Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 231 – 240


I collect my phone from my nightstand and call my mom. After the third ring, she picks up.



“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“Mom, please stop. I’m okay, and I’m not hurt. Who’s Sinclair, Mom?”

Silence. All I can hear is her breathing.

“Are you there?”

“Why are you so obsessed with this Sinclair madness? He’s no one and will never be anyone. Why’s he trying to claim and fill your brain with bullshit stories that you’re his daughter?”

“How did he know I got a birthmark behind my ear? Who told him that? How did he know that, Mom?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. If I were you, I’d avoid Sinclair like the plague he is. For Pete’s sake, he’s not your father! Stop asking me that,” she yells on the phone.

I hang up and get out of bed to find Gray.

He’s not in the kitchen and not in the living room either. I check the balcony, and he’s there, leaning against the railing and smoking.

“You said water, Gray? I waited,” I tell him as I watch his back.

“I needed a smoke,” he replies without looking at me. I can tell he’s angry. His tone and looks—I just pissed him off.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?”

“I’m sorry, okay. I was just being…”

“Annoying, Ariel. Stop this Sinclair bullshit,” he says and turns to look at me.

“He’s getting into your head. Stop thinking and talking about him,” he tells me.

I sigh and nod. I didn’t expect this type of reaction from Gray, though. I get it—they don’t like each other. And the idea of him being my father pissed him off.

I slowly walk to his form and hug him.

“Happy now?” I ask as I run my hand down his back.

He didn’t reply but wrapped one hand around me. He tossed the cigarette away and wrapped both arms around me.

“I wasn’t angry, just pissed,” he says, and I nod.

“Ariel…” I hear Alexa’s voice and the lock of my front door. How did she get a spare key? I also didn’t put a passcode on the lock. I should do that soon.

“Ariel…” she shouts my name again.

I chuckle and roll my eyes.

“I think that’s my clue to leave,” Gray says and kisses my temple.

“You can stay if you want…”

He shakes his head sideways.

“I’m her boss, remember? Can’t hang around.”

I sigh and look down at his shirt that I’m wearing.

“You can keep that too if you want. Add it to your Gray collection,” he says and chuckles.

“What are you gonna wear?”

“I drive a tinted car. Nobody’s gonna see this tatted man shirtless.”

“God, I found you—oh, hey boss,” Alexa says from behind us. I turn around to look at her.

“Hi, Alexa,” Gray says as he looks back at me.

He kisses me on the lips quickly but passionately as he leaves. I bite my bottom lip and turn around to look at Alexa, who won’t stop smirking.

“Oh please, shut up,” I tell her, and she laughs.

We walk back into the house, and Gray’s already gone. We walk to the kitchen as she brings out McDonald’s takeout and drops them on the countertop.

“How did you get a key?” I ask and open one takeout.

“I’m a genius. Took one. Didn’t wanna ask you for it,” she says and winks.

“You skipped class today, Ariel.”

“Good God, I forgot. I’m so screwed.”

“It’s fine. I skipped too,” she says, and I laugh. She’s insane.

“Piper and Brandon are coming over today.”


“Mmm hmm,” she hums as she eats.

“I need to be at work today. Sterling Corp and Theo miss me, and I owe him a lot of explanation. Plus, I’m driving home today.”

“To do what exactly?”

“My mom owes me a lot of explanation,” I say as I remember what Gray said. He’s getting into my head and all that crazy stuff.

I can’t stop till I know the truth.

“About what?”

“Sinclair being my father.”

“Why would you say that?” she asks as she stops eating.

“People usually tell me that. And then yesterday at the ball, when we were dancing, he asked me if I got a birthmark behind my ear. You know I have that. The point is, how did he know?”

“You’re seriously believing that? Are you trying to say your mom cheated on your dad with Sin?”

“It might be possible. She’s avoiding any discussion that has to do with Sinclair. I think she’s hiding something from me,” I tell her.

She grabs a bottle of water and uncaps it.

“What if you’re just overthinking things?”

“I know, right? I’m just wondering how he found out I had a birthmark. It’s not like it’s visible and obvious. It’s behind my ear, for Christ’s sake. It’s not like he’s seen it before. I’m so confused. I need to talk to your mom.”

“If she knows something?” Alexa asks, and I nod.

“Aww, you poor thing. I saw a photo frame at our house last year, I think. Your mom was in it, and my mom, including one other woman that I didn’t even recognize,” Alexa says.

“Really? Did you ask her who the third woman is?”

“Yeah. She said it’s nothing important, just an old best friend of theirs.”

“So what happened to that best friend?”

“Dead. My mom said she’s dead and nothing more, actually,” Alexa says as she resumes eating.


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