I nod. “Yeah, he was fine. He was doing okay, and he was strong. Gray is a strong man. He might not like to say he’s got an allergy, but he hates hospitals. He hates acting sick too,” I tell her.
“Where was he shot? Was he wearing any Kevlar vest at all?” she asks, and that didn’t ring a bell earlier.
“Kevlar vest? I don’t know about that. I didn’t see him get dressed. And about where he was shot, first was his shoulder, then his chest—his pec, actually. And then… I don’t really know the last spot. I think it’s his ankle.”
“Damn. That pec shot is kinda risky. It’s like a 50/50 chance, Ariel. He is gonna be fine if the shot isn’t close to his heart. The ankle and shoulder, that’s not really big, but the chest… Jeez. What if he’s in a coma as we’re speaking?”
“Coma? But where?”
“That’s the issue. Nobody knows. He’ll be fine, I’m pretty sure of that,” she says and wraps her arms around me as she pulls me close.
“It’s okay, alright? Gray will be back. I’m really sure he’s in a coma somewhere, and he’s gonna be fine. We should start drawing maps and plans on how to take Moskov out for good.”
I chuckle and wrap my arms around Alexa’s torso.
“Thanks, Alexa. I truly owe you.”
“Alright, breathe, sister. That’s my responsibility, alright? You’re my responsibility. If I don’t look out for you, no one will,” she says, and I smile.
“Thank you,” I say and pull away from her.
“That really doesn’t make any sense. I can’t just leave my house and go to some place because an anonymous number sent me a text. What if it’s the wrong warehouse?”
“Oh my God. Jesus, you nag a lot when you’re pregnant.”
I roll my eyes and huff.
“So when are you ready to tell Brandon and Piper that you’re pregnant? We’ve been skipping class lately.”
“I don’t know. Maybe after I know Gray’s whereabouts and that he’s fine.”
She drives at a slow pace to keep up with him. I tap my fingers on the window sill and lean into the car seat.
Forty minutes into the cat chase, the Lexus car the mobster is driving slows down ahead of us. Alexa slows down her car as we watch the man drive inside a warehouse.
“Don’t tell me that’s the warehouse.”
“Of course it’s the warehouse. Let’s get out of here, mission accomplished,” she says and reverses the car as we drive back.
We stand on the roof of a building as Manny and I look at the warehouse through the binoculars.
Alexa stands next to Spencer, and they share a cigarette.
“Alright, this will be hard,” Manny says at once as he looks at me.
“Life ain’t easy either,” Alexa says, giving Spencer the cigarette back.
Two other guys are on the roof too. I watch them open the duffel bag and bring out a sniper rifle.
“This is different, Alexa,” he says and looks through the binoculars again. I don’t look; instead, I give it to Alexa.
“There are two guys at the gate. You’ll have to get past those two, and that’s kinda easy…” Manny narrates. “And right outside the warehouse, we have ten men, all armed.
There are four men on the roof as we’re speaking. There’s a door at the end, and I think that leads to the inside of the warehouse,” he says and looks back at us.
“The problem isn’t the outside, but the inside. No matter what, you can’t pass these men without a gunfight.
It’s not possible. You’ll have to shoot your way through, and it mustn’t be loud in order not to alert the guys inside,” Manny continues.
“You sure you wanna do this?” Spencer asks me.
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