As the rain slowed, Cookie’s thoughts churned like the clouds above. How could Lucius stoop so low, paying women to tannish his own stepbrother image?

Cookie was unfazed by Collins’s scrutiny. She felt no warmth towards him, yet something was tugging at her, a nagging doubt.

He seemed kind, his actions too considerate for a villainous heir. Was he really as bad as he seemed?

The tension grew thicker as they set out, their footsteps splashing in puddles. Collins’s heart was pounding, each step taking them closer to her door, his mind racing with possibilities.

He would win her, he promised himself, even if he had to go toe-to-toe with Lucius.

At last, they reached Cookie’s home. The porch light was a warm beacon in the evening’s gloom, the rain now a light drizzle.

Collins smiled, his gaze lingering on Cookie, a flicker of hope in his chest.

“Here we are,” he said softly, a touch of reluctance in his voice.

Cookie nodded, her expression guarded.

“Thank you for walking me home,” she said, her tone cordial, if distant.

“It was my pleasure,” Collins replied, his smile widening, masking the ache in his heart.

Collins watched as Cookie fumbled with her keys, a faint tremble in her hand betraying her calm façade. He wanted to reach out, to say something, anything, to make her stay.

But before he could find the words, she turned to him, her eyes alight with a surprising warmth.

“Stay safe out there,” she said, a hint of concern in her voice.

Collins’ heart skipped a beat.

“I will,” he replied, his voice just above a whisper.

“Good night, Cookie.”

She smiled, the tension between them breaking like a spell.

As Cookie slipped her key into the lock, the door opened from within, revealing a woman with dark blue hair framing her face.

“Hey, Cook,” Blue said, her voice filled with concern. “I heard the storm was coming through. Are you alright?”

Cookie nodded, a smile playing on her lips as she stepped into the house, her hand slipping into Blue’s.

Collins watched as the door closed behind them, his smile fading.


Collins stormed into the expansive living room, his face a thundercloud.

“Mother, I said no!” he shouted, his fists clenched.

His mother, regal and poîsed in her designer gown, regarded him with disdain.

“Don’t raise your voice to me, Collins. It’s time you learned to play your part in this family.”

Collins’ jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with anger.

“I will not be a pawn in your power plays, Mother. I won’t marry for convenience.” He bellowed.

How could his own mother tell him to marry Regina? What about what he wants? Does he mother care if he wanted Regina or not?

Is Lucius the one doing this also? The fûçk Andrea throw herself at him, he isn’t a priest so he fûçk her, so what the fûçked Lucius girlfriend cos she was a whóre.

How long was Lucius gonna go with his dirty games?

Collin’s mother glared at him.

“You will obey me, Collins. You may not understand it now, but this marriage is crucial to the family’s success.”

Collins’s nostrils flared, his voice rising.

“What about my success? My happiness? Do you even care?”

His mother turned away, a sneer on her face.

“Happiness is a luxury we cannot afford. Now go get dressed for the family dinner,” his mother’s ordered.

He snort, she must be kidding to think he will believe her.

Collins turned, his footfalls echoing on the marble floor. But before he reached the door, two burly figures emerged from the shadows.

The guards moved toward him with practiced efficiency, their steps in perfect unison. Collins’ eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing.

“You know I’ll fight you,” he growled, his fists raised.

The guards chuckled, dark smiles spreading across their faces. One of them reached inside his jacket, withdrawing a hypodermic needle.

“It’s for your own good,” the guard said, advancing on Collins.

Collins reacted with lightning speed, ducking under the guard’s arm and delivering a swift punch to his kidney.

The first guard grunted in pain, staggering backward. But the second guard was already lunging forward, jabbing the needle towards Collins.

Collins sidestepped, his hand snatching the needle from the guard’s grip. Before the guard could react, Collins spun and jammed the needle into the guard’s neck, his face twisted in anger.

The guard collapsed, unconscious. The first guard recovered, snarling as he lunged at Collins.


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