.

So silly.
Alexa and Leslie stayed still watching this grey eyes God.

Yeah , those who cared to stare at him , continued straining their necks.

Vickie takes his orders as he slowly avert his gaze to my nervous self. I tuck back my loose hair and look at Leslie who is tensed.

“Dick me hard and get me pregnant.” Alexa mutter close to Gray.
” Sorry…” Gray says and whip his head to look at Alexa who’s already smirking like a temptress. Holy hell.

I barely can concentrate.
” Hi , Gray.” Alexa greeted him.
” Hey.” He smiles plainly at her. I feel weird , like jealous.

” Can I lend your phone ? Wanna call my ma.” She pouts and smirks. Alexa is pretty and also a model. I bet any normal and cute guy would never ignore her.

Why am I thinking so hard , i thought I wanted to end things with him.
“Sure.” Gray hands his phone to her as she dialed in a number and press the call icon.

“That’s my number.” She give him back his phone and lean a bit closer to him with a smirk. She trail her fingers on his shoulders as Gray looks down at her perfectly manicured expensive nails.
Now I feel weird.
She lean closer to him and whisper .”Call me..”


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