By Gbemi writes
” Why don’t you call her up and ask her about it. I would have love to stay to chat with you but I have something to do ” Peter said as he walked while leaving Marie there.
Still reeling from the whole thing, Marie went into the rest room and immediately pulled out her phone to call Develene but there was no response.
She can’t believe that she’s been lied to, Develene couldn’t have been cruel to have allowed her to come in her place only for her to do that.
She was still shaking when she heard the rest room door being knocked on.
“Develene are you in there? You are taking too long ” she heard Romeo calling her and she tried to calm herself not wanting him to notice a thing.
Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the rest room and stared at the man Develene was meant to marry.
“You were taking too long in there” he told her crisply.
“Can you do me a favour?” She asked.
“If it’s within my power” he replied.
“Can you take me home” she said to him.
“Why? Are you bored with me?” He asked.
“Just take me home, please” she told him and seeing the urgency in her eyes, he decided to do that.
Marie sat in the car while her thoughts drifted away, she didn’t even notice Romeo who kept starring at her through the whole ride.
As soon as the car stopped in front of Develene parents home, she tried to leave only for him to take hold of her hand.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been like that ever since you left the rest room” he said.
“You don’t have to concern yourself about what happens to me. Am just a fake afterall” she said and not waiting to see Romeo reaction on her words, she left the car heading straight to her room.
“A fake? What does mean?” Romeo muttered and stared at the mansion before driving off still wondering what she meant by fake.
As soon as she got to her room, she called Develene again and still there was no reply.
Remembering something Peter told her, she decided to call her boss who owned the restaurant she used to work in at Texas.
“Marie? Marie quit her job and left the restaurant” she heard her boss say.
“And since how long as Marie quit her job?” She asked.
“Days ago. Look I have to get back to work, I suggest you call Marie yourself and ask ” her boss said before ending the call.
Develene had lied to her, she had told her to come here pretending to be her while she will be pretend to be Marie.
And while she had tried her best to help Develene, Develene had only created a mess for her back in Texas.
Marie layed on the bed crying and feeling hurt. She had trusted a friend only to be betrayed.
Marie sat on the bed dialling Develene number for the last time and when she received no answer as always. She ended the call and carried her suit case which was now filled only with the clothing she bought.
Its been a week since she found out about Develene lies and though she knew that she owed no loyalty to Develene and should have left on the same day she learnt the truth, she still stayed.
She hoped that somehow Develene will call her or perhaps try to reach her in some ways but there was nothing and now a week has gone by and so it’s time for her to go home.
Taking her luggage she got downstairs only to see Develene parents starring at her.
“What’s going on?” Hannah asked.
“Am sorry but all this has been a farce” she said softly.
“What do you mean by farce?” Develene father asked.
“Am not Develene, my real name is Marie Raymond, am just a friend who was sent here by Develene to pretend to be her” Marie confessed while the two people standing in front of her stared at her with shock.
“Say that again” A voice demanded suddenly and they all turned to stare at Romeo who stood by the door way starring at them.
“What did you just say?” He asked as he walked further into the room.
Ever since the day she found out the truth, she hadn’t seen Romeo since then and that’s because he had an important meeting he was attending in another country.
“Am glad that you are here. Its time that you all know the truth” she said and a while later Develene parents sat on the sofa shocked while Romeo stood by the window, gazing out into the night without saying a thing.
“What about our daughter? Where is she?” Hannah asked.
“I have no idea. After finding out about her deceit, I called and up till this moment, she hasn’t picked up” Marie told her.
“You should have told us sooner! You lied your way here and pretended to be our child when you are nothing but an imposter” Hannah said to her harshly.
“Yes I am an imposter. An imposter who only wanted to help your daughter but am glad that you know the truth now. Its time I get going” she said as she stood up to leave.
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