BY Rosy Johnson.


“I dare you to do what’s on your mind! What are you waiting for? Show us whats on your mind!!” Ty stopped right in front of them, his deep muscular voice leaving zero room for argument.

His tone alone commands the whole crowd and she knew, he won’t hesitate to take her down if she dared.

Ty was the Alpha and disrespecting her Alpha wasn’t Something she wanted to do, she didn’t like Trista for getting Jaxon’s attention but now she have also gotten the Alpha’s attention.

Is it from her or is there something else calling out to them?

Ava lowered her hand gently, her gaze going everything were else but Ty’s face.

“Why? Thought you wanted to show us what you’re made of?” Ty said, tugging both hands in his trouser pocket still keeping his gaze fixed on her.

She lowered her head but said nothing.

One wrong word, just stûpîd single word could end her life.

Ty took his gaze from her, shifting it to Trista but she was already walking away so he rushed after her, grabbing her arm from behind and she turned to look at him, stopping on her track.

“Hey,” he said calmly, smiling cutely at her.

Trista maintained a straight face, not even blinking.

“How may I help you?” she asked, she might have been cool with him the few other times they had met but all that kindness was thrown out through the window, not after how he handled her and said shît to her.

She’d thought he was cool, she’s already imagined herself dating him but the guy was a total dushbag.

“I apologize for what happened between us the other day at the party, I was a little bit wasted and I know…. before you judge me just know that I wasn’t myself,” he began, his tone calm and soothing.

“I would like to take you out this evening to make it up if that’s okay by you?” he said like a gentleman.

Trista just glared at him without saying a word.

He was actually apologizing, she’d like him the first day she joined this institution but after what he did back there at the party…

“Please, all I ask is one last chance,” he added desperately, he reached for her hands but she withdrew back so he back away, not wanting to scare her away.

He’d done enough already, the last thing he needed was to scare her away. He can’t let Jax have her before him, he has to do everything humanly possible even though he wasn’t human just to get her.

“What do you say my lady?”



Jax returned with Isaac by his side, both men sweating profusely.

He glanced around for Trista but she wasn’t were he’d left her, her friends were with their partners and the game was about to begin so where did she go?

“You’re back,” Ava smiled at him, her eyes scanning his abs through the white jersey he wore, she could tell that it’s hard-strong and she just couldn’t wait to get her hands on them, to thrill the lins and feel him.

“What are you doing with my jacket?” Jax asked, his eyes moving through the crowd of people once more as he searched for Trista.

It would have been more easy to find her if he have stick a claim.

“Oh, that Viral girl stole it so I get it back for you,” she replied

Jax scoffed, since when did she become his keeper?

“I gave that to her, you have no right to take it away. Even if she stole it you should have reported to me first before doing anything,” his voice deepened with no emotions at all

The girl was getting on his nerves and he might just kîll her one of this days

“Y… you gave it to her?” Ava couldn’t believe her ears, did he actually say he asked the new girl to hold his jacket? He never asked her to hold his stuff so why would he ask the new girl?

“I thought…..”

“Didn’t she tell you that I gave it to her?” he cut her off sternly

Ava gulped emptiness but said nothing.

“This will be your last warning, you’re becoming too bîtchy these days and I might just cut you off if you keep up, if you want my dîçk just say it now that I haven’t been claimed,” Jax began walking way, searching for Trista among the crowds of students.

“Got what you wanted? Or you want some more?” Isaac asked following Jax behind.

He collided with someone and the person fall so he squat before the person who happens to he Ruby

“Are you hurt? Lemme see…” He reached for her legs but she smiled and shifted away.

“I’m fine, sorry for bumping into you,” Ruby smile, getting back to her feet she continued her jog

Isaac didn’t know when his lips curled into a smile a he watch her till she went far.

“So fragile,” he mumbled, jogging towards Jax.

Maybe he’s jogging cos Ruby was or maybe not.

Meanwhile, Jade has been watching them the whole time, she was actually jogging with Ruby when the two collided but Isaac didn’t mistakenly look at her.

Not even a glance, if she was there he didn’t even notice nor seem to care.

Ouch, that hurts!


Ava was still standing on her spot, wondering how and why Jax will be on the new girls side? Why can’t he look at her like a woman? When he was in his most difficult time she was by his side, taming his bêâst and forcing him to gain just a little control but now everything she worked so hard for is gone just cos of some stûpîd human.

“You like my man?” Jezebel asked, chewing gum like a broad way slût as she approached her, the sound of her gum echoing off in the field but was drowned by the noises.

Ava glared at her but said nothing.

“We can work together you know….” Jezebel was still saying when suddenly Ava grasped her neck, pulling her closer to her then look her right in the eyes.

“I’m not in for your shitty play so don’t ever bring it to me again and do yourself the favour of avoiding me,” she pushed her down and stormed off without looking back

“Are you alright?” Maria asked, rushing to her

Jezebel got back to her feet with the help of Maria then glanced at Ava’s back view.

“she’ tough…”

“She’s not so tough, even if she is there must be something to get her to open up,” Jezebel cut Maria off.

Maria had expected her to get offended but she simply grinned, a devilish grin that Maria know too well.

“Why haven’t I seen Ruby since today?” she asked, turning her gaze to Maria.



“What? You think I’m stupid? My mission is to get Jax out of the way and until it is done I’m not leaving this place,” Fredrick say into the phone

He’s currently in one of the abounded school building where he normally answer his secret phone calls.

“I know, that’s the deal but destiny can be changed,” he said again, slowly turning to look at the door.

The reason why he’d come here in the first place even though Jax’s father married is mother was for him to be an Alpha. He has always wanted to be an Alpha even if it is just for one day. Ty and his step father might have their own plans for the pack but he has his own plans

He wasn’t born to be under anybody or to be the second in command, oh, yeah! Jax was the second but since Ty took his honor Fredrick is now the second but he wasn’t satisfied.

He didn’t want to be a beta

he planed to make everything work out for his own good even if someone needs to go down during the process, he just don’t care.

If Jax is gone then he will come for Ty and once Ty is gone he will be the next in line.

He will finally be the Alpha even if it’s just for a season.

“Will do more research and keep an eye on them both, of course, Jax must not have any met….. what do you mean the human girl? I can’t take her down the humans will revoke! Fine, will do what I can with her… someone is coming, will get back to you,” he ended the call

Ryan appeared at the entrance way then glared at him

“You coming?”



“So what do you say?” Ty asked for the twentieth times, wishing shr with just accept his offer.

“Fine, but don’t tell me about fûçking me again,” Trista said seriously.

She didn’t know why she accept to go out with him when after what he did to her.

Wait!! Was she being idiotic? But he will keep pestering her if she refused.

“There you are?” Jax said shoving some boy out of the way as he finally got to them.

His gaze moved from Ty to her then his protective mood swung Into action, walking briskly towards her Jax Cross his arm over her about, pulling her tight besides him.

“Is there a problem here?” He glanced at Ty

Without responding, Ty walked away.

“The game has started,” Jax said and turned to leave, he didn’t even bother to wait for her.

Okay, he wanted to wait for her but seeing her with Ty infuriated him. She needed to know who to keep company and who to push away and Ty was one of those she has to push away.

“I need to change into my spot wear,” Trista said


Moment later Trista walked out of the locker room, she was wearing a blue crop with a tight leggings showing off her curves.

A white shoes to match.

Immediately she stepped into the field all eyes turned to her, Ty didn’t know when the popcorn he was holding fell from him as he stared.

“Oh my fûçking gwad!” Fredrick stared with wide eyes.

Trista tried to maintain a straight face even though she knows too well that they were staring at her.

She walked up to Jax who seem to be busy with Isaac then touched his shoulder, he looked up then froze, running his eyes from her head to her toe mesmerized.

He blinked twice before nodding.

“Let’s go,”



Students gathered around, staying out of the line while Trista stood behind Jezebel. She was standing on the blue line while Jezebel stood on Yellow.

Ruby stood on the red line, Jade on the green. In front of Trista was Jax who’s waiting for her to pick up the ball on the basket in front of her then put it in the basket behind him so he will take it from there and throw it in the net.

Each runner has five balls and whoever finished first wins with 10 marks.

They had to take the balls dropped it in their partners basket then run back to take another one and also run over to drop them.

They have to pick the balls one after another till the very last, as they are putting the balls their partners will try to throw them in the net to score a goal

Isaac was 20 feet away in Ruby’s line, same as Jax while Maria was on Jade’s line. Ryan on Jezebels line.

“Ready?” The Coach asked, putting his whistle in his mouth while focusing on them.

Jezebel smirked dangerously.

She had other plans waiting for the viral girl, soon enough she will be out of the way, if not out of this school completely.

“Go!!!!!” The whistle was blown and all players took off.

Tristan got to the ball in the basket, picking it up with the hope of running over to Jax and dropping it in his basket but wasn’t’t lucky enough cos she stripped over Jezebel’s leg, leaping forward and falling face flat

Everyone gasped

The race didn’t drop, Jezebel simply smirked as she continues her race and others did the same.

“Argh!! My leg,” Trista whimpered.

Now sitted on the ground and holding her leg.

Ty jumped down from where he’s watching, shoving people away to get to her but suddenly stopped when he saw Jax squatting in front of her.

“You okay?” He asked, touching her ankle.

🗣️ Are they dating?

🗣️ I wish to be like her

🗣️ Why is she getting all the care? Gosh, I hâte her!

🗣️ She’s seducing him

🗣️ Doesn’t look like that to me

🗣️ Never knew he was this sweet.

“I think it’s sprained,” Jax said, scooping her In to his arms.

Jezebel balled her fist infuriated. She’d taken Trista down so Jax could resent her if they fail, not for him to care about her.

He even carried her in a bridal style.

Her cute, handsome Demi-god has that bîtch in his arms.

Her gaze met with that of Trista and Jezebel glared Dagger at her, If only eyes could kîll…. She’d be dead by now.

The jealousy lingering in the air was just too much to take in, but it wasn’t up to Trista Jacob cos she tangled her arms around Jax’s neck, resting her head on his chest.

She felt murderous eyes on her and she grinned, loving the attention. Their jealousy added to her skills cos she took it to a whole different level. By Rosy Johnson

“Put me down,” she suddenly said, raising her head to look at him.

“I’m taking you to the school clinic,” Jax replied.

She knew he was doing this cos she knew what he was so she wanted to make use of this opportunity, it wasn’t her fault that Jezebel pushed her to a handsome guy…. Wait, did she say handsome? She just complimented him..

Fûçk!!! Fûçkêry!!! Fûçkêrson!!!!

She just…. She glanced around

Trista caressed his chest, peeping from his shoulder only to see Ava as red as tomatoes, she could literally feel the poor girl visible shaking with rage so she raised her hand to Jax’s chin.

“Give me CPR, it can cure my ankle,”

“Are you high?” He looked down at her, she’s lucky to be in his arms just cos of his inner bêâst and now she want him to kiss her.

She wasn’t even unconscious so why does she need CPR? If she wanted a kiss she should just say it straight forward….

“CPR or put me down now so I can run to Ty, he was already telling me how much he….”

Jax enclosed their lips in a gentle kiss, she fûçking doesn’t have to say shît about Ty. He wasn’t like that âsshølé and he can prove it.

instead of closing her eyes, Trista opened them wide, her eyes rotating and searching the crowd.

The look of shock on everyone’s face was satisfying and she was enjoying it.

Suddenly, thunder rumbled in the clear sky, the sky darkened followed by raindrops, it started gradually before increasing, heavy winds blowing and bending the trees to it’s will.

Ty who’s watching balled his fist, if he had any resistant about kîllîng Jax, it was all washed away cos with what he’s seeing…… Jax is going down!!





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