Meanwhile Cookie on the other hand didn’t want him to release his hold on her, it hurts, so bad that she wanted to break down right there and then.

She loved him, it was love at first sight like they called it and she wanted it to be him, with his hold on her, firmly around his wrist she wondered what his whole body would be like.

“Come on Cookie snap out of it!” She scolded herself silently.

She wasn’t falling all over for him again right? He was handsome no doubt and many ladies would want to worship the ground he stepped on but he broke her, she wasn’t gonna just let him step all over her again as though she was a door mat.

She gulped, summoning the courage to withdraw from his hold, she was certain he wasn’t gonna let go of her but what she was aware of what the fact that he’s trying to but he couldn’t find the strength.

She was a beautiful, what man in his right sense won’t wanna hold her?

“I think there is a little misunderstanding here,” Blue came over, taking her hand from Lucius.

It was then that he came back to senses, realizing that many eyes were in them especially him.

“I apologize on her behalf and I will make sure she doesn’t go out of her ways again,” Blue added politely.

She took Cookies hand, walking away and totally abandoning their meal.

Collins sip from his glass, eyeing his brother. He knew too well that Lucius isn’t the lady type. He’s the one that always gets all the woman and with the bad record.

Even though Lucius Mom just married his Dad, he still doesn’t know Lucius too well but he knew for a fact that something was wrong and he wasn’t gonna sit back and watch.

Whatever is wrong shouldn’t be Cookie cos she’s for him, her âss belongs to him and he doesn’t want to think of the impossibles but he just pray….

“Collins,” Richard Called, tapping him gently on his shoulder.

He picked up his glass.

“Will be back,” he mumbled, walking away.

Jackson and Johnson exchange glances before shifting their gaze to Abraham and Richard.

Lucius also got up and left leaving just their friends behind.

“Guys, I still don’t get it, what exactly is it with that girl?” Jackson asked, staring at his friend.

His brother Johnson held his jaw as though in thought.

“I don’t like her,” Johnson mumbled.

“Hack, I do!” Abraham cut in instantly.

“Whatever it is, I guess all we should do is to find out.” Richard said.

“So how do you suggest we do that?” Jackson asked intrigued, it’s getting interesting and he loves anything that involves fîght or chasing woman.

He knows how to handle them.

Confused, they all exchange glances.

“How about her friend? I saw her walk out with Lucius and they are still at a corner,” Richard suggested

“So who will get her?” Abraham asked.

“I don’t think she will sell her friend out,” Jackson replied but it was more like a suggestion.

“She doesn’t have to, all i need to do is give her a good fûçk,” Richard added.


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