THE FIVE COLORED STONES [Super Natural Story]: Episode 1 to 10
![THE FIVE COLORED STONES [Super Natural Story]: Episode 1 to 10.](
The Five Colored Stones
Supernatural Story
? Phoenix high school ?
?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??
? Episode one?
“wakey wakey sleepy sleepy head” l heard a voice in my sleep.
I tossed around on the bed and slept comfortablely.
“Get your lazy ass up” l heard another voice,l yawned and used a pillow to cover my ears.
“Clary what are you ……….” Before he could complete his statement, am up already, l knew it’s uncle Noah.
“I sat up, glared at Maya and Skylar and smiled sweetly at Uncle Noah.
“Good morning Uncle Noah” l greeted cheerfully.
“Get up Clary, you haven’t done your chores, you know what will happen if you go late to school.”
At the mention of school, l stood up immedaitely, l can’t bear the consequence of going late to school.
“I will get to work Immediately” l said to Uncle Noah and glared daggers at Maya and Skylar.
They promised to help me with my chores but failed,am so gonna deal with them.
My name is Clarissa, Clary for short, am fair in complexion, average in hieght, and beautiful, though l still doubt if am really beautiful as everyone says and am eighteen years old.
Am an orphan, it’s said that uncle Noah picked me up when l was seven, but unfortunately l couldn’t remember anything from my past not even my name.
That was how l began living with Uncle Noah,he gave me the name Clarissa,he, Skylar and Maya are my only family and l love them so much.
We are the lowest servant in the prime ministers Manor.
I was previledged to attend the most prestigious school in our clan because of uncle Noah, he did something good and the prime minister asked him to request anything and he mentioned for me to attend Phoenix high school.
Phoenix high school is a school for supernaturals but l still don’t know why uncle Noah insisted l attend the school.
(Back to present)
I rushed to the young master’s room, l will be cleaning his room today,l took everything l needed and headed to his room.
On my way l met the minister of finance daughter, she eyed me scornfully and hissed loudly.
I really don’t know why she hates me.
We are age mate and she attends Phoenix high school, she is a wtch.
She likes the prime ministers first son Lindon, the young master in our Manor.
I followed behind her, l knew she was heading to lindon’s room.
“Where are you heading” she asked annoyingly.
“Young master’s room” l said nonchalantly.
“How dare you answer me in that manner and without bowing?” She yelled and l glared at her.
Bow to her? that’s impossible, we are just age mates l thought and l scoffed.
“Guards get her”she yelled and l was captured immediately.
“Let me go” l screamed but their hold on me tightened.
“Lock her up” she ordered and they dragged me away.
What should l do?
I can’t miss school! Am not a supernatural,l won’t come out alive.
In Phoenix high school,you will be punished for being absent for the third time in a week.
Have been absent for two days already and being absent today will make it the third time.
You might be wondering what kind of punishment we are given.
Well, you will be sent to hunt down a fire dragon with the period of two hours, if you can’t make it out after two hours you will have to wait for another five years before you can come out,l heard only witches comes out in two hours and l also heard it’s just an illusion.
Cause it’s believed that supernaturals are stronger than humans and don’t usually fall ill, so they don’t have reasonable excuses for being absent.
I was locked in a cell in the prime ministers Manor.
What should l do?
I can’t let uncle Noah to get involved in this.
The last time he almost lost his job because of me.
I can’t be trapped in an illusion for five years.
I don’t have any powers.
I sighed and rested my head on my knee.
Just few minutes from now, l will be late from school already.
I need to get out of here.
“Aaaaaaaah” l screamed and a guard came rushing in.
“What’s it?” He asked.
“Aaaaaaaah am pressed, l need to poo”
I said.
“He eyed me scornfully and opened the gate.”
He followed me to the door of the restroom.
“Are you going to come in” l asked disdainfully.
“Just do your thing, if you try to act smart, you will be beheaded.”
“Blah blah blah” l thought and scoffed.
I entered into the restroom and stood for a moment.
What should l do?
Should l call him?
“I touched my necklace and called….
“Lonrenzo! Lonrenzo come and help me l whispered and he appeared immediately.
“Don’t you get tired of causing trouble?”he asked and l rolled my eyes at him.
“Your time is up” the guard said and banged the door.
“Help me out please.”
“You just said please Clary, is it that bad.”
“Lonrenzo, just take me to school will you?”
“But you are not putting on a uniform” he said and l glared at him.
Why does he enjoy seeing me worried?
“Your time is up” the guard yelled again and l panicked but in a twinkle of an eye, l found myself in the school building dressed in my school uniform.”
“Wow! Lonrenzo you are amazing” l squealed and turned to face him but he was no where to be found.
“Lonrenzo! Lonrenzo! I called but he was gone.tsk, he is too arrogant, appearing and disappearing without my permission.”
Who exactly his he?
Not my business, l should be glad he is always ready to help me.
“I turned to walk to class and gasped in surprise as the principal stood glaring daggers at me.”
“Run! My subconsciousness yelled and l made to run.”
“Freeze! She said and l was frozen in place.
Holly h’ll! I hate wtches.
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