Written By Goddy Francis
I nervously rub my already sweaty palm against my arm. I’m nervous as usual and funny part he’s smoking a cancer stick.
He Inhales the stick , exhaling out the smoke through his nose. I cough giving him space since his cigar is still stuck in his mouth.
” My bad.” He takes it out and throw the blunt on the ground before stepping on it , squeezing his shoe on it.
” We’re cool ?” He ask and raise his brows.
I didn’t reply but stare at his eyes. I’ve already lost my breath. It’s so annoying he makes me nervous.
” You really don’t have to keep on checking me out.” He states. I look away embarrassed and face this bartender who was standing in front of us.
That’s really crazy. I’ve been standing here for minutes and the bartender didn’t even bother to look at me or ask what i needed. And this cute stranger showed up and he’s already here to take his orders.
” Tequila for me. Take the girl’s orders.” The bartender nods and then look at me.
” Do you have any liquid that’s basically not alcohol ?” I ask. Stranger looks at me weirdly including the bartender.
Did I just make a fool out of myself ?
” Get her cocktail.” Stranger answer. The bartender nods and left to get what he ordered. I badly wanted to ask what’s a cocktail but I shamelessly seal my mouth. All thanks to my parents.
” So what are you doing in a club ?” He asks and look at me taking in my figure. I know i look shamelessly different tonight.
” It shouldn’t be your business. Thanks for saving me by the way.” I sigh and tap endlessly on the counter trying to hide my nervousness.
” Alright.”
I stand impatiently close to this stranger and for some reasons best known to him, he’s always staring at me. Am I that horrible ? The bartender returns with a bottle and I’m sure that’s tequila.
He drops the bottle on the counter and three glasses of what I assume is cocktail.
” It’s not really bitter, Snow White.” I roll my eyes and look at the bartender.
” How much ?”
” Nevermind.” Stranger said and dig out his wallet to pay.
” Please don’t. I can pay my bills myself.” I don’t even know how much.
” It’s fine , Tinkerbell.” He paid the bartender.
” You don’t have to be annoying. You helped me out the other day and I really didn’t say thank you.”
I open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out. He looks breath taking and intimidating.
” You can join my table if you want.” He smirks and I really couldn’t speak.
I thought about Leslie and Alexa. They might be looking for me and on a second thought they are drunk and they wouldn’t care about me.
” I’m fine. Thanks for this.. cock..” I scoff.”Whatever.”
He nods and left with his tequila and a glass. I watch him walk back to the darkest part of the club.
I carried my drink and head back to the girls. Just like I pictured they are both drunk.
” Sup Ariel. Having fun ?” Leslie asks gulping a liquid which I assume is alcohol.
” Yeah.” I drop the cocktail on the table and sit down. I sip it and it tastes like mix fruits. I smile to it’s taste and continue to sip.
” Hey babe..” a black haired guy said kissing Alexa.
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