Cookie didn’t reply so Blue went over and picked up her suitcase, she tied it to the back of her bike then glance at Cookie when she was done.

“Come, I will buy you food, you look like you need one…..”

“Oh, yeah, tell me how much of a foodie I am!” Cookie suddenly snapped tearfully, remembering everything her family said to her and how they treated her.

She’d thought the stranger was her savior but it turns out the stranger was mocking her too, how stupid of her to think she’s worth someone’s love and kindness.

She’s just an ugly fat girl and that’s what she will always be.

“Hey, I dunno for you but I need food, okay?” Blue said.

Cookie sniffed, she’s not going anywhere with a stranger but then again where will she go? Was the person harmful yet she saved her?

She looks like a criminal with her mask and gwad! Is that a gun?! What is she?

“Get on I don’t have all day,” Blue urged but Cookie didn’t move, Blue held her jaw, eying Cookie while also thinking of what to do

Should she just leave her there or take her?

“Look, I get that you’re scared but once we get food and we’re done eating then you can continue your journey, deal?” Blue asked, offering her hand.

Cookie hesitated

Finally she got on the bike and blue drove off.


Cookie is seen in a restaurant packing foods into her mouth as though the food was gonna run if she didn’t slow down.

Blue narrowed her gaze watching as she devour the food, many thoughts running through her mind.

What exactly is a young girl doing outside by this time of the night? What about her parents? Don’t she have relatives or something?

“Hey, what’s Wrong?” Blue asked casually.

Cookie she’s about stuffing another food in her mouth paused, staring at the stranger.

Well, she was still a stranger? But She saved her fûçking life!

“Tell me anything, I promise you won’t regret it,” Blue added, resting both hands on the table.

Cookie didn’t say a word, the girl was about her age.

Blue nodded.

“It’s alright if you don’t wanna talk, I’m running late so I gotta leave you here….” She paused, watching as fears flashed through Cookies eyes.

“Not to worry, the manger is a good friend of mine so I get you covered, you can continue your journey to wherever you’re going tomorrow but as of now, I gotta go,” Blue said And stood, she took her helmet which was resting on the next sit beside her.

Cookie didn’t know what to do or say, she just watched Blue exit the room and immediately Blue left, she noticed all eyes on her.

When the girl was around it was as though everyone was afraid of her but now she’s gone, all eyes were on her.

She grabbed her purse dashing out of the restaurant in full speed, scared to dèâth.

She rather stay with the savior stranger than this bunch of people.

She met Blue when she’s about to drive off.

“Please, take me with you, I don’t wanna go home,” she pleaded tearfully, wishing and hoping Blue will just agree.

A part of her wasn’t in support of the idea but another part of her didn’t want the strange savior to go.


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