Protected: A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL : CHAPTER 221 – 230


My gaze swept across the room, landing on the ten girls huddled together in fear. Their eyes were wide, reflecting a mix of terror and hopelessness, the moment their gaze met mine

“Why?” I yelled, my voice echoing off the walls. “Why did you let her leave before nine months were complete?”

They flinched at my tone, a few shrinking back as if my words were physical blows. One girl, her face streaked with tears, stepped forward. “We didn’t know! We thought she will be handled by the boss”

“you thought?” I spat, my anger flaring. “You keep having stupid thoughts!”

The girls exchanged nervous glances, their fear palpable. I could see the flickers of resolve in some of their eyes, but it was drowned out by the weight of guilt and fear.

“Do you understand what’s at stake?” I pressed, stepping closer. “Lucifer’s not just a man. He’s the Devil and now he wants to destroy their child. A child that could change everything!”

The girl who had spoken earlier shook her head, confusion clouding her features. “But we thought he loved the child”

“Love?” I scoffed, feeling my blood boil. “What do you know of love? Lucifer’s love is a only for Selene, no one else…. Not even his child!”

The weight of revelation hung in the air, and I could see the realization dawning on some of their faces. “You’re saying he wants to kill the baby?” another girl asked, her voice trembling.

“Yes!” I confirmed, my heart racing. “i will never allow that, I rather get sent back to hell”

They looked at one another, uncertainty flickering in their eyes…. I already know what is in Lucifer’s head, trying to fight him will be madness on my part.

The only way to make Selene run away, run to keep the child is to inform her of Lucifer plan to cause her miscarriage, of I say that to her …. Am sure she will leave.

Selene is foolish, she will choose the child over her own life and for that, am grateful for how stupid humans can be.



I woke up with a serious headache, the kind that felt as if a marching band had decided to set up camp inside my skull.

Blinking against the soft light filtering through the curtains, I tried to gather my thoughts, but they swirled like leaves caught in a windstorm. Where was I? What had happened?

As my gaze adjusted to the room, I noticed familiar details—the elegant furnishings, the plush bedding, and the faint scent of lavender lingering in the air.

I was in Lucifer’s mansion. How had I gotten here? My heart raced as fragments of the night crept back: the forest, the confrontation, the fear.

With a groan, I slowly lifted my head off the pillow, wincing at the dull throb in my temples. I needed water, or maybe something to eat. Just as I was about to sit up fully, the door swung open, and in walked Lucifer, a tray of food balanced precariously in his hands.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said, a playful smirk dancing across his lips.

I blinked at him, momentarily forgetting my headache. “Morning? How long did I sleep?” My voice was raspy, barely above a whisper.

Lucifer set the tray down on the bedside table, the clink of dishes momentarily breaking the tension.

“Long enough for me to question whether I should start a search party,” he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Or maybe just a rescue mission. You know, the usual dramatic flair.”


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