Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 31 – 40


“I’m calling mom and you’re dropping out of college..” those words were like ice but right now I don’t even care. I’m tired of being treated like trash. A ten years old.

“Ariel..” Alexa call my name as she walks into my room. Stopping right at my door frame she looks at Leslie’s red face and smirk.
“I’m not a prophet but I’m sure someone almost got murdered.”

For some awkward reason Leslie fears Alexa. And they are both same age.
“Sup Leslie. You don’t look good but don’t worry we will talk about it once we’re back. My boyfriend’s waiting downstairs , got to hurry.” She grab my hand and blow kisses at Leslie before we walk down the hallway.

We step into the elevator and I’m still quiet. I hate being threatened. And without doubts after this party something bad is definitely gonna happen.

“You look pretty.” Alexa smiles at me to lighten the mood.
I fake a smile and sigh.

“Look I don’t know what happened back there but if what I thought happened happens then you really don’t have to let it burn your night. My middle finger to Leslie’s bitchy attitude.

She sucks and you’re gonna have fun.” She nudge me as we step out of the elevator.

We walk out of the building as I gasp at the black limousine and Bobby is standing close to it including Piper and Brandon who wouldn’t stop recording Snapchat videos.

“Ready milady ?” Bobby asks Alexa stretching out his hands.
“Yes” Last time I remembered , this wasn’t Alexa’s real boyfriend.

The driver opens the door as we troop in. The interior is far better than the exterior. Wow. A song pops out of the system as Alexa squeal and dance to the song on her seat. I wasn’t concentrating that much cause of my drama with Leslie.

” Princess.” Brandon whispers and nudge me with his elbow.
“You’re okay right ?” He asks looking concerned. The girls were busy singing another song that already covered the space of the car.

I smile and nod.

“Thanks Brandon.” I smile and try to drown to the lyrics of the song. I notice the artiste is Justin Bieber. He happens to be one of Leslie’s favourite artiste.

The car pulls to a stop as I look outside through the tinted windows. The outside was strictly designed for the rich and not just the rich , the important ones. The driver step out as he quickly open the door for us.

I snap out of my thoughts and swallow an unknown lump on my throat at just the sight. It’s obvious these are the type of places Gray Carter usually visits. The cars at the lot would tell you this place is meant for VIPs. Jesus.

I walk beside Alexa as Bobby show the front guard a card as he lets us in. My heartbeat rate was a bit rapid as we step on this expensive club. Wow. A loud music plays through the speakers and the chairs were covered with well dressed people.

Bobby finds a really secluded area as we sit. He snap at the bartenders and they filled our table with booze.

” Go on ladies and gentleman.” He smiles at Brandon as Alexa opened the cork of a wine filling a glass. She push it to me and smile.
God. Hope this isn’t alcohol.

” Go on guys. Drink your pains away.” Piper giggle as she pour little quantity of every alcohol on the table in one glass. What type of combination is that ?

I sip mine and thank God for it’s fruity taste. This place smells of booze and cigarettes. But it’s still sight seeing. I watch the clubbers as Piper drink her pains away. she’s drunk and she’s not stopping. Brandon on the other hand is also drunk but he doesn’t show it. Alexa is already situated on Bobby’s lap as they kiss .

Piper makes annoying noises since she’s drunk. I went back to observing the crowds and gulp down my second glass of fruity wine I don’t even know it’s name. I’m a bit tipsy and anymore glass I’m gonna get drunk. Without hesitation I pour a little quantity on the glass and continue drinking. Alexa laughs on Bobby’s lap as she starts giving him a lap dance.

My eyes dart to a little murmuring from the end of the club. The red light managed to brighten the club as few guys walk into the club. All I could see was black all through.

“Damn , is that Gray ?” Brandon asks as he stares at the view at the end.
Piper who was busy muttering nonsense stopped and I was grateful.


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