This is so fuckin’ crazy. I can’t imagine sitting across from Sinclair to eat dinner in some fancy restaurant. This is so fucked up. I’m pretty sure we’re both gonna flip and cause a scene. Why did he have to be her father?
I watch her get up from my lap as she smiles triumphantly. I bet she did a victory dance in her head.
Oh man.
The doorbell rings at once. She smiles and walks to the door. Probably the delivery guy who’s here to deliver the food she ordered. My phone rings, and I retrieve it. Reid’s name displays on my screen as I swipe the answer icon.
“Hey, dick,” he says once I pick up.
“Seriously?” I scoff. I hear Ariel converse with the delivery guy, and they are taking too long.
“What are you doing?” he asks, and I roll my eyes. I’m still stressed about that dinner date with Sinclair.
“I’m fucking my girl, you idiot.”
“Alright, you sound stressed. What’s up with you?” Reid asks on the phone.
I hear Ariel shut the door as she walks to the kitchen holding McDonald’s takeout. I stand up as she enters. I kiss her forehead and motion for the phone in my hand. She nods as I walk to my bedroom.
“Yeah, I’m stressed, obviously,” I say and shut my bedroom door.
“Are you in your penthouse?”
“Yeah, and I’m fine. Ariel’s here with me,” I say and push the drapes of the transparent walls that view the city below.
“Alright? Why did you sound like someone who slept with blue balls?” he asks, and I chuckle.
“What about Sinclair? Did he threaten you?”
“Hell fucking no. It’s different this time. Ariel wants me to accompany her to one of Sinclair’s dinner dates with his wife, Aisha.”
“Holy fucking Christ. No fucking way.” He laughs on the phone. What the fuck is funny? Did I just tell a joke?
“Oh fuck, Gray. She wants you both to settle. I see nothing wrong with that.”
“You know who the fuck Sinclair is. He was my ex fuckin’ boss, Reid.”
“Yeah. The boss you betrayed. Come off it, man, it’s no big deal.”
“Okay, I get it. It’s a big deal. You fucked his ass up, and you’re about to sit across from him in a diner. That’s fucked up. What did you tell Ariel?”
“Then why complain? You love her, you don’t want to turn her down. Whether you like it or not, as long as you’re still dating Ariel and you wanna get married to her, Sinclair isn’t leaving her life soon. Start getting used to his presence around your girl. You just gotta apologize properly tonight. Keep your ego aside, Jamal.”
“Fuck, shut up.” I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. This is gonna be so fuckin’ hard.
“Breathe, Gray, it’s no big deal.”
Of course, it’s a big deal. It’s just gonna take God and a little tolerance for both of us not to flip the goddamn table at that fuckin’ diner.
“Sup with Moskov? He’s killing my patience. I want my fuckin’ peace-called life back, and he’s been distracting it lately.”
“Gray, there’s no chase. He’s gone MIA. The dick is smart. Can’t find him.”
“His club?”
“Can’t step on that club, Gray. It’s covered with Russian Mafiosos, fully guarded and ready to pull the trigger.”
I sigh. “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure he’s hanging around there. Once I’m back from the dinner, we’re checking in his club.”
“That’s like a suicide attempt, Gray.”
“You’re scared? Manny will take the roof with other snipers to shoot at every asshole. Then Nick and the others will take the front. I’ll go inside.”
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