By Gbemi Writes
“Your olfactory nerve have been damage miss. The nerve being damage ruined your sense of smell and taste” The doctor explained making it clear to Marie.
“But my sense of smell and taste is my everything. You see am a cook and I …….”
“You would have to quit that for a while miss or you will keep making mistakes” he told her smoothly.
“So if I quit it for a while will I be cured?” Marie asked.
“Have seen some few cases like this before and to be honest with you, they never get cured” the doctor told her diminishing her hope.
“So your saying I can’t be cured of this?” She asked.
“Am not saying that, am just saying that it’s a fifty percent chance” he told her softly.
“Thank you. I will think about it” she said as she walk out of the hospital.
While taking the bus to the company her thoughts kept drifting off to what the doctor told her.
Cooking had been the only stable thing in her life, if she had any worries she cook to help relieve her of it and she had one day hope that she would become a well known chef but that won’t be happening.
A while later she stood in front of the company contemplating on going into the company or not. Knowing that she would only make a fool of herself if she go in, she walked off instead of going into the company.
Thanks to Willow who had shown her around, she spent her day visiting places she had never visited before in New Jersey using Romeo money for the first time.
She sat at the park until it was quite late and all this while she didn’t cry, she was heading to the bus station when she picked Romeo call.
She didn’t know why but hearing his voice finally got the tears spilling and she sat down at the bus top wailing her eyes out not caring if people were starring at her.
She has lost something that worth so much to her and it didn’t matter if she was being watched by anyone.
Charles who had been heading home after a long day at work got to the bus stop only to see a woman crying and it wasn’t until he got close to her that he realised that it was Marie.
He didn’t know why but ever since she started working with them, he hated it and he wanted her gone which is why he often bvlly her with his words or actions.
He has always felt uncomfortable around the opposite sx and that was why he wanted her gone and even though his words are known to hurt others, he has never seen her crying like the rest had did until today.
He wanted to leave, to ignore her but the sad look on her face made him stay and before he could stop himself, he spoke to her.
“Are you okay Marie?”
Still crying she looked up at him and instead of answering, she turned away from him.
“Am fine” she replied as she wipe her tears off.
“If you are fine you wouldn’t be crying” he said and she couldn’t give him a reply this time because the bus arrived.
Taking her stuff, she got into the bus choosing to ignore him this time.
A while later the bus stop and she got out of it. She began her short journey to Romeo pent house on legs and with her mind off about the things around her, she didn’t notice the car driving with speed toward her until she was pulled out of harm’s way.
“Are you okay?” She heard Charles asked and she pull out of his arms to stare at him.
“I am but what are you doing here?” She asked.
“What do you think?” He replied.
“Have you been following me?” She asked and he nodded.
“I got to the bus stop and found a colleague of mine in tears and knowing that girls tend to do crazy things if they’ve been hurt, I decided to follow and am glad I did” he said.
“I wasn’t going to kll myself” she told him.
“Really? Then how would you explain what just happened a while ago? The car was definitely horning but your mind was some where else” he said.
“I must admit that I wasn’t paying attention but I wasn’t going to kll myself” she told him.
“Said by countless of girls who end up doing it. I will walk you home to be sure” he said walking ahead while leaving the stunned Marie starring after him.
Just yesterday he hadnt even spoken to her and now this? What is he up to, she thought as she followed him.
“Forget him” Charles said suddenly and she turned to stare at him.
“Forget who?”
“The guy that hurt you. I know girls tend to over think when they’ve broken up with their boyfriends but you shouldn’t. He isn’t worth your tears” Charles replied.
“And what makes you think that my tears is because of a break up?” She asked.
” Girls tend to cry and it’s all due to a man, have seen a lot of girls do it to know that you were crying because of a man who broke your heart” he said.
“Well in my case it isn’t because of a man” she said.
“Yes. I hear you” he said softly and that got her starring at him.
She knew he didn’t believe her and the way he replied and turned the whole thing around got her smiling.
“Smiling? Am glad to know that I can at least make you smile” he said which wipe the smile off her face.
“I wasn’t smiling” she told him.
“You were, am not blind and to be honest you look beautiful when you smile” he complimented.
“Do you know that that is the first nice thing you’ve said to me?” She asked.
“Was I that bad?” He asked and she nodded.
“I just don’t like my space being taken by a woman and to be honest your food are really tasteless” he said reminding her of her ordeal again.
“Your right! My food is tasteless and I don’t think it will ever be good which is why have decided to quit” she told him and this stopped him in his tracks.
“Your quitting?” He asked and she nodded.
“You must be thrilled right? You’ve always wanted me gone and now that have finally decide to leave, you should feel great about it” Marie told him.
“Why are you suddenly quitting?” Charles asked.
“Am not fit for the job that’s why” she said as a sad expression crossed her face briefly something Charles noticed.
“Thanks for tonight. Am glad to know that you didn’t hate me that much, I can continue from here, good night ” she said as she waved him off.
Charles was still watching her walk on when he noticed a piece of paper on the floor.
He picked it up and opened it and it wasn’t until he read the content in it that he knew it belonged to Marie.
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