“Lucius baby are you listening?” She asked, shaking him slightly.

“Emm…. Mother we should talk,” hs said seriously.

She blinked the glanced at her guest.

“Will be right back,” she said, walking away with him with friends maintaining the smile on her face.

The left the living room into another room and Lucius quickly locked the door.

“You can now wipe that smile off your face and tell me what all these is all about?” He said pointing towards the door as though indicating that he was pointing at the woman in their sitting room.

“What are you talking about?” She laughed dismissively

“Stop it mother!” He snapped, stamping his foot against the floor while also pointing at her.

“What the deal with Collins father? What the deal with him? What with the wedding? I don’t understand you or you brother so better start talking!!!” He roared, meaning every word.

In his eye she could tell that he wasn’t here for jokes.

His mother cleared her throat, she took in a deep breath then realized.

“I have worked so hard to be where I am today and whatever am doing is for your own good,” she said

“Then leave Collins and his father out of it!”

“I wish I can but can’t do!!” She smirked and held the doorknob.

“You do not want to cross me mother,” Lucius suddenly said.

His mother pause by the door, shock to the core. Did he just challenge her? Her own son challenge her? Impossible.

“If you or your brother harm Collins I swear to God I will hunt you down and your brother won’t be left behind,” said staring her directly in the eyes.

All the veins at the back of his head standing up right.

He has heard enough, he always covers for her. It wasn’t his fault that she can’t keep or save her money

She had enough, she was into dangerous business and she saved more than enough but what he didn’t get was why she’s going after politicians and taking them down.

As though that’s not enough for her she came for Collins, now she has eaten more than she can chew cos there no way he’s gonna sit and watch his half brother get hurts.

No, never!

“You did not just threatened me,”

“Oh, it is not a threat, it is a promise!” He walked out the door, slamming it shût.

His mother kept standing there, shock at his outburst. He has always been the obedient child, he always respect her decision so what changed?

No, she can’t take disrespect, not from him, not from anyone.

She is in charge and he must do as she says and that’s final! Collins will marry Vera and she will blow with Vera’s family company

She had other plans for Vera’s family and she won’t let anyone ruin it, not even Lucius.


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