Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 271 – 280


We walk inside, and it’s actually abandoned.

I look around for a door and see one at the end. Alexa and I walk to the door and open it. A bright hallway appears before us as we enter. Two men appear from the hallway, and we shoot them at once. They fall down dead.

“Do you think they deserve this?” I ask Alexa and smirk at her.

“Fuck, yes.”

I stop at the dead men and pull out their guns from their belts. I tuck both guns in my pocket, and we continue walking.

“Who the fuck are you?” a man asks, but Alexa pulls the trigger without giving him a damn reply.

“Bitch,” she cusses.

“I never knew this could be fun sometimes,” I say as we walk down the hallway.

“Don’t get used to it, or your son is taking over the mob.”

“Hell no.”

She chuckles. “Hide your gun. There’s a guard at the door,” she says as we stop moving.

I tuck both guns inside my pants and turn to look at Alexa.

“This has to be quiet. We don’t want war.” She winks at me and walks ahead of me.

“Hey, buddy.” She smiles at him and kicks him in the face.

She grabs him by the collar and slams him against the wall. The next thing I hear is a broken neck. She twisted his neck. The man slumps down the wall and falls dead.

She bends down, picks up his gun, tucks it inside her pants, and smiles at me.

Damn, I need to learn how to do that.

We open the door and step inside. The noisy music welcomes us once we’re inside.

“We’re inside,” I say through the earpiece to Manny and the others.

“Good, be careful,” Manny replies through the mic.

“The others can start coming in,” Alexa says as we sway past sweaty bodies dancing.

We walk to the bar as I survey the club for any door. Truthfully, there’s one, and a man stands in front of it.

“How are we gonna get past that door?” I ask Alexa.

“Easy.” She snaps at a girl with barely any clothing who’s leaning against the wall.

The girl walks to us with a seductive smirk as she looks at both of us.

“You need servicing tonight?” the girl asks.

“No, dear, I’m straight. I’ve got a job for you.”

Her smile falters as she stares at both of us.

“What fucking job?”

“How about seducing that hot guy standing right at that door, and I’ll give you a thousand grand?”

“You’re kidding?” She grimaces, and I roll my eyes, slowly pulling out five hundred dollars from my peacoat pocket.

“That’s five hundred dollars. We ain’t playing. Just get him out of that door,” I say and give her the money.

Alexa shoves her hand inside her peacoat, pulls out the remaining half, and gives it to her.

“Seduce him and make him leave that door.”

We motion to the door, and her eyes follow our stare.

“Alright.” She tucks the money inside her boobies and leaves.

“Water…” I tell the bartender.

He nods with a smile and hands me a bottle of water.

“Are you Russian?” I ask him and uncap my bottle.

“Yes,” he replies with a smile. Oh, I get it. He thinks I’m flirting with him.

“Why are there so many Russians in here?” I ask and bite my bottom lip.

“Maybe because a Russian owns it,” he replies.

Alexa scoffs beside me.

“Who? Moskov?”

“Yeah, Moskov,” he says.

“Thanks. It’s sad I barely see him around here. I always hang out here, but I only saw him once. Was wondering if he hangs out here at all.”


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