I chuckle at my thoughts as Gray playfully glare at me. I smile and bite my lips. Maybe he’s not really bad. He halts the car in a parking lot. The view outside looks like the countryside. It’s perfect and beautiful.
“Are you hungry ?”
I smile and shrug.
“So it’s a date then ?” I really don’t know how to answer that. Gray is a mixture of surprises.
“I thought you were taking me to sell me off..” I joke.
“Wow. That’s epic , we should give it a try right ?” He raise his brows and smile. What an asshole. I blush at his cute face and look out of the window.
I didn’t notice he step out of the car as he held out the door for me. He stretch out his hand and I gladly take it and almost trip but luckily his firm hands caught me.
“I like your hair.” Was the first thing that comes out of his mouth still holding me to himself and briefly leaning me against his car.
“Thanks.” I can’t breathe again.
We’re too close and just a step we’ll be kissing. He run his hands through my hair as I whimper to his touch. My eyes fought to stare elsewhere but it couldn’t.
My eyes are automatically glue to his and all I could perceive is his own cologne. It’s perfect. Something is wrong with me and I don’t like that something.
“You look beautiful. Every single day you’re always stunning.”
It’s always hard to know that I’m beautiful when I have an abusive and annoying sister who finds joy in pointing out my faults.
With Gray it’s different. He’s different.
“It’s so hard to stay away from you. I tried but you’re always everywhere. Everything is so special about you , Tinkerbell.” How come he doesn’t see my flaws like others ?
He’s Gray Carter and I’m just Ariel.
A depressed girl who was supposed to be at the convent but my bad luck spoilt everything and moved us to New York to meet Gray ?
He leans closer and wrap his right hand on my curves moving up to hold my waist. My hands flatten on his chest and what i want right now is to kiss him again. But this doesn’t sound right but it feels right.
“Wanna kiss me again ?” He asks in a really flirty tone. That sort of made my core clench. What’s he doing to me ? Won’t I get hurt at the end of his ride ? Doesn’t even matter we’re not dating.
He would never date someone like me. And I don’t even wanna date anyone. Our lips brush partly as I absently part my lips to welcome his kiss but someone clears his throat behind us.
Bummer !!
We turn in unison to look at this perfectly shaved gentle man with his super sewed suit. And now I’m shy because he almost withneesed us kissing.
“Mr Carter , nice to see you again.” He stretch his hands out politely to take Gray’s.
“Welcome milady.” He directs his greetings to me as I smile.
“Thank you Desmond.” Gray says as we follow this man behind. His hands not leaving mine.
I stare at this place and it’s beautiful and quiet. The street lights illuminated the outdoor as people pair along , laughing and talking. It’s like there’s a carnival today. I glance at the stores at the right and it’s transparent glass . Pizzeria huh , hmm.
“You’re okay ?” Gray whispers giving my hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah.” I gulp at the foreign feeling at the contact of our hands as I tried to sneak out of his grip. He was stronger and refused to give in.
We walk to a field as we walk up the hill. It was far romantic up here. You could see the entire population downwards and I could spot a lake at the end of the other side of the hill. There were few seats here , meaning it’s reserved or maybe for important people. I still don’t even know who he’s.
“Does it matter ? He’s hot that’s what matters.” My conscience whisper. I hate her sometimes. We’re obviously different.
Gray draws out a seat for me to sit down. I smile at his gesture and sit down on the chair while Gray takes the opposite one. We were opposite each other and just a single move my knees would be grazing Gray’s.
“I’ll call in the waitress. It’s a pleasure Mr Carter.”
“Sure.” Gray said to him as he walks away shooting me a friendly smile.
“What’s this place ?” I decide to start a conversation.
“It’s a place.” He smirks and I scoff. He’s so irritating sometime.
“I love coming here. It’s like home but in a different version and it’s peaceful out here.” I nod to his claims and look around.
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