The large window sits at the end of the room and there’s also an en-suite bathroom right after my closet door. I love everything here.
I open my bag and pick out books I’d definitely use tomorrow at class since it’s my first day in college.
The night was short cause my alarm noise jolt me out of my slumber. I yawn and press the snooze button to sleep again.
I snap my eyes open remembering it’s my first day and I don’t wanna be late. I quickly shower and get dressed before rushing downstairs.
I rush out of the building just in time to see Leslie entering someone’s car. I really couldn’t see the driver cause it’s tinted.
I bought coffee from a nearby Cafe and stroll on the sidewalk to school. I remembered Gray again. He might be an asshole but I really can’t forget he walks into my life in a really funny way.
I’m in college and I’m sure i won’t be able to see him. Maybe I need to focus since I’ve always wanted him to leave my life Alone.
Maybe I really don’t. That kiss keep on replaying and replaying right in my head. It might be short but it feels right.
Stop it Ariel!
I walk into school hall as I step into my first class. It wasn’t really hard to look for it. My breath almost choke at the sight of students. Great this isn’t really highschool.
The girls here are fancy like really fancy. Their hairdo clearly states you don’t dare cross their parts.
I look down and find a proper seat close to the front. I tried to look for something to do when a girl sit close to me. I didn’t look but decide to open my bag and bring out a book to scribble nonsense.
“Is this your hair ?” She asks beside me.
My head snap to my right till I’m faced with a brown haired girl. She chews a gum and stylishly tuck her brown her beside her ears.
My eyes view down to her outfit. A short black skirt and a white crop top. She has a tattoo on her neck and a pierced eyebrow.
Enough staring.
“Wow.” She give me a tight lip smile that didn’t reach her eyes. I look away from her and she continued.
“Why don’t you wear makeup. How old are you ? Are you mixed race ?” I internally groan and look at her again.
“I don’t like makeup.” I admit and sigh hoping she don’t continue with her previous question.
“You look pretty. Are you Latin? Or maybe Canadian ?”
“No. My mom is an Egyptian.”
“Is she Buddhist ?” She asks and flip her hair to the side.
“We’re Christians.”
“Uhh. Daddy’s Little favorite. You’re not this annoying virgins right ?” She ask and raise her brows. Her grin and looks are cocky.
” Madison let her be. She’s obviously a nerd who stole a dick. She’s not classy.” Her next seat mate scoff.
I sigh and look at the podium hoping the professor would show up any minute from now.
“Bothering you ?” A girl at my left side ask.
I turn to look at the pretty red haired with a genuine smile.
“I mean that psychotic brunette.” She giggle and nudge me playfully.
” Piper shut up. Your dirty little nude is still going viral..” the brunette hissed beside me.
Hell is about to break loose.
“Yeah. Your daddy still sneak through my window to fuck though.” I cringe at Piper’s weird language.”And he still calls me mommy, boo.”
Madison’s friend I think snort out a laugh. Madison scoffs and stand up with her friend as they walk out.
“I’m sorry about that. She’s psychotic.”Piper whisper with a hand gesture. Twirling her hand to her head.
I chuckle and smile. And maybe I like her. She’s good even with a choice of language.
“Freshman ?”
“Yeah. Resume yesterday.”
“Wow. This is my second year.” She smile.
“Wow. You’re lucky.”
“I wish. I’m Piper.”
“Ariel ? Like the legendary redhead Disney princess ?” She squeal exposing her nice teeth.
I chuckle.” Nah. Just Ariel.”
“Wow. I like your name. We’re gonna be best friends.” She drawl with a pout.
I blush to her kindness. She’s a bit nice i think and somewhat playful.
“Hope you don’t have any crush yet ? A lot of weird jerks around here.” She nudge me playfully and bring out her laptop.
“Nah. I’m not interested.”
“Really ? I hope your mystery crush isn’t Gray Carter ?” Holy hell. I roll my eyes and shake my head sideways.
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