BY Rosy Johnson.


“She’s my mother,” The words came out as a whisper as he lowered his head in pain and regret.

There was nothing he could do now, he has to live with it till he dîes and nothing will change, he has been living with it since day one and will continue to live with it till dêâth.

If only there was a way he could go back in time, he sure will change everything and make it right.

At that time he hadn’t known it will turn out like this, few seconds of pleasure has destroyed his life and is still destroying it.

“Jaxon,” Trista called softly, her voice soothing like milk cream.

It was as though her voice was what his inner bêâst wanted to hear at that moment cos the animal leaped forward in triumphant.

Trista watch him pace to the window then back at her, he walked off again while running his hand through his hair.

She couldn’t stop imaging what really transpired between them, how could a son kîll his very own mother? Isn’t that concerning?

What did she do that made him kîll her? Did he really kîll her? How did it happen? What lead to that? Was he forced? Where they fîghtîng?

She thought silently as she watched him, something must have led to the tragedy and she wanted to know cos it doesn’t make sense to her that a child will kîll his mother.

She watch him paced back to her again then squat by the locker, resting his head on it.

She moved closer sympathetically.

It was strange how concerned she was.

“Jaxon,” she squatted in front of him then reached for his jaw and titled his head up so he could look at her.

Gosh, he was handsome. So handsome she could ask him out if they aren’t frienemies already.

“What happened?” She asked softly.

He glanced at her but said nothing

“It’s okay, just let it out, I gat you,” she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her with his head resting on her chest.

The gesture was comforting so Jax finally relaxed.



“Ruby Sims to the principal’s office, Ruby Sims to the principals office now!”

Ruby heard her name from the school announcement speaker, she glanced around confused.

She didn’t do anything wrong so why was she going to the principals office?

Nevertheless, she got up

“Someone is in trouble,” Jezebel said with a wide grin on her face.

Ruby completely ignored her.

In the next minute she was seen seated across from the principal (Mr. Roger ) who has some files in his desk, a telephone laying on his desk and pretty much trophies and all that…

“You sent for me Mr. Rogers,” she said, trying not to sound nervous.

Seriously, she was nervous, why would the man call her in? She did nothing wrong? Hope he wasn’t trying to punish her…. Oh, gwad someone reported her.

She rubbed her sweaty palms together, legs shifting and tangling.

“Ms. sims,” the principal called going through the pile of files on his desk, reaching for the one he wanted he pulled it out then dropped it in front of her.

Ruby wiggled her lashes confused, what was the file all about? Did she get accepted in NBA? Nah! She’s not sure of that…. But she’s pretty cool with base ball.

Oh, she got in, the swimming class finally accept her.

Her heart did a flip, she just couldn’t wait to share the news with her parents, they are so gonna be proud of her.

“I’m afraid Ms. Sim, we have to drop you off school,” The principal drop the bómbshell.

Her eyes widened

“What?!” Her jaw dropped as she watched the man

Maybe she didn’t hear him, maybe she’s just hearing things and…. No, no way. He can’t do that.

Her school fees are being funded by the powers, so he can’t do shît!

“Your scholarship has been terminated,” The principal said almost immediately as if reading her thoughts

She sat up straighter, eyes flashing.

“You can’t do that, I have a personal sponsor….”

“The Powers,” the principal said and she nodded

He released a breath

“I’m afraid they withdrew this afternoon and you will have to pay your tuition fees if you still want to be a student of this institution, The school will be taking back everything bought by your sponsorer….”

“No! No this can’t be happening,” Ruby held her head with both hands, if the principal was still talking she was aware.

How did she get in this mess? This was the most rated private school in all of Maryland and it will take all her father’s months salary and more to cover up the bills, not to talk of the books and others things she needs to buy and pay for.

This was too much, who’s behind this? What did she do wrong?

“You might go now Ms. Sims, don’t come back tomorrow without your fees,” the principal said.

Unwilling tears came lingering at the corner of her eyes as she rose to her feet.

She was her parents only hope and now this, this school was the only place that can set her path right.

With this school she can get into a good college and once she’s out, she won’t hustle for Job cos the school will select qualified students that will work different companies.

How was she gonna achieve her dreams if she drop from this institute?

Ruby sniffed, fîghtîng back her tears.

“Sir, may I please know why the powers withdrew?” She asked as calm as she could.

The principal lowered his glass just a little bit, to look at her.

“I have no idea young lady, maybe you should confirm from Ms powers,” he replied

As Runy walked through the hallway she felt as though her whole world has crumbled.

Only the children of the rich attend this school and she had the privilege to attend cos Jade told her parents she needed someone to play with while Jezebel needed someone to boss around.

Mr. Powers has been the one paying since day one and all of a sudden everything is gone.

“Hey, Ruby, Ruby wait!” Isaac called from behind her, rushing closer

When he got close, he tried touching her arm but she yanked her hand away.

“Not now,” she began walking away.

“Ruby I….”

“I SAID NOT NOW!!!!” She spats, surprising herself but she didn’t care much since she has bigger issues.

She stormed out of sight and he just stood there dumbfounded.

Why can’t she just talk to him? He didn’t mean to leave here there at the restaurant all alone, he came back for her.

He needed to tell her the truth, she should just give him a chance and stop making it hard for both of them.

Isaac ruffles his hair and began heading towards the school clinic.

Meanwhile Betty was watching from a corner and taking pictures.

“Perfect,” she smiled at herself

She actually get the picture when Isaac grabbed Ruby’s arm and she planned to use it to her own advantage.

Once she done with Ruby she will go for Diana and Trista, that mother daughter relationship is disgusting and she has to ruin it.



“Ava, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Bianca said as Ava alighted from the car.

“Come on, no one will notice, besides she’s human,” Ava urged her.

Reluctantly Bianca opened the drivers door then stepped down from the vehicle. She glanced around the quiet neighborhood before staring at the house in front of her.

“Ava, what if she gets hurts?” Bianca asked, trailing behind Ava.

Ava shrugged

“She’s human, who’s gonna care?”

Bianca swallowed emptiness, she didn’t like this. Ava is taking this Jax crushing problem to a whole new different level and she’s not happy at all.

The woman was human and they are known to be weaker than them.

Ava knocked softly on the door then waited.

“I don’t think I wanna be a part of this…”

“So you’re chickening out at the last minute?”

“She’s human and if a werewolf hurt one of them, the humans will revoke,” Bianca tried to talk Sense into her head but it’s obvious Ava was far gone.

“They doesn’t even know we exist?” Ava shrugged and rang the doorbell rang

Bianca took in a deep breath, she wanted to get the hêll out of here, but then again what is Ava really planning?

“What will you do to her?” Bianca asked curiosily, she doesn’t trust Ava one bit.

Ava smirked

“You will see….”

“I don’t think she’s alone,”



Trista sat opposite Jax, her gaze not leaving his.

“I know you will probably hâte me after this but I was just a boy, I was 12 then,” Jax glanced up at Trista’s face cos she was silent

Seeing that she wasn’t making an attempt to speak, he decided to keep going.

“When I was little, I wasn’t basically the son everyone could dream off, I was always going against the rules and I did that cos my mother was controlling,” he swallowed hard

“She doesn’t like it when I do anything with humans, it really pisses her off so I decided to make it my mission to piss her off. My father was the Alpha and everyone respected him and I always thought she will report me to him some day but she never did. One day I went hunting and I saw these humans, a guy and a girl doing it…. Like having sêx,” he gulped emptiness again

“I didn’t move, it was just my first time of seeing it though kids my age always talk about it but without the knowledge of an adults so the girl Wave at me and asked if I wanted to join them?” Jax closed his eyes as he started having flashbacks

It was gonna be super hard for him if he remember so he tried to just tell her then think too much cos he wasn’t sure if his bêâst can be tamed

He didn’t want to hurt her.

“In my pack only boy that have come of age are allowed to do that kind stuff, we had rules. So when I went over to them we did Threesome, it was cool and felt so good that I started meeting her in that spot everyday. My mother noticed that I have been sneaking out from our pack and trailed me there, she found me on top of the human girl who’s probably 16 and asked me to get off her but I ignored her. She pushed me but cos I was still inside the gir I didn’t fall off like she expected or maybe she didn’t use enough force so she true again but this time I shoved her, so hard her face slammed against a tree nearby….” he paused and took in a deep breath

“I…” He swallowed hard again “I heard screams and yells from the girls father so I jumped off her instantly but when I stood, I saw the man pointing at my mother and calling her a wîtch,” Jax fold his fist tightly, fîghtîng with his emotions that is trying to overwhelmed him.

It was too much and with that emotion’s his bêâst roared, Coming forward as if to over take his body.

He had to take in a deep breath to calm himself if not he wasn’t sure if Trista could stand the raging bêâst though she calms him something.

“My Mother had a blood on her cheek but there was no cut, turns out she already healed in the blink of an eye,” He pause again

“I didn’t know that I pushed her too hard, I only wanted her to leave me alone and stop trying to control me but I didn’t know she was protecting me from humans,”

“My mother didn’t say anything so the girls father asked me if I knew who she was and… And…. And I… I…. I … I emm .. and I look her in the eyes and told him NO! that I have never seen her all my life and she was probably a random stranger. The man made a quick phone call and more then 20 men surrounded us, they took her but she fought them, they were strong and powerful men so they overpowered her. They dragged her through the woods back to their community and she kept screaming and begging me all the way, telling me to go get my Dad but…. I didn’t, I simply watch them tie her to a tree in front of their gathering and set her on fire,”

“She screamed and screamed as the fire burnt her alive, she struggled to get away but couldn’t so when she got tired she just stare at me and said she loves me very much and she dîêd,” Jax raise his head up, trying to be a man but uncontrollable tears was rolling down his cheeks like fountain water.

“My father and others found her later on, I didn’t know how they got the information but they did and when they got there it was already too late, they took her ashes home and my dad said to me …..”

Jax closed his eyes, trying to remember those awful words that has been hunting him.

“He said and I quote,” he cleared his throat before trying to talk just like his father.

“You kîllêd her! You watch her dîê you selfish son of a côçk sucking bîtch! You kîllêd her? You’re no longer my son! I disown you!!! You shall be treated like a slave and if anybody ever show you any atom of love or kindness I will make them pay till their third generations, you shall live like a slave and dîê serving others,”

He lowered his head.

“From that day I was tied outside to a tree and bêâten by different pack members, I was kept In a fire house to dîè, thrown Into the well, bêâten mercilessly by my father, blow after blows, he tried to kîll me but the lady of the moon had other plans for me…” he paused again then looked at Trista as though he knew what was on her mind.

The way she just kept quiet told him many things, she was gonna run away from him now, he was the big bad Wolf who kîllêd his mother and she’s one of those that hâte him now.

Not like he would blame her, a kid who denied his own mother and watch her dîê can do anything, but he was only a kid.

He didn’t know humans were like that, he’d thought she was a control freak and he was tired of her telling him what to do and what not to do.

I mean the sêx was good and she wanted to ruin the moment.

Jax took in a deep breath then wipe his eyes before shifting his gaze to her.

“I know you hate me now but…..” She didn’t let him finish before doing something crâzy, something he wasn’t close to expecting.

If anything told him she would do that he wasn’t sure he would believe it, she…..





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