That Evening

The night had settled into a quiet stillness when Juliet arrived at Cookie’s house, her heart pounding with anticipation.

She’s sneaked out without anyone’s knowledge and she hope she would return without anyone knowing too.

The moon cast a soft glow over the front lawn, and Juliet’s breath misted in the chilly air as she knocked on the door.

She waited patiently but didn’t see anyone so she knocked again, she was about knocking for the fourth time when…..

Regina answered, her expression guarded as she peered at Juliet through the crack.

“Can I help you?” she asked, her voice harsh and rude

Juliet hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I’m Juliet. I’m here to see Cookie. I need to know if she’s really my sister.” she said, rushing her words.

Regina dimmed her eyes, Cookie has a sister? She wasn’t an orphan like them? Does big boss know about this?

She smirked, interesting.

“I want to see her,” Juliet insisted.

Regina’s eyes narrowed slightly, her grip on the door tightening.

“Cookie isn’t seeing anyone right now.” she replied.

Juliet shifted uncomfortably, her gaze flickering between Regina and the dimly lit hallway behind her.

“Please, I need to talk to her. It’s really important,” she said desperately.

“And I said Has not…..”

From within the house, Cookie’s voice rang out, clear and commanding.

“Let her in, Regina.”

Regina hesitated, then reluctantly stepped aside, allowing Juliet to enter. Cookie stood at the threshold of the sitting room, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern.

“Come on in, Juliet,” Cookie said, her voice warm despite the gravity of the situation.

“Why let her in? We are about having a meeting,” Ryan said

“Thought I was the only one who has that in mind,” Regina rolled her eyes.

“You can come to the room. I’ll be with you in a moment.” cookie said and Juliet nodded.

Juliet followed Cookie down the hallway, her steps echoing softly. Cookie guided her to a small, comfortably furnished room and gestured for her to sit.

“I’ll be right back,” she said, turning to leave but Juliet’s next words made her stop on her track.

“Please make it fast, no one knows I’m here and I don’t want to get in trouble,” she said, more like pleading.

“Will be back soon,” Cookie assured.

As Cookie rejoined Blue, Ryan, and Regina in the sitting room, she sensed the tension in the air. The group was gathered, their conversation hushed but intense.

“What’s going on?” Cookie asked, taking a seat.

“Why are you two here when Blue and I were already handling things?”

Ryan shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting to Regina before he spoke.

“We’ve been tasked with a bigger job. There’s a plan to take the Minister’s son out of the way,” he dropped a picture on the table.

Cookie’s eyes widened in shock, her breath catching in her throat.

“What?” Her eyes flickered to the stairs then back at the picture.

Collins was the minister’s son, the same person that’s her bodyguard was who she’s out to Hunt.

This was all fûçked up? Was she really going to kîll him? No, not her but Ryan and Regina.

Blue’s expression mirrored Cookie’s concern.

“Cookie and I have it under control so What’s this about?”

Regina spoke up, her tone cold and matter-of-fact.

“Big boss’s order not mine,” Regina shrugged.

Cookie’s protective instincts flared.


“You can’t just…”

Before she could finish…..




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