???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80

By Nelly


“Lemme go get something across then” Annalise said and stood up grabbing her purse

“I’ll be back” she whispered and left

She walked to the restaurant that was nearby and got two packaged meals for herself and Layla

After paying she turned to leave but immediately bumped into someone

“I’m sorry” she apologized

“It’s alright, I think you dropped this” the person said holding out her card to her

“Oh thank you” she smiled looking up at the person, it was a man that looked late forties

“You’re welcome” the man grinned at her and walked to the counter, she felt something was off about him but shrugged and left but not after checking all of her stuffs if anything was missing

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80

????? ???? ???..??

“I already made a list of them and they aren’t much, and they really are powerful” Frenchie said keeping her coffee on the table as she handed Gary the file

“Took me all night for me to do that” she added and Gary glanced at her with raised brows

So that’s why she’s drinking coffee

“Yes, I really don’t care” Gary said rolling his eyes and Frenchie rolled hers also

“Didn’t want you to, just wanting to let you know how much effort I put I to this”

“What do you want me to do, congratulate you or maybe giving treats?” Gary asked in pure sarcasm

“It wasn’t for you, it was for Mr Zane and Mr Kai” Frenchie said through gritted teeth but Gary only gave her his annoying smirk

“Then why tell me in the first place?”

“Urghh, I really can’t stand you” she gritted her teeth while Gary smiled triumphantly, Gary 1- Frenchie 0

“We’re meeting with Mr Robert Templeman first” Frenchie said

“Do you know his address?” Gary asked as he took his car keys and they went to the elevator that led to the parking lot

“Yup, it’s not far from here, he’s living in one of his penthouse for now before leaving by next week” Frenchie explained as they got out of the elevator and into his car

“And I set up a meeting with him, today, he’s expecting us” Frenchie added

“Impressive” Gary nodded giving her a little smile, he started the car and drove out of the company

“I always do my job perfectly, I’m highly reliable when it comes to my job” Frenchie said smiling proudly

“But you didn’t do one at all” Gary said

“That because I didn’t want to” Frenchie replied

“Are you sure or are you just incompetent?” Gary asked

“I really have no idea what is wrong with you Mr Gary but now I really wished I had done my job back then, then one about you”

“Oh no you don’t, that would’ve been impossible” Gary chuckled

“I had so many chances to kill your butt bit I ignored it because I felt pity for you”

“And honestly everyone understands the reason why but you’re just being a douchebag who wouldn’t let go of the past and trust me that is nasty, you’re toxic” Frenchie spat.

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80

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