Blue might have said a lot of things about this guy but she didn’t think he was any of those things, she really wants to run her hands through his abs and know what it feels like.

She straightened her hand, slowly reaching for him but Lucius grabbed her fingers then twisted

“Argh!!” She cried out, coming back to her senses instantly.

Her eyes meeting his.

“I dunno what’s going on in that fat head of yours but you’re not my type, not even close, not even what I can look at, you don’t even deserve to be where I am and you should thank your stairs I have more important things to do if not I would’ve thrown you to the pit where you belong so you could see your fellow pigs there,” he pushed her down, walking out of there.

Cookie sat there heart broken, all the insults her family has given her was nothing compared to this one.

She didn’t know why but it hurt so bad, she was also human, why can’t she just be loved? Is it too much to ask?

She wipe her tears with the back of her palms, she shouldn’t cry for him, she’s not a pig and she has to prove it.

If she can change herself then he will come running to her.

She rose to her feet, forcing herself to walk but with each step she took his horrible words came echoing in her head.

Meanwhile, Lucius got to the car then glance back, his driver already opened the door handle for him to go in but he didn’t move.

He stood there for ten minutes, staring at the door as though waiting for someone to come out, when he saw no one, he got in.



Later that afternoon, Cookie was taken to meet their Boss, All thanks to Blue who treated her injuries.

The large door opened and all the members of the clan stood abruptly, Cookie on the other hand tried standing but she couldn’t get up, she tried again but still couldn’t get up.

Blue who’s beside her tugged at her arm, urging her to stand but she just couldn’t get her âss off the damn chair.

Their Master, a man in his mid 40s Walked graceful till he got to her, everyone held their breathing, waiting and watching what he would do to her.

It was a sign of respect to stand whenever he enters a room and Cookie just broke the no. 1 rule.

Regina smirked from where she stood, enjoying the show, after this moment she won’t see the girl again.

It will be her last moment in here, just cos Blue always gets the Job done doesn’t mean she’s allowed to brings ugly pigs in here.

“Step out,” their masters words were razor sharp, cutting through any courage Cookie had left.

Just this morning Blue told her she was gonna be one of them if she lose some weight and now this terrifying man is calling her, what is he Calling her for.

“Ryan help her out,” their boss ordered impatiently.

He was a scary man indeed, mean and ruthless. He doesn’t hesitate to slay anyone who disobeys him.

There are many Cartels around but he was the boss of the Boss, he was trained by his father the ex godfather and after his father’s dêâth he took over.

Deep down he had a special hätred for little kids that’s why he always kidnapped and turn kids to his own working machine.

Many Clans fear him, as he is powerful so is he crew, the government has been searching for him since he was ten and now he’s close to 50 and they are yet to find him.

Mercy is a word he doesn’t like hearing and pain is what he loves more than anything.

Ryan bowed walking towards Cookie, he grasped her collar then throwing her out into the hall.


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