???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

By Nelly


Lex lit a Β’igarette and turned to Carlo

“What is in?” He asked

“I don’t know boss and it’s from an anonymous person, it had a letter and I think it was directed to you personally”

“And you don’t know the location it came from?”

“No boss but it might from one of our bases” Carlo replied

Lex nodded signifying him to open the box

Carlo obeyed but his eyes widened at the content, it was the head and the dk of one his closest men, the man after Carlo

Lex was also shocked

“What?!!!” Lex and Frenchie screamed

Because back at the island, Frenchie was staring wide eyed at her sixteen years old sister

In shock!!

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

Frenchie was really Shocked because in front of her stood her sixteen years old sister Camille

“C… Camille” Frenchie stuttered

“Sis” Camille replied with teared eyes hugging Frenchie who hugged her back in tears also

“You’re okay” Frenchie repeated

They hadn’t seen each other in months and seeing her okay and looking healthy made Frenchie sob in relief


???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

Meanwhile back in Los Angeles, Lex was still staring wide eyed at the box when Carlo brought out a letter that the box had come with

In it read..

*How do you like my package Lex, what would it feel like if it was your second in command*

Lex stared at Carlo who was also staring back at him wide eyed

“C.. call that bch right now” he ordered

Frenchie’s froze when she saw Lex calling, Gary who was closest to her saw the caller ID and stretched his hand to her

“Huh??” Frenchie asked

“The phone” Gary said in a cold voice

Frenchie gave the phone to Gary who answered the call and placed the phone on his ear but didn’t say a word

“You bch…” Lex roared but Gary didn’t say a word

“I hope you haven’t been caught considering how dumb you are, my mind told me to not give you the job but I just did

And now you’ve been joking around with me, you seriously are thinking that I was joking when I said I’d kll that stupid sister of yours right?”

When he still didn’t get a reply, Lex stared at the phone, the call was still on but she didn’t say anything?

Even at the mention of her sister?

Soon, a sigh came from the other end, it was Gary

“You’re such a loud mouth” Gary said calmly

Lex’s face froze, what was he doing with her phone, had she been caught?

“Who knew the most dangerous Lex could have such a tap as a mouth” Gary said and sighed again

He pinched the bridge of his nose, Frenchie thought he almost looked like Zane

“W… What are you doing with her phone?” Lex stuttered

“Isn’t it obvious? She’s as dumb as her boss” Gary replied.

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 61 – 70

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