By Mide L


Mrs Gray sat beside Emily’s hospital bed, holding her daughter’s small hand in hers. The bone marrow transplant was about to begin.

Just then, the door opened, and Leonardo walked in. Mrs Gray had expected him, but her heart still skipped a beat. She had kept his existence a secret from Emily, but now the truth was about to unfold.

“Leonardo, thank you for coming”

Leonardo looked at Emily lying on the bed the room and he took a deep breath.

“Emily” he called.

Mrs Gray nodded, giving him permission to approach. Leonardo walked closer, his eyes fixed on her fragile form.

“Mommy, who’s that man?” Emily asked asked weakly and Mrs Gray took a deep breath.

“Emily, this is… your father”

Emily’s eyes widened, and she looked at Leonardo.

He reached out a hand, hesitating, before gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Hello, Emily, I’m so sorry I’ve missed so much of your life”

Emily’s just stared at him totally speechless with different questions going on in her mind. She couldn’t believe the man standing before her was her father.

“I’m so sorry, Emily. I didn’t know about you. I would have been here for you if I had known”

“Leonardo, don’t overwhelm her. She’s weak”

Leonardo nodded, taking a step back.

“I’m sorry. I just… I never knew I had a daughter”

“Why didn’t you know?”Emily said and Leonardo took a deep breath.

“Your mother didn’t tell me she was pregnant for me. I never knew about you until now”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Mommy?” Emily asked and Mrs Gray’s eyes dropped, guilt written all over her face.

“I’m sorry sweetie”

“I would have been here for you, Emily. I would have been a father to you”

Just then, the doctor entered the room, interrupting moment.

“It’s time for the transplant. We need to get started”

Mrs. Gray nodded.

“Let’s do it. Let’s save my daughter’s life”

The medical team began preparing Emily for the transplant.




The door opened and Eva came in, Vinson was sitting at his desk going through some files.

“Boss, how did it go?” She asked as she settled down before him.

Vinson looked up from the files, a smile on his face.

“Yes, our plan is working perfectly. The wine contamination will ruin their reputation and give us the upper hand”he said and Eva nodded thoughtfully.

“And what’s the next step, boss?”

Vinson leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together.

“We need to keep the pressure on. I want you to discreetly spread rumors about their business practices. We’ll make them look like they’re on the brink of bankruptcy”

Ava nodded, taking notes.

“Got it. Seems Marcus isn’t around for now, he’s no where to be found”

“He better crawls out of that hole,I just want him dead. Jenkins is really damn smart, but I’m smarter”

“Boss,he fooled us all. He’s a traitor, simple instructions and he couldn’t follow”

“He knew we were coming for Marcus daughter,the girl he’s with him”

“What are we going to do about him now?”

“Let’s get Marcus here first”

“Do you have any personal beef with him apart from the his company leading in the business world?”

“Oh Eva…you are so clueless”Vinson’s smile grew wider.

“Let’s just say, Marcus stole something from me. Something precious”

“So, this is personal”

“Very personal. And I’ll stop at nothing to destroy him, his company, and everything he holds dear”

“This is serious than I thought”

“Enough of Marcus,come over here” he tapped on his lap and Eva happily went to meet him.

She sat down on Vinson’s lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I’m glad I can be here for you, boss. You know I’ll do anything to help you take down Marcus”

“I know, Eva. And I appreciate that. You’re a loyal assistant”

Eva leaned in close to Vinson, her lips brushing against his ear.

“Relax, Vinson. Let me take care of you”

Vinson’s eyes closed, his body melting into her touch as Eva’s hands roamed his chest.

“What did you have in mind, Eva?”

“Just relax”she whispered,her breath tickling his ear.

“Eva, I…” Vinson’s voice trailed off and Eva’s smile grew wider.

“Shh, Vinson”

Without another word, Eva slid off Vinson’s lap and to the floor, her hands working at his belt. Vinson’s eyes closed, his body surrendering to her touch.



Natalie and Ruby sat in the cozy sitting room, sipping tea and engaged in a conversation. Natalie, still recovering from her gunshot wound, winced slightly as she shifted in her seat.

“I’m just glad I’m alive, If it wasn’t for you, Ruby, I don’t know what would have happened”

“Don’t even think about it, Natalie. You’re safe now. And we’re going to make sure Vinson pays for what he’s done”

“I want to desperately take him down, Ruby. I won’t let him get away with this”

“Rumours has it that Marcus isn’t in the city at the moment”

“I think it’s good that way,who knows what that stupid Vinson is planning”

“When do you plan to step out?” Ruby asked her.

“When I’m perfectly fit”

Just then, the doorbell rang, and Ruby got up to answer it.

“That must be Harper” she said, opening the door to reveal Hailey standing in the hallway, holding a pizza box.

“Hey, guys! I brought over some pizza like we planned”

“Thanks, Harper. You can set it down on the table”Natalie said from her seat.

Harper hesitated for a moment, then set the pizza box down and sat down beside Ruby.

“So, what’s new with you guys? I feel like I’ve missed out on so much lately”

“Nothing serious, Harper”

“Guys, can I ask a favor? I’m really struggling financially, and I was wondering if I could borrow some money…”

Ruby and Natalie exchanged a glance, both of them rolling their eyes. They had heard this story before, many times.

“Harper, we’ve talked about this, we can’t keep bailing you out. You need to get your own life together”Ruby said.

“Please, guys, just this once? I promise I’ll pay you back, I swear…”

Natalie sighed and stood up.

“Harper, we’ve already told you no. Stop begging”

“You guys don’t understand…my landlord is bent on kicking me out. I’m going to be homeless if I don’t come up with the rent. Please, can’t you just help me this once?”

“Not our problem, Harper. You should have thought of that before you spent all your money on unnecessary things”Ruby shrugged.

“Yeah, Harper, you need to learn to take care of yourself. We can’t always be there to bail you out”

“But what am I supposed to do? I’ve lost my job, and I have no money. Please, guys, have a heart…”

“Sorry, Hailey, but we can’t help you this time. You’re on your own”

Harper slammed her fist on the table, making the cups rattle.

“Fine! I don’t need your help anyway! I’ll figure something out on my own!”

With that, Harper stormed out of the room, leaving Ruby and Natalie sitting in stunned silence.

“Well, that was dramatic”

“Tell me about it. She’s always making a scene”

“I know, but sometimes I feel bad for her. She’s just so…helpless”Ruby said and Natalie shook her head.

“Don’t feel bad, Ruby. Harper needs to learn to take care of herself”Natalie said and Ruby sighed.



Katharina walked down the hallway hurriedly,she had just left the torture room where Jemima is.

She held something tightly in her hand. She looked around to make sure she was alone. Then, she walked faster, knowing where she was going.

Suddenly, she bumped into someone. She looked up only to see Dominic, standing in front of her.

“Katharina, watch where you’re going” Dominic said, laughing.

But Katharina’s attention was on the vial that had slipped from her hand. Some of the liquid spilled to the floor.

“Dammit!” Katharina exclaimed, she try to grab it but Dominic was faster.

“What’s this?” Dominic asked, sniffing the liquid.

“Give it back, Dominic” Katharina demanded, trying to grab the vial but Dominic held on to it tightly.

“Tell me, Katharina. What are you planning?”

Katharina grabbed Dominic’s arm and dragged him to a corner, out of sight.

“Let go, Katharina!” Dominic protested, but Katharina held him tightly.

“What’s that?” Dominic asked, eyeing the vial in his hand and Katharina hesitated.

“Just something I need for… a plan”

“What kind of plan?”

Katharina glanced around nervously, ensuring they were alone. But they weren’t. Calantha had spotted them and was walking towards them, looking curious.

“What’s going on?” Calantha asked, joining them in the corner.

Dominic held up the vial.

“Found this with her and she said she got a plan”

“Katharina, what’s going on?”Calantha asked.

“Can you guys at least calm down a bit? Now come closer” she said and they came closer while Katharina whispered somethings to them.



Leonardo walked into the hospital room, expecting to see Emily’s fragile form lying in bed, surrounded by the steady beep of machines. But instead, he was met with a different scene.

Mrs Gray sat beside Emily’s bed, her body shaking uncontrollably as she cried. The machines were silent, their screens dark. Leonardo’s eyes widened in horror as he took in the scene.

“Natasha, what happened?”

Mrs Gray looked up, her eyes red and puffy already.

“She’s gone, Emily didn’t make it”she said with a cracking voice.

Leonardo’s eyes widened, he had left for his office just a few hours ago to sort out somethings, feeling hopeful that the transplant would be successful. But now…

“What happened?”

“The transplant… it wasn’t successful”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“The doctor said… my marrow didn’t match well enough. Emily’s body rejected it”

“Your marrow? You were the donor?”

“I was the only match. But it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough”Mrs Gray burst into another tears.

“Oh, Natasha” he pulled her into a hug.

“I’m so sorry. You did everything you could”he said but Mrs Gray shook her head.

“I wasn’t enough” she repeated.

“I couldn’t save her”

Leonardo’s eyes fell on Emily’s still form, feeling regretful. He had missed so much. He had missed her entire life.

He walked to Emily’s bedside and took her small hand in his, feeling the chill of her skin.

“I’m so sorry, Emily, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you”

Tears streamed down his face as he held her hand, mourning the loss of a life that had barely begun.

Mrs Gray couldn’t speak, couldn’t form words. All she could do was cry, numbly, as if her heart had been shattered into a million pieces…well it has.

She had lost her daughter, her baby, and she couldn’t bear the thought of living without her.

“No one will call me mummy again” Mrs Gray finally said,reality hitting her hard…the tears kept streaming down her cheeks…her EMILY IS GONE FOREVER.


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