Zinedine was still speechless and didn’t send a reply. He wondered if this hacker heard what he told his secretary or they really do think alike.
Even when a new message from the hacker came he ignored it and focused on the work at hand, when he is less busy he’s going to look at the new message.
Eleanor’s Home:
A few hours later Eleanor was done cooking and served Samira and Hiro fried rice and chicken with some wine to go down with it in her dining room.
Taking a spoonful Hiro smiled at Eleanor sweetly.
“This is so delicious Aunt Eleanor.” He said.
“Thank you Hiro.” Eleanor was all smiles.
“Why don’t you open an eatery and sell this to people, you will make more money from it while my mum will bake cakes and cookies for you in your new eatery, she’s that good with it.” Hiro suggested as he ate more rice and chicken.
“Aww Hiro, thanks for your compliment but the money I have can last me a lifetime and I don’t cook anyhow except to the people I consider my friends or family.” Eleanor told him, her smile increasing by the minute.
“So what job do you do then that makes you have so much money?” Hiro asked in curiosity.
“Oh,” Eleanor said, exchanging glances with Samira, she wasn’t expecting that question. “I run online businesses here and there Hiro, it pays well.” she answered not going to tell Hiro the real truth of how she got her money.
“Okay, that’s nice.” Hiro utter and the rest of the breakfast was in silence. He was done and thanked both women with him and proceeded back to the guest room. He stopped and turned to face his mother. “Mum, is father here?” he asked innocently.
Samira nearly choked on the wine she was drinking and began to cough. Eleanor began patting her back until the cough stopped. Dropping her glass of wine to return her gaze back to her son who hadn’t moved from where he stood. He was waiting, his gaze steady.
“Why do you suddenly ask?” Samira answered with her own question. “Did something happen?” She added.
“No, I am just asking, you’ve never spoken about my father before and I am just curious.” Hiro replied.
“That’s because he isn’t important and the answer to your question, your father isn’t here.” Samira told her son. No way was she telling him about Zinedine.
Hiro shrugged and left making Samira breathe out in relief, she didn’t even know she was holding her breath.
Once they were alone Eleanor breaks the silence that has befell them. “You know that he is always on the news, billboards and so on and so forth, he will see them. I will suggest you tell Hiro who his father is, he is seven years old and he would understand.”
“Eleanor, I can’t, okay.”
“Why? Look, Zinedine can protect you both from any danger than me.” Eleanor tries to reason with Samira.
“You don’t understand, I lived with the pack and I know what I went through in there. I am an Omega wolf Eleanor, you won’t understand because you are not a wolf.” Samira said sipping her wine slowly.
“I hunt your kind Samira so I know what an Omega wolf is but Zinedine doesn’t see you that way.”
“I can’t really tell.”
“Well you would if you stopped running away every time you saw him.”
“Eleanor, an Omega wolf is a weak wolf to the rest of the other wolves and they will take advantage of it and make you do whatever they want you to do and I don’t want that for my son or for myself.”
“But he carries his father gene,”
“And mine too, don’t forget that and I am going to protect him with all I got even if it is the last thing I do, especially from the Wilderwood.”
“You have a long history with them that made you hate the family so much, right?” Eleanor asked with raised brows.
“You have no idea Eleanor. I went through a lot there.”
“Well we have nothing else to do, so tell me Samira, what’s your story?”
“I really don’t want to talk about it, Eleanor, all I can say is that it wasn’t a pleasant one in that pack or living and working with them. Thinking about it will bring back the old memories I had long buried.” Samira answered.
“You always dodge the question whenever it is asked, why?”
“Let’s do it this way then,” Samira said, “Since you really do want to know about my story, why don’t you tell me your own story, why did you leave your place and decided to live here all alone.”
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