Now she wanted a hug, family hug. She might have buried all her emotions and feelings but she was still human and that part of her that craves for her family’s love was forefront.

She wanted to know that they love her even though they didn’t mean it, she wanted someone to be there for her even though they person wasn’t gonna stay forever.

She wanted her family, her sisters, she wanted to be seen, to be heard, to be acknowledged as a human not treated like a disease or some virus that is contagious.

“Is it really you?” Juliet took another curious step forward but Jennifer grabbed her arm, pulling her back to her senses

“Have you lost your damn mind?” She barked, still holding firmly onto Juliet

Juliet glanced at her face then at Cookie who’s still standing there.

“S…. She…… She looks…. I can feel it, she’s….” She stammered, glaring up to Jennifer while bashed her lashes like a little kid.

“Do you think she could be Cookie?” Juliet asked innocently

Jennifer smacked her head.

“Ouch, what’s that for? Momma,” she winched

“You need someone to knock your head correct, that girl is a pretty thîef, she’s not Cookie, Cookie drown in the ocean and what you’re seeing is a thèif, got it?” Mrs Gregory snapped

Juliet glanced at Cookie then at her mother before shifting her gaze to Jennifer

“But Jennifer…”

“Mother asked a question?” Jennifer snapped in her elderly voice.

She was the eldest, she never liked Cookie even when they were kids, Cookie eats alot and it reflects her on school so she has to make their parents switch another school for her.

she use to witness people bûllying Cookie

The hatred wasn’t because Cookie was fat but cos all the boys in junior high were crushing on Cookie, she wasn’t always fat. She used to be slim and pretty.

She never really said so many words in one goal but whenever she open her mouth, her dimples will speak for her, she was perfect (so the teachers said) and that made Jennifer uncomfortably jealous.

First she needs to plant her seed of resentment in their mother and that way it affected little Juliet.

Adding fat pills to Cookies food wasn’t enough so she always secretly adds super appetite to her food so cookie couldn’t stop eating

Her plans worked, Cookie gained weight and lost interest in herself, her beautiful fade, covered with fats and food.

Their mother who loves beautiful kids switched from a loving mother to someone who counts Cookie out as one of her kids.

This was the same woman that adored her when she was in elementary and junior high, just since she started gaining weight her family took a different turn for her and here she was, they still can’t recognize her.

Jennifer smirked, her plans work. She won’t hesitate to take Juliet out…..

She held her jaw in thought, if she took Juliet out it won’t be good…. Well everything is as bad as it is already.

Even if the DNA comes out clean that the damsel was Cookie, she’s gonna do something hideous to her.

Cookie took in a deep breath, fîghtîng her tears, she swallowed emptiness then turned around and began walking away.

No one, nobody loves her.

Her blood was taken by the medical team alerted by the hospital and she made her way outside.

The lawyer didn’t even say a word to her as he began walking away.

It’s actually their boss that sent him.

A car honk and she glanced at the driver, she was hoping to see Blue. She really didn’t want to see anyone else aside Blue but luck wasn’t on her side cos she saw a whole different person.

“Come on,” Collins said.

She hissed loudly, walking away

He drove after her.

“I will take you to your destination,” he said

She still didn’t look at him. He parked by the road side then got off the car.

“Hey, what’s up? The problem about you is no one can tell when you’re happy or sad, you’re always dark and cloudy,” he said, hoping to start a conversation.

She still didn’t speak, she didn’t even act as though he was there.

“Okay, I will take you to a place you will like, no one knows these places, it’s my secret place and trust me, you will like it,” he said genuinely

She didn’t respond

He roughed his hair stopping on his track, suddenly he saw two guys approaching Cookie so he rushed towards her.

The guys walked past her and continued their walk, he glanced at them then at her.

“You see what happened? Those guys would have….”

“They are your kind, there is no difference,” she cut him off in a high pitch voice.

Shocked, Collins couldn’t find his words, she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes but decides to keep her cool.

They kept walking till the got to the park and sat there, none of them said a word.


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