“Mom, I don’t wanna talk to you. You’ve done more than enough. I get it, you were trying to protect me, and I’m not mad at you, alright.”
“I didn’t mean what I did. I even thought you would delete my number,” she says as she sniffles on the phone.
Woah, is she crying?
She can’t cry.
Does she even feel pain?
Most times, I think Leslie got all her attitude from my foster mom slash aunt. Her husband is like a puppet. She controls him. Still don’t know why.
“Thanks. Even if you were kinda mean and ill-treated me, you brought me up. You fought to protect me, and I valued that. Talk later, Mom.”
I hang up and toss my phone on the couch.
I slump on the couch opposite the TV and pull my knees to my chest. I’ve been feeling sick since yesterday. I’m always dizzy, and I threw up once this morning.
I pick up my phone and tap on Gray’s contact. I miss him so badly, even after telling myself I need to think about myself today after what happened yesterday. Maybe I shouldn’t have yelled at him. Also, he tried to stop me because he doesn’t like Sinclair.
I’ve been thinking all through the night, and I really don’t have a solution. I just wanna talk to Sinclair about Gray—their feud, dissing, and their past relationship.
I click on the message icon on my phone and type a quick message.
To Gray: I’m sorry.
Once it reads sent, I keep my phone close to me and hug my knees. I look down at my phone, waiting for a reply, but there’s none from him.
Is he snubbing me or what?
I feel sick again. I think each time I’m stressed, I always throw up, and that’s kinda weird.
My mind drifts to Mia’s yacht party, and I remember when I had sex with Gray on that ship.
I stop breathing when I remember—I wasn’t on pills that day.
“Oh my God. It’s not true, right?”
I panic as I rush to my room to search for a PT.
I haven’t missed a month, and I’m normal. I’m not expecting. I can’t be expecting. Not now, not even anytime soon.
I search through the drawers and find one. I take a deep breath and try to recall if I took any pills after that day. I kinda did, but it was after the sex.
My doorbell rings at once.
I drop the PT on the nightstand and walk to the living room. I look through the peephole, but there’s no one.
I bite my lip, hoping it’s Gray, as I open the door.
He always looks more handsome each time we fight.
I blush. It sounds new, like it’s been a long time since he called me that.
I step aside for him to enter, and he does.
I shut the door, and he surprises me by hugging me.
“I’m sorry, Tink. Really sorry. And I love you very much.”
“I’m sorry too,” I tell him as he lifts me off the ground.
My legs curl around his torso as he wraps his arms around my waist.
“Wanna hang out?” he asks.
I giggle. “Sure.”
“Go get dressed.”
He drops me back on the floor.
I stand on my tippy toes and peck his lips.
He pulls me to himself and takes over my lips.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he mutters against the kiss.
“And you’re hot.”
I bite his bottom lip as I stand back on my feet.
I hurry to my room and go through my closet. I quickly get dressed and look at my reflection in the mirror.
My eyes meet the PT.
I keep it back.
I’ll do that later.
I lace my fingers with Gray’s as we walk out of the lobby.
“My car?” I ask eagerly as I look up at him.
“Brought it yesterday. Wanna drive? Or you want me to drive?” He asks and gives me my key.
“I will drive.” I take my key from him and open the driver’s side door. I slide into the car, and Gray enters the passenger side.
“Fasten your seatbelt, lover.” I wink at Gray and ignite the engine.
I reverse back and accidentally hit a car behind me, causing an alarm from the car.
“Shit,” I mutter.
“Damn,” Gray mutters and chuckles.
I quickly steer the wheel and drive into the streets.
“That was silly,” he says, and I roll my eyes and chuckle.
“Where do you wanna go?” I ask Gray.
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