???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

By Nelly


Annalise eyes fluttered open, she yawned and made to sit up but winced and laid back down

Just then the door opened and Zane came in with a tray of meal, he smiled when he saw she was awake

“Morning” he greeted

“Hey” she smiled too

He set the meal on the bedside table and leaned closer to her, placing a kss on her lips

“How are you feeling?” He asked and she pouted pointing at her thighs

“I’m feeling sore”

“I’m sorry alright” he kissed her forehead and then her lips

She sighted the food and her eyes lit up

“What is that?”

“Marissa made it for you, it’ll help for a bit” Zane replied carrying the meal to her front

“Feed me” she said and he nodded

He fed her a spoonful and wiped the corner of her lips with a kss, Annalise creased her brows at how he kept stealing ksses and she also noticed he looked really happy

“Why are you so happy this morning?” She asked

“Haven’t I always been happy?” Zane asked back

“No, I mean you look way to happy today”

“I love you” he suddenly said and she froze for a second, well she has always been the one saying it

He decided to take the initiative today, her face heated up and her heart warmed up

“Awww, I love you too” she gushed and hugged him, her legs were still sore but she didn’t let go….

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

“Awww, I love you too” she gushed and hugged him, her legs were still sore but she didn’t let go

Zane smiled and caressed her chin, hearing those words from her mouth made his heart warm, he raised her chin to kiss her when….

“Is this the reason you didn’t allow her come for breakfast?” That was Layla

Annalise blushed and moved away from Zane who had an obvious frown on his face, he was glaring at Layla who didn’t seem to notice that

“Layla” Annalise called with red cheeks

“You wanted to keep her to yourself? That’s unfair” Layla whined but Zane wasn’t getting any of it

“Get out, you can come after she’s done with breakfast” he said


“She needs to eat” he said again and Layla found herself walking out

“You didn’t have to chase her like that” Annalise pouted

“You need food and absolute rest princess” Zane said

“Princess?” Annalise asked amused

“What?, You’re my princess now, my angel” he teased and she blushed at his flirting

He’s been super nice and a little too possessive

After breakfast she laid back while Zane took the plate downstairs

Soon Layla came in with Frenchie

“Hey guys”

Layla noticed the hickeys on Annalise neck, that seemed to give her the clue because she smiled naughtily

“I can see why he snapped at me” Layla said and Annalise stared at her in confusion


???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

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