“Who do you work for? What did you take from the house?” A cop asked.


Cookie is currently sitting opposite him with her hands resting on the table in front of them. She doesn’t even look like she’s going to speak anytime soon

The investigator glanced at the close door then back at her.

Mrs. Gregory was currently outside the door listening to everything they have to say, she wasn’t gonna let the thîef go Scot free, how dare she come into her house and stéâl things?

“Ms, I would like it if you cooperate….” The investigator was still saying when the door suddenly opened.

A man dressed in black suit made his way in, he had a briefcase with him.

“I’m attorney Gino, the state attorney and my client here has every right to remain calm till I come and as I have come here I think my clients is free to go,” he said, passing a piece of paper to the one questioning Cookie.

“Your clients,” the investigator said confused, he tossed the file over then flip the first page.

“Cookie Gregory?” He looked up at her, still holding the files.

“That’s correct, my clients visited her parent’s house and was accused of théft by her own mother,” The lawyer said

Meanwhile cookies mother who’s outside shook her head negatively, she knew what they want to do but there’s no way she’s gonna let them.

“That’s not my daughter, I Know what my daughter looks like, she’s fat and ugly, okay? That gorgeous creature is not my daughter, she’s a pretty thîef,” Cookie’s mother spats, refusing to believe whatever they were saying

She can actually hear what they are saying in there, not just her but other cops too.

“Mom,” Jennifer called, rushing into the station with her sister Juliet.

“What’s going on? Why shook your head?” Juliet asked instantly.

Mrs Gregory pointed at the window so they looked inside to see…..

“Wow,” Juliet exclamated, her eyes wide with shook and…. Fûçk the lady was a beauty.

“They said that is my daughter,” Mrs Gregory said still in denial.

“Well, she san teach me how she becomes so pretty,” Juliet said even before her mother could finish.

“You didn’t tell us you had another child,” Jennifer said suspiciously while glaring at her other.

“I don’t, okay, I only have you two,” Mrs. Gregory pulled her closer.

“What about Cookie?” Juliet asked

Jennifer glared daggers at her.

“She jumped over the bridge!” She snapped and Juliet nodded.

“Yeah, that’s correct,”

Back inside the interrogation room, Cookie still haven’t said a word. Another cop walked in whispering something into the other cops ear and he nods

“We would like to run a DNA test on her, to back up your claims,” the one interrogating her said

Cookies lawyer looked at her, as though asking for her permission and she nodded.

“Very well, we will provide it at the government hospital….”

“We are taking her blood now,” the one investigating them cut in and Cookies lawyer opened his mouth to argue

Cookie touched his trousers so he look at her, she nods again.

“Fine,” her lawyer said.

The door was opened for them and Cookie was the one in front, walking outside she came face to face with her family.

All three of them stared her down without recognizing her, tears burned in her tears. Does that mean her very own family doesn’t even recognize her?

Do they even miss her absence? If they hâtêd her so much why did her mother keep her?

Nothing hurts more than thinking you have people in your life Only to realize no one actually really cares, she was alone, being an orphan is more better than this cos she can’t fathom why they resent her so badly.

She began walking away but her steps were slow.

“Cookie?” Juliet suddenly called but her voice was uncertain.

Cookie slowed down completely then looked back at her, her heart pounding heavily, someone recognized her, shw wasn’t just left alone.


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