BY Rosy Johnson.


Meanwhile a hand was pointing a gun directly at her from a car zooming their way.

Trista continue standing there and staring up at the face of the man who had an umbrella above her head.

She wanted to wrap her arms around him, feel him so close his scent would be the only thing she would inhale. She wanted him to hold her in the protectiveness of his embrace.

She wanted his lips on her again, to taste him once again like her favourite lollipop, she wanted his hands on her body, tracing each lins like an Architecture marking a landscape

She just wanted him to look at her alone like a foreigner, that part of her that always celebrate whenever he’s around wanted him so bad she didn’t know if she could breath normal air again without his scent lingering in the air.

But then again the part that didn’t want him was there, kicking and biting, pressuring her to back off, reminding her that he has come yet again to fûçk and go.

She wasn’t a slût, he can’t just use her whenever he desire. she was a fûçking human being with feelings and emotions and those emotions can be triggered!

Just cos he had an umbrella above her head, shading her from the heavily rain doesn’t mean she would just let go of what he did to her.

She wasn’t that girl, she demanded an answer yet he gave her none and to top that he left without even a goodbye


Okay, maybe they’d be mad at each other but at least, not acting like her father would have been much better.

“Sun flower,” Jax called after long minutes of silence.

He was actually waiting for her to speak but since she didn’t, he decided to do it by himself.

Trista licked her lips softly.

“Jaxon,” she called

The rain was just too loud that he wasn’t able to hear her so he ran his hand delicately over her wet hair.

She shifted backward and slapped his hand away.

“What do you think I am? Some bîtch you could just screw whenever you want?” She spats, pushing his chest back.

Jax’s eyes widened when he noticed something black pointing out through the window and directly at them.

His heart jumped into his belly and his bêâst roared protectively.

“You have nothing to say?” Trista asked when he said not even a single word

He was such an âsshølé, she’d thought was here to make things right but apparently the dude doesn’t give a shît!

She’s so stupid to let him have his way with her.

Filled with bitterness, she turned around to leave but Swiftly, Jax grabbed her by her arm, his other hand going to her waist as he twirled her around, switching positions with her.

The sound of a vehicle driving out was heard and then Trista pushed him away.

“Let go of me pervert!” She snapped furiously and shoved him.

Jax didn’t speak, didn’t move, he simply smiled at her while trying to maintain his stand.

isn’t that weird? Why would he be smiling?

“Jax, did you….”

He dropped to the wet ground, his left hand covering his blôôded belly with blood trickling down his lips.

Her eyes widened and wave after wave of fear slapped her hard on the face like a lazy water hugging the shore.

She clasped her hands over her mouth in shock

He’d taken a bullet for her, he’d pulled her out of the way and took the bullet that was meant for her. She didn’t harm anyone so who would someone want to kîll her?

Trista dropped to her knees besides her, lifting his head to her lap.




Bianca is currently arranging the cabin where she keeps drugs for students.

Well, she’s not allowed to bring any home but she does kinda bring some home for personal use or purposes best known to her.

The front door opened and Ava came in looking all pîssed off, she dropped her handbag on the couch before removing her left shoes then those it on the table

“Hey, put that down,” Bianca shouted

Ava simple ignored her, she removed her right shoes then throw it at her but Bianca was fast enough to duck down and the shoe fly above her head meeting the cabin and knocking the drugs Bianca has neatly arranged all over the floor.

“Ava!!” She yelled, standing to her feet, both hands resting on her waist and with the look on her face Ava could tell she wasn’t happy but Ava didn’t care.

“That girl’s mother is the one my Dad took for the meeting, can you imagine that?” Ava asked as she matched towards the fridge.

She yanked it open forcefully, taking a plastic bottles of Pepsi before slamming the fridge close again.

“Ava if you don’t slow down and stop trying to ruin my things I’m gonna ask you to leave,” Bianca said

She knew Ava was mad but coming to her home and turning the whole place upside down wasn’t her kind of thing

Who’s gonna clean the whole place if she turn it Into a mess?

“Fine, I’m leaving anyway,” Ava began walking towards the door.

Bianca signed, she’d been friends with Ava since day one and breaking up now isn’t the right time, besides Ava doesn’t seem happy so she should be a good friend and hear her out.

“Wait, Ava,” she called out, rushing towards her.


“Look, I know you’re mad and that’s why I’m here for you,” she replied

In the next minute they were both seated on the couch with Ava narrating how her day went.

“So her human mother is actually the one your Dad took there, wow.” Bianca grimmest

One thing she know is that Trista Jacob wasn’t human, she might an Alien or something else but she wasn’t Human!

“It’s not funny,” Ava slapped her hand “I can’t be friends with her let alone being her half sister, ewe,” She made a face

“It’s not that bad” Bianca laughed

“There is nothing you can do about them, seems your dad is into her….”

“You have no idea what I can do,” Ava smirked that knowing dangerous smirk Bianca know too well.

“Ava,” Bianca called with a warning, she didn’t know what Ava was planning in her head but she sure know it wasn’t good.


“Leave that woman alone,”

“Of course,” she smirked



“You said I was gonna be the Alpha! You said you will help me so what’s going on?” Fredrick yelled Into the phone.

He’s currently speaking with th same person he always calls in his hidden place.

📱 Patience

“Fûçk you and fûçk patience! Do I look like my name is patience to you?” He roared, agitatedly.

📱 I’m working on it, we can’t attack now that’s why we need Ty alone, we can’t have the Keeper guilding the clan while we attack, so many men will be lost…”

“I don’t care if a thousand and more has to dîè, all I want is to rule and you promised me, we had a deal so you better stick to your side of the bargain cos if you don’t…” Fredrick threatened, fist clenched tightly as though whoever he’s speaking with could see him.

“Jax is trying to claim back his position as the Alpha, you know Ty is the Wrong Alpha and Jax is true Blood. If Jax become the ruling Alpha, everything we have worked so hard for will be destroyed so you better act fast before is too late,” Fredrick ended the call abruptly after speaking

Taking in a deep breath he kicked the chair in front of him in frustration

“Fûçk!!!” He let out a roar.

He’s so close, so close to success. Why does Isaac have to come up with the Abrahams again?

He has to do something, if Jax take over there will be a serious problem for him and everything he has worked so much for over the years.



Ruby looked out through the window and a small smile appeared on her lips.

It wasn’t raining heavily anymore, it was just few rain drops. That means she could go home when they are done.

“Thank you again for coming here with me,” Isaac said casually.

She glanced at him then nodded with a smile.

“What can I say? I’m not one to keep malice,” she shrugged.

He chuckled at her expression, Isaac watched as she cut a little piece of meat from her steak, shoving it into her mouth and began munching on it.

He had a cake in front of him but he wasn’t eating it, he just wanted to watch her and she seems to fascinate him everytime.

“About the other day,” he began softly and she looked up, well, it will be the second time she will be looking up only to see him staring

“Stop staring at me like that,” she frowned.

He chuckled

“Can’t help it, you’re pretty,” he replied

Ruby was silent, he’d called her earlier saying they needed to see and he has something very urgent to tell her that’s why she agreed to meet up with him.

But with the way he’s staring at her she’s not sure she can keep up or even summon enough courage to tell him about Jade.

He was handsome, okay… Maybe not like the school fûck-boy but he was really hot and good looking

What woman wouldn’t want to him as dessert?

“Isaac,” she called, noticing that he was still staring.

“Sorry, just can’t help it.” He replied and picked up a napkin

Ruby was confused as what he’s doing till he reached forward, wiping a sauce stain on her lips, she felt her heart skip beat and for a moment she wished it was his lips.

“Be careful we are not alone and people are watching,” he mumbled

She quickly withdraw backwards, startling him.

“Ruby,” he called

She didn’t sit still, she just rushed out of there and headed towards the restroom.

“Did I do something wrong again?” Isaac murmured and looked around.

Everyone was minding their business so he figured no one must have noticed but little did he know, someone has taken multiple pictures of them together.

10 minutes passed and she didn’t come out, Isaac’s mind was telling him to go check on her but he decided to wait a little longer.

Seeing that he was impatient, he got up to leave but Fredrick and Ryan blocked his way.

“We need to talk now!” Fredrick said in a commanding tone.

Isaac glanced towards the restroom then back at them, tightening his teeth, he followed them out.


Ruby finished washing her mouth in the restroom then she rested both hands on the sink.

What exactly happened back there? Why did her heart suddenly beat? She was mad at him previously and she might have forgotten it but her mind beating is just crâzy.

Jade Love him and she was supposed to get him to like Jade not having butterflies in her belly cos of a little physical contact.

“Stop this madness!” Ruby scolded herself.

She will go out there this time and keep their relationship casual, eat dinner and go home…. No, eat dinner and talk about Jade. Case closed.

She smiled at herself in the mirror.

By the time she walked out Isaac was no where to be found, she was still looking around while standing by their table when a waiter approached her with the bill.

“Miss, you have to pay,” the guy said

Ruby nodded and took it but immediately she opened the small fill her jaw dropped in shock.

where she was gonna get such amount of money?

Did she eat that much? Oh, gwad! She should have known, this was a fancy restaurants.

“Miss, would you please pay up? I would like to go and attend to other customers,” The waiter reminded her that he was still standing there.

She took in a deep breath then let it out.

“Can I do the dishes? I don’t have that amount of money,”



The abandoned umbrella lay on the wet ground near Trista who’s drenched by the rain but she didn’t seem to care.

Both her hands were pressed against Jax’s bleeding belly.

She’d tried to block the blood with a piece of her clothes, she’d already called her mother and the woman was on her way.

At first, She’d thought of calling 911 but remembering that he was actually a werewolf, she decided to call her Mom instead.

As she awaits her mother’s arrival, she decided to stop the bleeding by tearing piece of her blouse and pressing it against the bleeding spots.

he’d already lost so much blood so she just wish he will hang on till her mother arrives.

“Jax, hang on a little while okay? Help is on the way,” she said assuring him, her body was visibly shaking cos she’s not tolerant to cold but she couldn’t just leave him there to dîè

He took a bûllet for her, how many men could do that?

“Sun flower, you should get going, I will be fine,” Jax managed to say, trying to sound perfectly fine.

He didn’t want to lose another, he’d already lost one and he’d be damned it he lose two.

“No, I’m not leaving you,” she shook her head negatively

“L…. Lis…. Listen to me, okay?” He struggled to speak, his head was spinning but he tried to hang on.

“I’m…. I’m….” he breathed

“I’m not…. not worth Risking your life for,” his voice was faintly making tears to come cascading down her wet cheeks

She could already feel that part that love him fading away, the part that made her not to feel the cold weather even though she was visibly shaking.

All she wanted right now was him, for him to be okay.

She shouldn’t have been mad at him, why was she even mad that he didn’t come back? She’s such an idîot! But then again why did he do it? Why did he risk his life for her?

She can heal with just a blink of an eye.

“Why?! Why did you do it? Why did you take the bûllet?” She sobbing, bubbles coming out from her nose.

She was heartbroken. She didn’t know why but she can’t take it if anything happen to him, she won’t. No! Her fragile heart is so weak to contain it.

“It’s… What I do as the keeper. My job is to protect,” his eyes closed unwillingly

“Jax! Jax wake up,” she began shaking his body.

Her hands were so cold as though they were freezing and her face was pale as though she has been sick for decades, her teeth clattering against each other eachod off the silent street but she wasn’t paying attention to herself.

All that matters right now was him.

“Jax, please come back. I won’t fîght you anymore I promise…. Please don’t leave me you’re the first I have ever like and hâte at the same time,” she sobbed bitterly.

She didn’t know what to do, her hands were still pressed against his injury and she feared he might pass out if she removed her hand.

“Jax?” She called, hear voices barely audible.

He didn’t respond

“Jax fûçk it!”

“Fûçk!! Fûçkêry and fûçkêrson! Wake up!! You don’t need to show me that God hâtês Trista Jacob so wake up,” she shoved at him with just one hand.

Her heart hurts, it hurts so bad!

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to kîll her,” she heard a mumble and looked at him sniffing.

His eyes were still closed but his mouth were moving.

“Jax, what are you talking about? Kîll who?” She asked confused.

At this moment she didn’t care if he kîllêd anyone or not, all she wanted was for him to wake up. She wanted him to be alright and not dêâd.

Where was her mother? What’s keeping her? Why isn’t she here already? Where are his friends? Why aren’t anyone around? Why does it have to rain today of all day.


“I was…. I was just a boy and wild, I didn’t mean to watch her go up into the flames and do nothing to save her…”

“Jax, forget it. I don’t care who you kîll just hang on for me okay?” She sniffed.

Finally, she saw a car light coming their way and hope flashed in her eyes, her mother made it, finally.

Trista thought silently though a part of why wondered if the same guys that shot Jax has come back to finish her off.

God please let it be her mother or one of his friends.

“I didn’t mean to kîll Sunny, I’m sorry. I was only a little boy,”

That was the last thing she heard before his eyes closed completely and his hand dropped from his side, hitting the ground with a small thud.

She didn’t understand what he said, it was a bit confusing and… Okay, creepy but she wanted him first.

“Jax” she called but didn’t get a response, not even the blink he usually gives her.

It was absolutely nothing.

“Jax can you hear me?!” She asked, trying to get up but cos he’s in her lap she wasn’t able to move.

Fear and panic creeped their way Into her and she didn’t know what to imagine again.

“Jax?!” She screamed and screamed and then screamed and then screamed till she taste blood at the back of her throat.

She wanted to throw up

If this was a dream she wanted to wake up, she has dreamt enough.

She didn’t want him to dîèd, she will stop fîghtîng him and be a good girl from now henceforth.

she could feel a part of her leaving, that same part she felt when he penetrated into her, that moment she felt something changed… She could feel that happening again but this time it was different.

Her body is reacting different as though something is fîghtîng her for control.

She couldn’t figure out what it was but she knew a part of her was lost and right now she’s incomplete.

Inner rage, furry that she couldn’t contain was building up inside her

“Fûçk!!! Fûçkêry!!? Fûçkêrson!!! Fûçkêrson!!!”

“Jax if you dîê I swear, I will kîll you!” She screamed at his lifeless body, letting her tears mix with his wet body.

Trista felt her hand heat up, it was so hot that she pulled her hand away, thinking the hotness was coming from him but when she looked down at her palms

She met the most terrifying scene of her life, never in a million years will she believe what she’s seeing is real, infact, she can even bet on it.

Her palms were on fire, real blue flames of fire. What’s even more crazy is that she’s not feeling the burn.

Isn’t that insane! What in the holy fûçk!

She’d always known Gwad hâtêd Trista Jacob but he shouldn’t have taken it personal.

“Oh gwad! What am I?! A monster?! Or a demon’s daughter?!


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