” So who’s this Sinclair ? And what does he look like ?” I ask Gray on our way to God knows where.
” He’s nothing Ariel. Just a mob boss and don’t take that personal.” Gray answers.
Another mob boss. First it was Cage and now Sinclair is also involve with the mobs.
” Why did you glare at Trent to stop talking ?”
” I notice you were being uneasy and uncomfortable. Imagine someone asking if you’re a daughter to some weirdo. You didn’t like the choice of topic , I had to help.” He says.
He’s right. I was uncomfortable. Yeah , I didn’t like the topic at all. Why did he have to ask me such questions. It’s irritating.
” Are you also a mob boss ?” I ask and turn to look at Gray. He doesn’t look tense or even bothered.
” Why are you asking me that ? You should know me better than the others. I’ve given you a lot of information about me that I haven’t given anyone.”
” Pfft.”
” Tinkerbell.”
” I’m fine, Jamal. You worry too much about me.” I sigh.
” Where do you wanna go ?” He asks and I’m grateful he chose to change the topic.
” A bridge.”
He nods and speed into the night. I stay quiet and look out the window. Gray parks his car close to the bridge and we get out. My feet already aches because of these killer heels.
” You’re okay ?” Gray asks beside me and wrap his hand around my waist.
” Not really. Leslie told my parents I was pregnant for you and you threatened me to get rid of it. She had to make me look like I’m the one who got pregnant and aborted it.” I sigh and lean my hands on the railing. The water flows gently and i bite back the urge to jump inside.
” What did your parents say ?” He asks and leans against the railing too.
” I didn’t wait for a reply , I punched Leslie. Alexa had to punch her yesterday and she almost beat her up.”
Gray chuckles. I chuckle and smile.
” She’s crazy and i like her.” Gray says referring to Alexa.
” Yeah. She’s been like that since we were in highschool and she’s always protective of me. Most times I wish she was my sister instead of Leslie.”
” Do you want me to have a word with your parents ?”
I smile and turn to look at Gray.” I’ll be fine. I just wanna be far from them. They just bring out the worst in me.” I say as a matter of fact.
Gray sighs and look down at me.
” Did Alexa tell you what happened ? At the hospital.”
” Yeah. Vladimir sent someone to kill her. She fought the man and took his life.” I explain.
Gray nods and stays quiet.
” Why did you choose to come to the bridge ?”
” I love to watch the water at night. It’s pretty.”
He smiles and nods.
” What happened to your father ?”
Gray looks irritated at the choice of topic.
” Why are you asking ?”
” I see nothing wrong in knowing about your father. What killed him ?”
” He was shot.” He replies dryly.
” Who shot him ? A mob or maybe a mob boss ?”
He looks at me and raises his brows. He smirks and bites his lip before looking down at the water.
” Have you ever thought about changing your major ? I have a list of good ones that suits you. Journalism ?”
I chuckle and swat his hands. Seriously , journalism.
” You make me look like I’m snooping.”
” I didn’t say that. He was a bad man and maybe he made so many bad decisions and he got shot for it.”
” You missed him right ?”
” f**k , no. sh*t , why would I ?”
” I mean he’s your father. Bad decisions or not.” I say.
He nods and doesn’t say a word.
” Alexa wants us to visit Miami.”
” Florida ?”
I nod. He scoffs and looks away from me.
” Why ?”
” It’s just for the weekend. She wants us to visit the beach and have a girls time.”
” And when’s that ?”
” Friday ?”
“Tomorrow? f**k. I don’t want you to go.” He sighs and watches me intensely.
” You miss me already ?”
He laughs and run his hands down his hair.
” Sort of and I don’t want anything to happen to you. You mean a lot to me Ariel.”
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