BY Rosy Johnson.


“Y… Yo…. You….. You, you…. How…. You…. No…. You can be…. You’re alive?” Ty stuttered, not believing his eyes.

He had no idea his jaw was nearly touching the ground as he stared at the girl in his brothers protective arm.

His men had called earlier saying they took care of her so if they did, how come she’s right here? Arms wrapped around his brothers neck like necklace.

Are they sure they got the right girl?

“Who Dîêd? Don’t tell me you….” Jax suck in a breathe as recognition clouded his mind.

What in the name of fûçk! So it was him? It was Ty who wants Trista out of the way? So it was him all along? But why? She did nothing to him so….

he swung his gaze to Ty who was now shifting backwards.

Jax Inner bêâst roared and howled, threatening to pounced on the male who put his mate in danger, how dare he?

Before Jax could even take a step Ty was already in his car and zooming roughly off the neighborhood.

“What was that?” Trista asked confused.

She totally had no idea what was happening, why did Ty come to their house with a flower and condolences?

He even shifted backwards as though he has seen a ghost and he ran out, he actually ran back to his car before speeding off.


Isn’t that strange? Strange things have been happening to her recently and now this. Wait a minute, just a fûçking minutes…

“Does Jax haven’t anything to do with her suddenly reactions?” She asked herself silently.

Even though her mind was trying to convince her that he wasn’t, she was certain that her strangeness started when they move to Maryland and she started hanging out with him.

She needed her mother to talk cos she doesn’t understand anymore.

Jax dropped her on the couch in the living room and race up the stairs, he returned a little while fully clothed.

“Will be right back,” he said kissing her lightly on the lips.


“Dress up and meet me at school, I have to be somewhere. Can’t wait, it’s urgent,” he added rushing his word.

She watched the door slammed shut then signed.

Her mother had left very early cos of work and now Jax had left too, leaving her all alone. She could miss school for today but she already skipped class yesterday…

Trista dragged her lazy self off the couch and up to her room

For some unknown reasons, she hâted that he has to go.



Ty paced back and forth.

He’s currently alone in the luxury classroom but it wasn’t for long cos the door burrt open and Ryan strode in.

He was with a guy who looked like he already Knew what would happen.

Without saying a single word, Ty strode to him, punching the guy hard in his stomach, he squatted groaning in pain.


“Son of a fûçking bîtch!!” Ty rasped, rage dripping through him like a running tap.

How dare the fûçking idîot mess with him? It was clear the guy wanted a dêâth wish if not why would he lîê?

Ty yanked his hair backwards while Ryan kicked his feet from behind, forcing the guy to his knees and almost immediately, Ty’s large palm connect to his cheek.

“Alpha,” the guy cried agonizingly

Ty smacked him back and forth, five times consecutively before Ty pulling claws and fangs

“Alpha….” The guy called fearfully, his voice shaky and weak.

He didn’t want to dîè just like this.

“How dare you?” Ty sank his fangs into his neck, so deep that when he pulled out, blood sprinkled all over him and to their surrounding, But he couldn’t care less.

Since the damn guy can’t get a simple job done then he will have to do it himself.

The lifeless body dropped to the ground with blood oozing out from the guys neck.

“Take care of this mess,” Ty ordered and headed towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Ryan asked

“To see Jax and end this fûçk before it becomes a blood battle,” he replied and left.



Isaac walked out from the classroom and that was exactly when Ruby was walking in so he paused, waiting for her.

“Ruby,” he called but she acted as though she didn’t hear him.

“Hey, Ruby,” he grasped her arm from behind, making her to turn and look at him.

She bashed her lashes.

“Hey,” she faked a smile

He swallowed, she has been ignoring his text messages and calls, even his presence and that made him worry.

What if she doesn’t like him anymore?

“About yesterday, I’m sorry for leaving I …”

“I’m kinda busy right now, Thank you,” she walked past him and Into the classroom

She didn’t even give him the chance to say what’s on his mind, he didn’t mean to leave her there and he was sorry.

He stood there staring at her, till she sat down and opened the book on her table, flipping through it.

He could tell that she was avoiding him but he didn’t want that. It was heartbreaking…



Ty made his way into the music room and everywhere calmed immediately they noticed his presence

Scanning the room with his eyes, he didn’t see who he came for so he left.

He made his way to the garden then nodded when he saw who he was searching for.

Jax threw another stone into the field then picked up another one, he was about to throw it Into the garden but suddenly stopped noticing a person presence behind him.

“How far could you go?” He asked, turning his face to Ty who smirked dangerously as he approached.

“I didn’t want to go this far but you’re pushing me,” Ty said, his tone coated with so much menace.

Jax only chuckled.

Tay picked up the stone from the ground, throwing them into the open field just the way Jax has been doing.

He know Jax love throwing stones, either in the sea or on an open field, just where he won’t get anyone hurt.

“So you know what she was that’s why you took the gûn meant for her,” He suddenly said, throwing another one into the open field.

It knocked down a butterfly and he smiled.

“If you harm her again….”

“She’s different, do you know?” He asked as he throw another stone.

Jax was silent.

“I’m thinking maybe she’s a wîtch, her Aura is too strong I can’t even read meaning into it and detecte what she truly is,” Ty said again

He dropped the stones in his hand then glance at his brother, a sinister smirk lingering at the corner of his lips.

“I have always wondered what she will taste like and how she will moan when I have my head buried between her legs as I eat her…” Jax grasped his collar, pulling him closer and Ty smirked

Just what he wanted, Viôlênce!

“What brother? Why are you protecting her so much when she’s not even yours?”

“She’s mine?!” Jax rasped, his voice echoing off the garden

Ty smirked.

“Prove? Have you mark her?” He asked, seeing the look in Jax’s eyes Ty burst out laughing.

“You’re afraid of dêâth, aren’t you?” He laughed and laughed triumphantly.

The shaman had said Jax can’t mark anyone that is not his mate, one wrong mistake of Marking the wrong mate could lead to his downfall.

Of course, he was cursed. Even though it looks like punishment to others, he knew he was cursed. The lady of the moon is punishing him so bad.

Fûçk it!

Jax pushed Ty away, picking up his backpack. He began walking off in rage, he might just kîll the mother fûçker if he spend another seconds with him.

“Does she know that you were there? Does she know what you did?” Ty suddenly shouted, loud enough for him to hear.

Jax halted abruptly and Ty smirked evilly, just exactly what he wants.

“I will take that as she doesn’t know what you did to Sunny?”



Jade strode Into the class and everyone gasped at her new look.

She was wearing their uniforms but her skirt was more like a bikini, her hair fell behind her back and she even applied make up.

🗣️ Wow, is that Jade?

🗣️ She looks amazing today

🗣️I know right, but what’s with the Kīllêr skirt?

🗣️ Girls you’re hot, buh won’t she school complain

🗣️ Her family owns half the school property

🗣️ Jade wanna hang out after school?

Murmurs and whispers filled the air but she didn’t even look at them.

“That’s my sister, Jade over here,” Jezebel shouted like crâzy, she shoved at Ruby who’s seated on her left side, knocking her to the ground

“Ouch,” Ruby winched, she glanced down at her knees to see blood stains and that made her winched again.

By the time she glanced up, Jade was already in her sit and she didn’t act as though they knew each other.

She was all over her twin sister, chatting and laughing while Ruby dragged herself off the ground.

She stood and that was when Jade stared at her, she gave Ruby a look that promised so many unspoken words before looking away.

Ruby didn’t understand what she did wrong, yesterday the girl had told her about Isaac and she was so happy to share that little info so why the sudden change?

She decided to find another chair, hoping by afternoon Ruby will come around.

Her father is a driver in their mansion and her mother was one of the maids, Jade has been the one to shield her sometimes from Jezebel’s evil and if Jade ever turn like her sister…

Mr. And Mrs Powers favorite daughter turning like the evîl child, she wasn’t sure her parents will keep their Job.

Jezebel had tried to get her mother fired too many times but cos Jade only eats the food the woman makes, their parents weren’t able to fire Ruby’s mom.

She has to fix this, she can’t have two sisters against her. The house is already hêll as it is with just Jezebel, if Jade turn out like her sister then she’s completely finished.

She walked over to the empty chair in front of Trista and settled down.

Betty smirked with satisfaction.

“You okay?” Trista asked calmly and Ruby looked back at her, she glanced down at her injured knees before shifting her gaze to Jade who doesn’t seem to care.

Still she can’t figure out what changed, Jade has always been the sweet one so what happened?

“You should stay away from her for a while, I think she’s with her sister now,” Betty said nonchalantly.

They both glanced at her.

“What? Don’t look at me like that.” Betty snapped eying them “what if Ruby did something to her,” she shrugged Innocently

“I did nothing wrong, the last time we spoke was yesterday, about Isaac and she was so happy,” Ruby defended instantly.

“That still didn’t justify her being all bad girl to you, you deserve an apology, we are friends,” Trista said then glance back.

Her eyes met with Jade but Jade looked away less concerned.

“But you went out with…..”

“Listen up everyone,” A teacher walked in with Ty besides him.

Jax also walked in that moment with Isaac who kept his gaze glued on Ruby till he nearly stumble over a chair.

“Mr Black the second will be joining our class,” the teacher announced and everyone went wide especially the girls.

Ty Wave at them but his main focus was on Trista.

“Why the second,” Ty asked his teacher (Mr Spence)

“Cos we already have Mr Black the first, over there,” he pointed at Jax and that made Ty frown.

Why does his younger brother have to come before him? He was the Alpha, he should come before Jax…

“I should be the first and him the second….”

“I’m sorry Mr Black but it doesn’t work that way, he came first so he’s the no.1 and you’re the number two,” Mr Spence replied casually.

Ty didn’t bother to introduce himself, he figured everyone already knew him so he just walked straight in and find an empty seat beside Maria.

“So, as we all know it’s drama season, Mrs Veronica won’t be coming so I’m in charge of choosing the participants,” he said and picked up the file on the table in front of the class.

Mr Spence take a minute to scan the whole class before settling his gaze on Trista.

“Ms Jacob, please stand,” he said

Trista didn’t hesitate as she stood on her feet instantly.

“You will be my protagonist in this drama, and emmm….” He glanced around, searching for someone, just anyone….. And then.

“Perfect! Mr Black please stand,” he said

Both Ty and Jax stood at the same time.

“Oh, my bad. Have already forgotten we now have Mr Black first and second. Ha,” he laughed but the whole class was silent

“Anyway, moving on… Mr Black first I will go with you as the hero, and you Mr. Black the second…” He held his jaw as if in thought

A few minutes passed and he was still staring at Ty.

“Why does he have to be the hero? He doesn’t even know anything about being a hero,” Ty suddenly snapped

Jax didn’t say anything.

“I can do it better, why can’t it just be me and her?” Ty asked again

“There!!!” Mr Spence pointed at him with great enthusiasm

Everyone exchange glances confused

“You’re the antagonist Mr. Black the second,” he said, passing some files to Trista first then walked over to Jax and gave him another script before moving to Ty.

“I think you’re making a huge mistake, I can act as the hero here,” Ty said seriously

Mr Spence completely ignored him, he walked back to the front of the class when he was done then held his table.

“Study your script and make sure you get it correctly, Hollywood director’s are coming for this show so don’t fûçk it up. Practice starts tomorrow,” he said and began gathering his books.

When he was done, he left the class.

Trista felt someone poke her back with a pen so she turned to see Jax.

“We get to kiss,” he winked at her.

“Bad boy, bad boy… There are many things there, why is it just kiss that you saw?” She frowned at him.

“My eyes like good stuff,” he winked at her again and she blushed.

Someone cleared her throat and Trista turned to see Ruby and Betty staring at her.

Betty wasn’t happy at all, she wanted Jax so why didn’t Mr Spence choose her? Maybe she should walk on Mr Spence a little bit.

She stood up and left the class, this will be her opportunity to get to kiss her crush if she ever played Trista’s role.

“Seems like I need to cût off someone’s throat,” Ty said out loud

The whole class stared at him.

“The script said so,” he shrugged.



Diana just came back and the house was quiet, just as it has always been.

She’s supposed to have gotten use to this loneliness but it’s just there.

She made her way to her bedroom and took a quick shower, minutes later, she came downstairs all dressed in a simple gown that hugged her body tightly, showing off her curves

She decided to make something before Trista comes back.

She opened the fridge but the doorbell went off so she closed it back and walk to the door where she found Jimmy.

“Can I help you?” Was the first thing she asked, standing on the door way.

“Hey, I emm… Do you mind if I come in?” He asked uncertainly.

She has been avoiding his calls, he even called her office line and she pick but immediately she heard his voice she ended the call…

He brought flowers and she reject them, she even rejected the 5% offer he made her, that was enough prove that she was really mad at him and he crossed the boundaries.

“I do mind,” she replied but her response was harsh.

He gulped emptiness.

“Diana, I’m sorry… I know, I Know I shouldn’t have called your office and lied, it was so immature of me and I apologize. Look if you want me to go there tomorrow and tell them that I lied I will,” he said sincerely

“You could have gotten me fired,” she complained.

“I know and I’m sorry, and it’s a good thing you’re not fired. Now I realize I shouldn’t use my profile on everyone, please forgive me,” he said sincerely, while staring her directly in the eyes

He saw her eyes soften a little

“Do you think we can go past this? Be friends and act like normal people? I bought champagne. We can drink and merry and be happy…”

She smiled then move out of the way

“Come on in, I like you,” she said as he walked into the house “happy people always amaze me,” she added quickly.

“You said you like me….”

“Happy people,”



“Jax you have to, the elders are waiting,” Isaac said persuasively.

“No, I don’t deserve it,” Jax replied

He doesn’t know why Isaac is so bent on him being the Alpha, he like being a keeper that he was so what’s with the Alphabet?

“Jax, look at what Ty did, you can’t do shît cos he’s still the Alpha but once you drop Black and pick Abraham….”

“You don’t understand, I do not deserve to be an ABRAHAM!” Jax yelled interrupting him.

Students passing by stared at them but didn’t stop to know what was happening.

“You were a kid….”

“That doesn’t make up for me to kîll her!” Jax snapped again, his inner bêâst shifting closer

Isaac doesn’t need a seer to tell him that the animal was near and one wrong move could be his dêâth ticket.

“I kîllêd Sunny, everyone knows. I’m being punished by a raging bêâst and I fear what the human I call my mate will do if she find out who I am, do you think I deserve to be an ABRAHAM after that?” Jax asked bitterly.

Those awful memories came rushing into his mind and he blinked, trying to keep them at bay but the kept pushing forward.

That old imagine of the fire going up, screams of pain and cries of agony, the pleas….. YOU KÎLLÊD HER!!! YOU WATCH HER DÎÉ!


Isaac was still saying but Jax glared hard at him before walking away.

Devastated, Isaac stood on his spot not knowing what to do again.

He needs Jax to still be In the clan and only his mother’s last name can keep him there.

Jax made his way to the locker room, when he got there he met Trista who’s already waiting for him so he turned to leave.

He wasn’t in a good mood, he just wanted to be left alone.

“Jaxon,” she ran forward and blocked his way.

“Why do you want to leave? I came cos we need to practice…. Oh, mine! Are you crying?” She asked astonished

She’d never seen him like this, even when he got shot he was not this broken so what happened?


“What do you know?!!!” He snapped unable to help himself.

Trista flinched backwards, his voice strangely scary this time.

A part of her wanted to run as far as she could, run fast till she could feel her feet touching the back of her head but another part of her wanted her to stay.

To hold him, it was as though she knew what happened but just can’t figure out what exactly it was.

“Jax, it’s okay…”

“It’s not okay! You’re supposed to be scared of me, you should cower before me and not be so cute, I might hurt you one of these days,” he said, walking closer to her but she stood her ground

That part that doesn’t like him screamed, urging her to run. Trista Jacob run, run, run, so far away but she stood still unable lift her feet.

It was as though both her feet were glued to the ground. She found moving without her doing.

“Jax, tell me, what is it?”

“I kîllêd her, I kîllêd Sunnyglow,” he tightened his teeth, trying to hold his tears but the more he tried to stop them, the more they came rolling down his cheeks.

He’s trying to be a man and hold them but it’s too much, those awful memories just won’t leave him alone.

Trista twitched her brows.

“Who is Sunnyglow?”

He glanced at her, she could feel the answer at the tip of his tongue… She could see his mouth quivering, opening and closing

It was as though he wanted to talk but didn’t know how to. As if he was fîghtîng within him.

His shoulders tensed and red eyes darkening.

“Jax, it’s okay, you don’t have to say it …”

“She’s my mother,”


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