Lucius made his way into the school hallway, student who came across him kept blushing and moving out of the way.

They knew he wasn’t that playful guy, he was handsome and serious, a definition of a nonsense guy.

One wrong move could put them in trouble if they cross his path yet they never stopped crushing.

He took the stairs, coming out at the second floor, suddenly slowing his steps at the sight of the person coming in from of him.

He stuck both hands him his trouble pocket, still maintaining his composure, Cookie got near and made to cross but he grabbed her arm.

She halted instantly then turned to look at him, her face showing no expression at all.

Now he was curious, he’s was so good at reading people but why did she keep a blank expression?

Cookie on the other hand didn’t speak, she just stood there staring him in the eyes as though waiting for him to speak first.

Seeing that Cookie wasn’t making any attempt to speak, Lucius decided to help her out.

“Why do you look familiar?” He asked, his tone calm yet cold.

Cookie squeeze her brows, sows that mean he doesn’t remember her? He can’t remember what he said to her or he’s just acting up? Is he truly unaware of who she is?

She bashed her lashes but kept quiet.

By now many students were gathering around them, from afar Collins and his friends were coming towards the Hallway and they were surprised as how students gathered around

“You think something happened?” Richard asked, glaring at Collins who’s at the middle.

“No idea,” Collins glanced at him

“You think someone got in trouble?” Abraham asked curiosily.

“Nah, it would have been in the group chat,” Richard chip in.

Jackson and Johnson nodded in support.

“I think is best we know what it is when we get there,” Collins said.

A part of him was telling him it could be Cookie and Lucius but he didn’t to believe it, she doesn’t know Lucius besides Lucius knows that he has a thing for Cookie so he can’t possibly go for her.

“What if he wants revenge? Remember what happened with Andrea,” his subconscious mind reminded.

Collins shook his head.

He didn’t want any negativity, Lucius doesn’t want Cookies cos she’s already his to claim, it’s only a matter of time before she comes around.


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