Jackson gave Collins his own and he throw it but it didn’t enter.

“The fûçk man, what’s you doing?” Richard asked.

“I’m the captain of the basketball team for a reason,” Lucius said proudly.

“Come on, I’m your second,” Collins said, throwing another empty bottle but it didn’t go into the can

Meanwhile, Cookie was getting irritated by what he was going, if he wanted to trash the cans let him get his fûçking âss off the damn chair and disposae it properly.

Why dirty the whole ground? Someone is cleaning this place and even though the person is getting paid, it doesn’t mean he should give the person extra unnecessary work.

“Will be back,” she got up from her chair.

“Just let him be,” Blue said in protest.

“I’m trying but I can’t,” Cookie stepped out from her chair.

From nowhere, a girl dropped her tray on their table then held Cookies arm.

“I know you probably don’t know me but I can tell that you’re new here cos I know you’re going to confront Collins but I must warn you, he’s mother is a gangster, his half brothers uncle is a drug lord, he’s very dangerous trust me,” the girl said

Cookie withdraw her hand from the girls hold.

“I don’t give a fûçk,” she said, walking over to Collins and his friends.

They all glanced at her wondering why she’s approaching them.

She lowered herself, picking up all the empty bottle he threw around, when she finished she disposed them all in the trashcan and turned around to leave but Collins throw another one on the ground.

Now doing it on purpose.

She paused then glance at him.

“What I like is the way your âss positions whenever you bend over, I would love to take you like that,” he said with no remorse.

His friend laughed except from Lucius who maintained a straight face.

Cookies didn’t say a word, she picked up the empty bottle putting it in the trashcan, she lifted the can and before anyone could know what she wants to do, she emptied the whole trash on Collins.

Everyone gasped, eyes wide and bulging out.

“The fûçk!!!”

“She didn’t do that did she?”

“What the???”

“Did she??”

“I like what am seeing now, it’s good to put trash where they belong,” She spats, keeping a straight face.

She turned around to walking away but a strong hand grasped her wrist…..



“I like what am seeing now, it’s good to put trash where they belong,” She spats, keeping a straight face.

She turned around to walking away but a strong hand grasped her wrist, she swung het gaze tobthe left only to see Lucius holding her firmly.

His grip iron tight. She didn’t struggle, Cookie stood there staring at him while he stared back at her.

He didn’t know why he grabbed her arm, or maybe it was cos of what she did to Collins but the sudden urge to hold her was overwhelming that he couldn’t hold back.

He knew too well that has seen her somewhere but he just couldn’t make out where, deep down inside him he knew they have crossed part in the past but where?

It just kept ringing in his mind but he couldn’t point out where and it was becoming too much, he’s not one to look, Chase or be intrigued by a female but there something about her.

Something she carries within her that always pulls him, he needed answers.


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