Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 271 – 280



“Oh my God…” I groan and rush into my bathroom to throw up.

I rest both hands on the edge of the sink and puke out whatever thing I ate. What is this called, baby sickness? I breathe in and out and look up at my reflection.


“You’re okay out there?” Alexa calls out.

“Yeah. I’m just having baby sickness, I think.”

“Baby sickness? What the fuck is that?” Alexa asks and walks into the bathroom.

I turn on the faucet to let it rinse out my vomit as I wash my hands.

“I think it’s because of Alejandro. We killed someone.”

“Seriously? You regret that now?” she asks.

I turn off the tap and turn to look at her.

“I didn’t mean that. Maybe it upset the baby.” I shrug as she chuckles.

I laugh and walk to her as we walk out of the bathroom to my room. I remove my peacoat and toss it on the couch. Alexa pushes the drapes aside to reveal the city below.

“Damn. That was crazy. At first, I thought we were gonna be fucked,” I say and remove my wig.

“I thought about that too. Dying miserably,” Alexa says, and we chuckle.

“What’s our next plan? Alejandro said Moskov is in his warehouse in Buffalo. Which means we’re driving to Buffalo?”

“Yeah. You wanna walk?” She smirks at me as she removes her wig.

I roll my eyes and chuckle at her. “We don’t even know where the warehouse is located.”

I sigh and pull off my shoes.

“I’ve got an idea,” I announce and smile at her.

My phone rings, and I pull it out from my peacoat. I swipe the answer icon and press the phone against my ear.


“Ariel…” she drawls out.

I giggle and remove my other shoe. “How are you?”

“I’m not fine. You don’t care about me anymore, including Gray. He promised he was gonna take me out with you, and yet he didn’t call to check on me or visit again. You didn’t even call either. I’m so mad at you.”

I sigh and drop my shoes next to the other one close to the couch.

“Kenny, I’m so sorry. I’ve been pretty occupied lately…”

“I knew you were gonna say that,” she points out, and I giggle.

“Alright, how can I make it up to you?”

“Come visit me with Jamal.”

Damn, Gray. Where on earth are you?

“Gray’s not around,” I say. A tear threatens to slip out of my eyes. I blink rapidly and sigh.

“Did he travel again?” she asks.

Alexa looks at me with furrowed brows and gestures to my phone with a look that simply means what’s going on?

“Yeah. He traveled. But he will be back soon. Where are you at? Mom or Dad?”

“I’m with Mom. I want you to come visit me, Ariel.”

“Yeah, sure. Can you text me the address? I’m gonna come over.”

“Yes!” she squeals, and I can hear her giggle.

“Honey, who are you talking to?” I hear Jhene’s voice in the background.

“It’s Ariel.”

“Why are you speaking with her?” Jhene asks on the phone.

“You should quit hating, Mom,” Kennedy says. “Ariel, are you still there?”

“Yeah. Text the address, will you?”

“Sure,” she giggles and hangs up.

I puff out my breath and keep my phone on the couch.


“Yes…” I breathe out and run my hands through my hair.

“She wanted me to come with Gray.”

“I’m just wondering how they are gonna react when they find out Gray Carter was shot and he’s gone missing.”

“I don’t know, Alexa.”

“I’m gonna be truthful to you, Ariel. They’re gonna feel bad. And the point is, what if he doesn’t come back?”

I look up at her and blink back the tears.

“He’s gonna come back, alright?”

She sighs and stands up from my bed. She walks to the couch and sits next to me.

“Was he doing fine before the shot?”


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