Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 261 – 270


|• ARIEL•|

Twenty minutes into the dinner and my dad won’t stop glaring daggers at my boyfriend, and my boyfriend won’t stop glaring daggers either. They look tense as they don’t speak to each other.

Gray clenches his jaw and unclenches it several times, just like my dad. They are yet to say a word.

The waiter comes in with our food and places them on our table. Aisha won’t stop complimenting me and my dress. I really like her. She’s nice, and I admire her accent a lot. I’m still wondering where she got her daughter, Sasha, from – the crackhead.

“Thank you,” Aisha and I tell the waiter as he leaves.

“I’ve been meaning to ask, Aisha, where are you from?” I clear the air before these men murder each other in their imaginations.

“I’m African, dear. Northern side, actually. My mom’s the Hispanic one,” she answers.

I smile and nod. “That’s pretty nice. Do you speak Spanish or maybe any other related languages?”

“I speak a little Spanish, dear. Where are you from?”

“Her mom’s African too,” Dad answers for me.

“Honey, and you didn’t tell me?” Aisha whines.

“I’m really sorry about that.”

Gray still stays quiet. Our eyes meet. I glare at him, and he gives me an apologetic smile. I roll my eyes and motion for him to eat. He sighs and nods.

“She’s pretty,” Aisha compliments me again.

“So, Gray, hope you’re having a good time?” Aisha asks him.

Gray smiles – an obviously fake smile. He nods. “Yeah. Thanks.”

“Happy that you came.”

“Yeah,” Gray says.

I drink my wine, set my glass back down, and moan at the tasty lobster. They cook really well.

“So, Ariel said the Russians were behind your attack almost two weeks ago,” Dad says.

“Yeah?” Gray utters distastefully.

I groan silently and kick his shin under the table. He silently curses.

“Yes, they are responsible,” he answers and looks at me. I give him one of my rare smiles, and he rolls his eyes.

“And what are you doing about that? The Russians won’t stop until they kill you. You don’t have to endanger her life and get her into your mess,” Dad says.

“Really, Dad? We’re together. And whatever problem he’s facing is also my problem,” I point out.

“This was one of the reasons I lost your mother. Because of stupid games like this.”

“Oh really?” Gray fires back.

“Yes, really, Gray. Why did you get involved with him knowing fully well Gray is involved with the mob? This is too dangerous for you, Ariel.”

“You don’t know anything about her, Sin. The fuck you won’t tell her what to do,” Gray yells at him.

“Gray, stop. Dad, you too,” I yell at both of them.

They both shut up at once. They glare at each other and sigh.

“This is gonna stop, and it’s annoying.”

“Why did you date a mob boss, actually?” Dad asks.

“Because I’m in love with him,” I state.


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