Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 61 – 70


Our tongues move in rhythm with so much desperation. I missed him, same I wanna be far from him. I’m too weak to tell him to leave me alone not with such connections. He trail his hands inside my mid thigh dress as his hands smooth my skin.

He tease my upper lip with his mouth and we are back to eating each other out. I grab his jacket and pull me to himself with my lips still in motion with his.

He caressed my curves to my ass and cup it through my drese before giving it a gentle squeeze. I moan and I know it’s time to stop what we’re doing. I’m gonna get hurt if I keep up with this.

“Stop.” I push him back gently and try to catch my breath.
I see a trace of my lipstick on his pink swollen lips.

“Ariel , I’m sorry.”
“It’s not about being sorry. I can’t really remember if you hurt me. You’re nice and all that good stuff but we should stop. I can barely swallow last night’s incident.

Ever since I met you , I can’t even think straight. I can’t even avoid you each time I try because you’re always coming back.

Gray please i need you to respect my decision and let’s stay away from each other. I know I’m not better than most of the girls you’ve been with but I can’t handle you.”

“So what are you saying ?”
“I’m saying we should stop seeing each other. I’m tired of your world. If I keep up with you , I’m gonna get drowned in it. I’m sorry we should stop.

These guns , Russian beefs and all that bloody issues , I don’t want them. I can’t handle them. Gray let me go.” I sigh and bite my lip hardly. I know I sound selfish but I wanna go home.

He stares darkly at me and stuff his hands inside his pockets. His eyes are emotionless and it’s making me feel weird again.

And then , he takes a step closer to me so i can perceive his cologne and feel his lips inches away from mine. Why does he have such effects on me. What are these feelings called ? Love ? no way !

” You’re hard to avoid Ariel. You’re too fuckin pretty to just let go.”
“You’re not getting it are you ? Ever since I met you, it’s always one bad luck and another. Envious super models , Employees, friends and even you.”

“I can’t handle them. I’m sorry if i sound annoying but you’re one of those bad lucks that’s infected my normal boring life and I want you to leave me alone..” That hurts. I know but I need to.

He smirks and nod. He step backwards and nod again before turning his back away from me as he walks away without even looking back.
Now I have messed up. Again!



Who knew you could feel this type of emotions when a girl tells you to fuckin stay away from her. Shit , it hurts a lot.

The painful part is that I like her. She’s all too scaredy to notice that I was willing to do anything within my powers to protect her. I bite the inside of my cheek and stare at space.

My hands are in my pocket as I watch my compound through the glass walls. How can someone be so perfect and also has a huge effect on me. I wanna stop thinking about her but it’s impossible.

Her words that night still sings in my head. She called me bad luck and said she doesn’t want me. It fuckin hurts.

I can’t even remember a girl telling me they don’t want me. It’s never heard of. Just walking inside a club and a lot of bitches are already throwing their selves at me. Fuck !

“Gray.” Reid calls behind me.
“I’m not in the mood.”
“You’ve been skipping work man. What’s up with you ?” I sigh and turn to face him.

He hands me a cigar and a lighter as i light it up. I take the wine filled glass from him and chug down the content.

“You look broken. Love isn’t for men like you. You’re too grown up for that.”
I chuckle.” So what makes you think I’m in love ?”

“I know you’re not. I’m just trying to remind you who you’re. Some little dumbass shouldn’t make you think to death. You have a business to run.” He reminds me like i actually forgot.

Maybe I actually did forgot. Thanks to Ariel. She makes me want her so badly and it’s annoying.


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