Verna smirks when she sees Diego is already letting his guard down. She lean forward and started kssing him.

“Don’t hold yourself back brother…I know you’ve always been peeking on me anytime I’m dressing up. You probably want this the most” She whispers to his neck pushing him on the b.ed. His back landed on it and his face widened when she pvlled off her wet singlet exposing her bbs her tips pointing directly at his face. Verna smiles taking his hand. She places it on her bb giving it a press.

“I can make you feel better brother…” She said se..ductively again. But Instead Diego quickly took his hand away pushing her away also. He stood from the b.ed ruffling his hair.

“I can’t do this Verna…this…is wrong…please leave”

“How is it wrong?” She asked behind him.

“We’re siblings don’t you under_” He turns swiftly to her only to halt when he saw her now with nothing on. His eyes widened the more. Verna slowly walk closer to him.

“We’re not even real siblings…and even if we are…who cares? I don’t give a damn about those things…” She traces her fingers from his chest up to his face cupping it.

“Right now…I only want you…and I know you do to…” She said flirty.

“I’m surely gonna regret this…” Diego mutters.

“You can think about that later..” She pvshes him back to the b.ed.

“But for now…” She said getting on him.

“Deal with me” she captured his lips in hers in fierce kss. Diego didn’t resist either as he swap her over getting on top. He took dominion over the kss while Verna m.oans his name.

Jay whistled as he came out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel around his waist. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing an angry Kim charging towards him to throw a punch. However, Jay quickly dodged her attack, causing Kim to lose her balance and fall to the floor. In the process, she instinctively grabbed Jay’s towel, and they both ended up on the floor with him landing on top of her.

Their eyes remained locked for a few seconds before Jay finally released a mischievous chuckle.

“Do you prefer we stay like this?” he asked.

“Get off,” Kim gritted.

“It’s no problem for me, but…are you really okay with that?” Jay traced his eyes down to his waist, and Kim’s gaze followed.

She gasped loudly and immediately averted her eyes when she realized he was naked.

“I’ll close my eyes, so…stand up and cover yourself,” she said, shutting her eyes tightly.

“Hey, that’s not fair…I saw yours, remember? This is your chance to get revenge,” he smirked.

“Get away from me, Jay,” she seethed, still keeping her eyes closed. Jay shrugged, got up, and retrieved his towel.

“You can open them now.”

“How can I trust you?”

“Then do you want to remain like that?” he raised an eyebrow, and Kim cautiously opened one of her eyes. Seeing him covered, she opened them fully. Jay extended his hand towards her, and she took it. He helped her up, their chests accidentally colliding, and Jay held her steady by gripping her waist.

Jay stared at her without saying anything, while Kim furrowed her brow, unsure if he intended to continue the intense gaze.

“You keep staring,” she jerked him off, and a sly smile appeared on his lips.

“You should be honored.”

“Yeah, exactly,” she smirked, wrapping her arms around him as well.

“I am,” she brought her knee forward and kneed him in his gr.oin. He immediately let go of her, clutching his gen!tals in pain.

“Kim, what the heck!” he spat, while Kim went to his drawer and picked up a belt. She faced him with a smile.

“Jayden, come here,” she said slowly, smiling at the same time, but Jay shook his head.

“Freak!” he spat before running out of the room with only his towel, while Kim followed him calmly.



“Diego?” Kim called out to Diego, who ignored her.

“I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…yesterday was just…” she sighed.

“Jay answered your call…tell me, is there anything between you two that I don’t know about?”

“Of course not! He just likes playing pranks on me, and yesterday wasn’t an exception. I’m so sorry for not showing up; you must have waited,” Kim explained.

“Can you leave for now?” Diego returned his gaze to the book in front of him.

“Die…” Kim sighed before going back to her seat.

She slumped in her seat and sighed.

“What do I do? Will he ever talk to me again?” Kim said to Onda, who seemed lost in thought.

“Onda…Onda!” Kim tapped her, and she jerked up.


“Are you okay? I’ve noticed you seem restless for some time now. Did something happen? Tell me…did something happen at the party the other night?” Kim asked, leaning closer, while Onda sighed.

“Jade and I kssed,” she replied slowly.

“Well, that’s good news for you.”

“But…I made a mistake. My allergy acted up, and… and he saw it, Kim. What should I do?” she said in a trembling voice.

Kim gently held her face.

“Hey… having an allergy isn’t a bad thing. If it showed up in that moment, maybe… maybe it’s just what you needed. It’s an opportunity for you to see how he truly views you. Listen, Onda… now that he has seen you at your worst, this is a chance for you to know if he’ll accept you for who you really are. No one is perfect, so… don’t dwell on it too much.”

“What if… what if he never talks to me again?” She sniffled.

“Then that shows… maybe you two aren’t meant to be. You should try to forget about him and move on,” Kim said loftily, shaking her head.

“I’ve tried… I’ve tried, but… it’s incredibly difficult. It feels almost impossible,” Onda replied, sighing.

“It is possible if you set your mind to it. Onda, you need to stop obsessing over him now. Remember, you have your own life to live as well. If he isn’t the one, then… you can always explore other options.”

Onda sighed again.

“Promise me you’ll do just that.”

“I’m tired too, Kim… I want to forget about him as well.”

“That’s my girl,” Kim grinned, tousling her hair. Onda managed a small smile and let out a sigh.

“Is there something else?” Kim asked, noticing her worried expression.

“Kiki… you know… that girl…”

“Which girl?”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she smiled, and Kim smiled back, glancing at Diego, who wasn’t looking in their direction.

However, her brows furrowed when she noticed Verna grinning at her.

“What the heck!” Kim thought, facing forward.

Onda was on her way to the cafeteria when Agnes suddenly pulled her into an empty classroom.

Her back slammed against the door, and she gasped.

“Ag… Agnes…” she called slowly.

“You haven’t been answering my calls,” Agnes said, while Onda looked away.

“If it’s because of the other night, then… I’m not sorry,” she continued, and this time Onda turned to her, scoffing.

“You’re not sorry? You kissed me out of nowhere, and now you’re telling me you’re not sorry?”

“It wasn’t a mistake. So I don’t see any reason why I should apologize.”


“Don’t you get it already? I’m into you, Onda,” Agnes said, stepping closer. Onda moved back, shaking her head.

Agnes held her face.

“Listen… I know this may come as a shock to you, but… I’m not the kind of person who hides her feelings. I liked you from the moment I saw you.”

“So, you’ve been helping me and doing all those things because… you wanted me? And here I thought… I had just made another great friend.”

“Onda, listen…” Agnes held both of her hands.

“I’m fully aware that you like someone else, and I won’t force my feelings on you. I just hope that someday, you might realize that better things are right in front of you.”

“By turning myself gay? Sorry, but I don’t like that,” Onda snapped, clearly hurting Agnes’ feelings. Onda noticed this and sighed.

“See, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call your feelings ‘sht.’ I just… I’m sorry.”

Agnes let out a small smile.

“It’s okay…I’ve heard worse….from people closer to me than you” Agnes replied downcasted.


“Like I said earlier I’m ain’t forcing my feelings on you. That night…you were hurting so much and I didn’t know what to do. I kssed you on impulse. But when you ran away…it dawned on me…I’ve messed up. Nonetheless…I’m ain’t sorry for it.”

“We…can still be friends right?” Agnes asked slowly.

“Just…friends?” Onda quizzed and Agnes nodded.

“Just…friends…you are too precious for me to lose Onda” Agnes said hugging her.

“Thank you Agnes…and…im sorry”

“Let’s go eat now…by the way what are you gonna do about Jade?” She asked and they goes out of the classroom.

“Don’t know…we’ll have to see how it goes” Onda gave her a small smile.


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