“Are you okay ?” I blink my eyes open and I’m in my room.
I sit up at once and rub my temple. Alexa was beside me while mom, dad and Leslie just watch.

“When did you start having panic attack ?” Dad asks and crosses his arms.

“I don’t know. I’m fine.”
“Have you gone to therapy lately ?” Alexa asks as she touched my forehead.

“Yeah. Guys I’m fine. Thank God that crazy argument is over. I should be looking forward to starting college.” I sigh and rub my nape.

Mom breathe in as she walk out with dad. Who knew they care this much about me. Leslie faked a smile and follow them.
“Thanks Alex.”

She giggles and hug me tighter.
“Thank God you’re fine.” She pat my back softly and let go of me.
“Nice blonde. Your tan is cute.” I tell her and smile.

“Ouch.” She chuckles and shrug. ” Thanks Gee. I should be heading out. See you at campus.” She blow kisses at me and head out.

Alexa had a twin brother who choose to travel to Germany to pursue a career. He’s almost like her but sort of the family’s rebel. He’s never at home and we’re always fighting cause he enjoyed picking on me.

Yeah he’s cute and all that but his-their dad despise him because he refused to go college and take over the family’s business. So currently he’s out and it’s been ages since i last saw him.


Finally mom allowed us to move to campus. Like basically staying there. For plenty reasons , God I’m excited. I won’t be yelled at and obviously my depressed state will improve.

On Sunday after Mass , mom decides to drive us to college. I toss my suitcase inside the trunk and get in the backseat.

My mind flash to the crazy grey eyes man. He’s cute , like really cute. But Ariel will never like men. Even if I choose to try not trouble in disguise of Gray Carter.

I tuck my loose hair behind my ear and watch mom talk with dad and Leslie. Dad hug Leslie and mom’s face is filled with genuine smile. I was jealous. I’ve never been hugged like that and most times I doubt there’s more to Freddie’s assault for them despising me.

I watch them get into the car as I quickly wipe my pending tears. I lean my head against the car window of my mom’s car as Leslie entered the driver’s seat. She fastens her seatbelt and smirk at me through the rearview mirror. She’s weird and too egoistic.

Maybe because she’s naturally classy. Her hair is fancy and her clothes despite our parent’s position in church. But they don’t seem to notice.

“Hope you’re not planning to mess around Ariel ?” Mom ask glaring at me through the mirror.

I sigh and fiddle my sweater. I didn’t reply but stare out of the window looking at the passing objects. I’m really going to college.

I talked with Vickie and exchange numbers with her while i explained to Sandy. She’s nice and she understood. Our apartment wasn’t that far from college, that was what Leslie said.

Mom halts her car in the packing lot as I hurriedly get out of the car. I open the trunk and carry my bags out. Mom’s eyes weren’t leaving mine. I sigh and look at the blocks of flat. A little freedom.

“You have to look after Ariel , Leslie. I trusted you that’s why I allowed you to rent an apartment close to college.” Good Lord I’m not a teenager.

I look around our new home and it’s really pretty and decent.

“Sure mom. She’s gonna be good , I’ll make sure of that.” Leslie shoots me a cocky grin. Did I mention Leslie is just a year older than me and in second year of college. She’s also a transfer student.

“Miss Ariel. Do me a favor and don’t contact STDs. Not all can be cured.” Mom sneers at me and smiled at Leslie.

“Be good okay. Bye kids.” Mom wave at us and hurry out.
I roll my eyes and turn to go back to my new room.

“Hope you heard her ? This is college and you won’t be under mom and dad’s supervision. That means I’m the alpha here…” She cross her arms and raise her brows trying to dare me to speak.

“I really don’t have to get worried. You’re obviously not attractive , so guys should be rare. Except… You’re willing to throw yourself at them all over again.” She eyes me up and down and scoff before walking to the kitchen.

Of course , I’m still stuck. I wish I had guts. To slap the hell out of her and rip her wigs out. But I can’t be like that.

I hate fighting or even arguing. I arrange my things and clean my room. The walls are a light pink with peach curtains .


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