L.O.V.E More Than Four Letters: Chapter 1-10

?? L.O.V.E ??

???(More than four letters_Silverado high school)???

? Synopsis ?

Written by Naomi Cindy

Indeed love is more than four letters, just follow this story till the end and know what I’m talking about

Silverado high school is the best school in south Korea that supports singing and all other art activities

Only rich kids attend while the commoners only do in their dreams ?

Well in Silverado, there are five main singers, five most popular students with their angelic singing voices, they call themselves GOLD, each letter represents the name of each member

G_ Garrett, the most gentle in the group but not gentle when it comes to singing, he gives his best, he’s handsome and always frank, his parents are one of the richest in South Korea

O_ Olly!, See the exclamation mark?, Well he’s the most handsome , his hair always dyed white, he’s the main singer and g©sh!, He’s proud and arrogant, he never smiles, well except to Nicky his only junior sister…his dad is the owner of Silverado but the problem is that his dad and mum divorced since last year and since then, he has a great hatred for his dad(Alec Silverado), he lives in a different mansion from the other members, his eight years old sister (Nicky) is with her mum(Mrs Yvonne), he loves them both so much…he’s also an actor

L_ Loretta, she’s the only girl in the group, actually an Americano who has been in the school since a year ago, her parents are rich investors In the US….she’s kind but always stern when saying the truth.. beautiful brown eyes and natural gold coloured hair…she lives in another magnificent suite

D_ Dino is the joker among them, he jokes at every slight chance but he’s got a nice voice with that killer one sided dimple, he likes smiling a lot, his parents died in a plane crash two years ago and he has become the sole inheritor of the company since then…he’s very rich!, He lives in a big mansion with Garrett

In Silverado, there is also a female singing group who calls themselves BBS, they’re also daughters of rich parents and they live together in a mansion

B_ Becca is the leader of the group, main singer, rude, wicked and egocentric, once she knows what she wants, she goes for it uninterrupted

She has a crush on Olly though she hasn’t told him but she plans on telling him one day, Becca can be manipulative…her hair is always dyed pink

B_ Berry is the most gentle, she has the best voice and the most beautiful with that dyed white hair

S_ Sona is Becca’s advocate, always supporting Becca no matter what bad plan she had, she’s a parrot, can talk for a whole day with getting tired…she has a natural brown hair

They’re all nineteen and they’re all in their senior year, GOLD has their different classroom and BBS also has their different classroom


Tessa Romero is a pretty eighteen years old poor, ruthless, no nonsense commoner but who cares about beauty?, her dad(Robert Romero) is a car driver, when I say driver, I mean Alec Silverado (Olly’s dad) driver, , her mum is long dead… Tessa’s dad always comes back home tired late at night as a result of over driving, though he gets paid monthly without delay but not without too much work

Tessa always vowed to treat the fuck up of whoever always makes his dad overwork whenever he meets him though it’s all empty threat…she has been hearing about Silverado high School, the BBS and the GOLD cos they’re all over the internet and TV, especially when she heard her father’s boss is the owner of Silverado… it’s a school for the spoilt rich kids, how will she end up there anyways when she’s an ordinary driver’s daughter

She has a friend, her name is Tamara, she’s eighteen, Tamara is an orphan who lives with Madam Kang, a wicked woman in their neighbourhood…they both sell juice to drivers by the roadside, while Tessa keeps her money as savings, Tamara’s money got taken by madam Kang.. even with all the sufferings, Tamara talks like a mouth piece and is never tired…

They both have good voices but who’d want to listen???

What happens when they had good results after their form education and can’t go to high school cos of financial constraints?

What happens when they almost got hit by Mrs Yvonne(Olly’s mum) car while delivering juice?

What happens when she took pity on them and asks them to bring their results?

What happens when she’s impressed with it and signed them both in for a scholarship to study in Silverado?

Will stubborn Tessa agree to go?

What happens if she agrees?

Will madam Kang Allow Tamara?

What happens if she also agrees?

You can’t miss this r©mance packed novel!


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