I release a deep breath i didn’t even noticed I’ve been keeping.
” So , who’s ready for college ?” Alexa asks nudging Leslie’s defeated self to life.
” It’s really not that cool. My mom wants us to stay with them.” I say.
” What the fuck ! A ride from here to college is about two hours.
How are you guys gonna cope with that ?”
” Maybe they are not aware. Leslie you should talk to them. We need to stay close to school if not school’s dorm , we could possibly get an apartment outside school.”
” They don’t want you to get a boyfriend.” Leslie scoffs irritatingly.
” So who controls a grown up lady?” Alexa asks sarcastically.
” Grown up ? The fact that she’s out of puberty doesn’t mean she’s grown up.” Leslie says and glares at me.
“Ariel , so when are you planning to fuckin rip out Leslie’s hair. The fuck girl..” Alexa roll her eyes and shoot daggers at Leslie.
“What ! Why would you even tell her to rip out my hair ?”
“Because you fuckin annoy me bitch. You’re just like your mom.”
“Alexa you won’t talk about my mom like that. I only said the truth.
Ariel’s too naive and acts too annoying. The fact that she had something with Freddie doesn’t mean she had to fake being depressed because she wants our parents to have pity on her.”
“Seriously Leslie. I faked being depressed ? The hell what’s even your problem ? Why don’t you just quit being a coward and say it to my face that you hate because you’re jealous of me..” I talk back at her.
She’s acting too sassy and it’s eating me up.
“Go girl…” Alexa chuckle.
“Jealous of you ?” Leslie chuckle and flick her hair to the side. ” Boo , you can’t even afford me. We’re not even the same.”
“Yeah ? And you’ve always had a long secret crush on Freddie and you wished he looked at you.” Alexa chuckles insanely.
I freeze at once and look up at Leslie.
“You liked Freddie ?”
“Fuck girl , I don’t fuckin know what Alexa is talking about. Why would I like Freddie ? He’s too nerdy.”
“Shut up. You called him hot when you got drunk at prom. For real Leslie ? You suck. She’s like a honey bee , attracted to guys who’s loaded.”
“I hate it when you judge me Alex.” Leslie murmurs.
“And I hate it when you act all too goody. And you know the shitty part is when your parents act like they are from the sixties. All holy and god fearing. I might not be religious but trust me , your parents won’t even smell heavens gate and I’m gonna make sure I chase them to where they belong. Hell.” Alexa utter and stand up to get a bottle water.
I’m left alone with Leslie who won’t stop staring darkly at me. She acts like a witch who escape from a mental asylum.
“It’s funny you liked Freddie all this while.” I say to her.
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble miss Ariel. I give no flying fuck about Freddie. I never liked him. You both suck and I’m glad to inform you that , I look too good for him.”
“Then why lie about being a virgin ?” I ask her. She scoff and gulp down her remaining tea.
“You think everyone is like you ? I’m sorry i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So Ariel , you really don’t wanna talk about your mystery Gray ? Total stranger who drove you home at the club.” Alexa says walking back to the dinning table. I sigh and play with my milkshake.
“It’s not important. I was drunk.”
“So how come you woke up with his sweatpants and t-shirt ?”
“His house help changed my dress because I don’t know..” I stutter.
“House help ? His he rich ?” Alexa beams with a wide grin on her lips.
“I wish…” Leslie mutters and scoff irritatingly.
“So what did you guys talk about ? He didn’t touch you right ?”
I sigh and shake my head sideways.
“Maybe he’s really nice. So basically you have never seen Gray Carter before ? Dude’s popular and fuckin rich.” Alexa says.
“Buddy has crowded her life with boring shit. You don’t even have a social media account..” that’s Leslie.
“Leslie , it’s my headache.”
“Ditch that. Let’s talk about college. Ariel found a major yet ?”
I sigh and nod. ” Yeah. Business administration.”
“Wow. We’re storming every fuckin party in college and clubs. Welcome to my new cousin freshman. I’m definitely gonna host a frat party.” She giggle and wink at me.
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