Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 61 – 70


I roll my eyes and step inside my room. I lean against the door and slide down. I can’t stop weeping. How can I be so stupid ? Always stupid.

I barely could fathom why I’m always making wrong decisions. Freddie , now Gray. I rest my elbows on my knees and hold my head in my hands.

What have I gotten myself into ? The most annoying part is that he is always making me want him badly. Despite the stupid stunt he pulled out there , I wish he was here to hold me again.

I crawl to bed without taking off my clothes and it’s weird I dreamt about him.
The following morning , I was up late. I lazily stride to the bathroom to quickly shower and go to class.

I stop by my bathroom mirror and check out my reflection. Holy Christ , i look like shit. I rub my palms on my face and lather my skin harder than usual. I feel weird and that bloody shootout is refusing to get out of my head.

I’d never thought i will watch someone kill someone. But then someone that I truly liked shot someone in my presence and he’s not willing to talk about it.

Getting ready for class , I walk out of the apartment to go to class. Ryan was the first person I saw when I step in my first class. He flash me his boyish grin exposing his dimpled cheek.

I think it’s time i forget Gray Carter if I wanna live. He’s too closed up and secretive. But then , I can’t even look at him without loosing my mind. How could he know each of my buttons and when to press it.
“Hi.” I smile at Ryan and sit next to him.

“Hey. You look pretty.”
“Thanks. You’re not looking bad yourself. How are you ?” I ask him.
” I’m good. Still owe you a burger.”
I chuckle and turn to look at him.
“You don’t really have to. I mean it’s like stressing you out.”

“I’d like to Ariel. It’s just a burger at Sands & Winches and also I’m inviting you to a frat party this weekend if you are not that busy.”

” Wow. Frat , I’m gonna think about it. And maybe after class , we can go have the burger together.”
“Thanks.” He flash his dimpled cheeks as the professor walks in.
I place my notepad on the desk to begin writing. I saw Brandon with Piper as they smile at me.

Really ? Are they over my lies yet ? I would really need a girls time after my incident with Gray. What a mess kinda life I’m living. From one shit to another.

“Planning for the exams ?” Ryan ask me once we step inside sands & Winches.

“Yeah. I can’t wait for vacation. I need a good nap and maybe an internship.”

“Internship ? Got a place in mind ?”
Truly I liked Summit , but then my mystery man owns it. I can’t work under him and also he’s a murderer.
“Not really.” I reply and take a seat on one of the booths.

“Alright. Maybe I can look out for you. Sinclair’s isn’t bad right ?”
“Sinclair ? I’d like it. Thanks Ryan.” He smiles and nod as we take our orders.

“Hey guys. Damn it’s so hot out there.” Piper smiles at me before sitting next to me. Brandon sits across us grinning like a kid who won a lottery to visit chocolate factory.

“Hey guys. Are you guys for real ?”
Piper giggles and shrugs. Her eyes land on Ryan as she smirks.

“Are you asking her out ? She’s not single and obviously not searching Ryan.” Piper tells him as the waitress brought in our order. A chicken Burger !

” Are we getting our order or not ?” Brandon asks and lean watching Ryan and me.

“Sure.” Ryan snap at the waitress as she walks back to our booth to take Brandon and Piper’s orders.

“So Ryan , hope we’re not disturbing anything ? We missed our buddy and we’d like to snatch her anytime soon ?” She winks and smiles at both of them.

I so much miss them. My life had been more dramatic than i could ever imagine. We eat and talk and thankfully, no one brought up anything about Gray.


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