By Naomi Cindy B.

It’s over…

It’s fuçking over…

Where is her dîck???




The sounds of her heart slamming wildly against her ribcage echoed in her ears, and the ears became hot.

What’s she gonna do?


Should she twist and run away?

Nah, it’s not even an option cos before she’d take one step, he’d catch her.

She’s in his turf anyways, and escape is impossible, so she definitely has to think of something to say to slip out of this situation.

Madden’s chilly eyes are still on her, demanding an answer to what he said, and it’s so obvious in his eyes that he’s getting impatient.

It’s now she became conscious of how cold this manor can be, cos the air is seeping into her ears, making it cold in there.

It’s messing with her brain a lot, everything is.

“Michael?” His voice came again, and she opened her mouth carefully this time…

“Um….. the thing is…my dîck is… Always asleep. I’m impotent so it can’t stand” she lied and gave herself some accolades immediately.

She’s a good lair at least, but she was proved wrong by his next words…

“Even better, I’ll suck it back to life.”

Her eyes widened once again, and Madden’s eyes went to the band of her joggers.

“You want me to help you take off that stupid thing?” He said, his eyes freezing her.

“I… I’ll get sick if a gay sucks me I…

“Bullshit, shut the fûck” Madden glared, grabbing the joggers at each side.

He held it together with her boxers, and he was about to bring it down for real when Adeline raised a punch to his face.

Before it could get there, he caught it and stood, releasing her hand but giving her a punch on the side of her belly.

Adeline staggered back and fell against the mirrored wall, but she spranged up and came back for him, throwing back the punch.

Though it didn’t get to him as usual, but the punch got closer than before, and she’s surely improving.

He punched her on the belly again, that same spot.

She fell against the mirror for the second time, the sound of her harsh breathings resounding in the room as she stood again, twisting around this time and jumping up.

She touched the wall with right leg then brought her left leg to his face.

Madden saw that move in the die minute, but he was still able to grab her leg by the ankle.

That single grab almost cracked her bone, but he let go, and she fell against the mirror again.

This time, that mirror shattered, and the pieces fell behind her.

Angrily, she picked one of the pieces and came back to him.

Madden saw what was coming and waited for it without moving till she got to him.

She raised it to his neck and brought it down to jam into his vein when Poe came in.

She jumped forward immediately, kicking Adeline away.

Adeline staggered back, the broken mirror falling from her.

“What the fûck were you doing? No one survives a stab on the neck with a damn broken mirror!” Poe glared at her, and Adeline started calming with heavy breaths, coming back to her senses.

Honestly, two minutes ago, she had no idea what was happening to her.

When Madden threw her down for the third time and broke the mirror, she was thinking about just one thing…

Killing him cos she’s her opponent anyways.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking” she muttered.

“Why are you sorry?” Madden intervened, and Adeline looked up.

“The move you made two minutes ago, that’s who you really are… You only needed a push. That was your coolest performance so far” he continued, his eyes on her.

“But I could have killed you” Adeline replied, and he smirked.

“How did that sound in your little mouth, Micheal? Killed me? I saw it coming and knowingly waited. I could have stopped it before you stabbed me”


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