???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80

By Nelly


“Yoh do realize I’m driving right?” Gary asked and Frenchie frowned in confusion

“What do you mean?”

“You calling me names might get me angry and I might run into something specifically on your side”

“Well I’m not an assassin for nothing, I’m not dying alone in a car we’re both in, I’m definitely taking you to h’ll with me”

“That’s his house” she pointed and Gary drove to the gate, the gate keeper immediately opened the gate as if he had been expecting them

Gary drove in and pulled up in the driveway

“Just let me do the talking and don’t bring up your drama, please sir” Frenchie said and got down while Gary sucked in his breath

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80

They were led inside where the man, Mr Robert Templeman sat with a glass of whiskey in his hands

“Good day sir” Frenchie greeted

“Welcome” Mr Robert smiled warmly offering them a seat

“Would you like anything?” Mr Robert asked

“No thank you sir” Frenchie declined politely with a smile

“We’re here for business sir” Gary said

“Then get on with it” Mr Robert said

“You’re in partnership with Mr Lex Huntsman right?” Frenchie asked and the man nodded

“Any problem?”

“No, I was thinking, hoe about you cancel your partnership with Mr Lex and partner with us instead?” Frenchie asked

“And who are you?”

“Oh I’m Gary, one of the shareholders of ZGK tech” Gary said shocking Frenchie who had not expect to hear that

Is he joking?, But he wouldn’t joke with a serious business like this right?, But Mr Robert looked pleased

“So nice to meet you and trust me, I am more than willing to work with you, that stupid son of a gvn came to my home with a gvn pointed at me, forcing me to sign the contract and partner with him” Mr Robert explained

Frenchie and Gary looked at each other, well that was quiet unexpected, Frenchie smiled and brought out a paper

“That is the contract paper between you and Mr Lex, we want you to tear it and sign ours instead” Frenchie said and Mr Robert stared at her in shock, Gary was not an exception

How did she get a hold of it?, It seems she wasn’t joking when she said she put in a lot of effort and also when she said she does her job perfectly, that was quiet true

“Is…. Is that possible?…. I mean Lex is really. … Danger..”

“We’re assuring your full safety and that of your family” Gary said with a serious face that Frenchie found him mature, the business part of him was different, really different


“Then I have nothing to worry about, besides your company is all over the news and I’m proud that young men like you run a company like that” Mr Robert said happily

“Please tear Mr Lex’s contract and sign ours while I record it sir if you don’t mind” Frenchie said bringing out her phone


“Sure” Mr Robert nodded and Frenchie turned on her camera as Mr Robert started tearing the contract

Frenchie and Gary shared a smile, one down three more to go…


???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 71 – 80



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