Jennifer’s face darkened with fury. Without warning, she slapped Juliet hard across the face.

“Stop accusing me of being devious when you don’t know what you’re talking about.” she rasped, pointing fingers at Juliet.

Juliet, stung and angry, retorted,

“Why are you always so mysterious if you’re not hiding something?” she sniffed, eye red with tears lingering at the corner

Jennifer open her mouth to speak but their mother’s voice broke the tension as she entered the room.

“What’s going on here?” she demanded, eyes darting between her daughters.

Jennifer’s gaze was icy as she warned their mother.

“Keep Juliet off my back, or I’ll go to Dad.”

Their mother’s face flushed with worry.

“But she….” Juliet was still saying when

“Juliet, be quiet,” their mother commanded sharply, cutting off Juliet’s attempt to explain.

Jennifer stormed out, leaving Juliet and their” mother in a tense silence.

Their mother’s hot gaze fixed on Juliet and Juliet swallowed.

“Mother she…”

“Be quiet Juliet!” Their mother snapped sharply.

“Be quiet and stop being disrespectful to your elder sister! I didn’t raise you this way!” Their mother added, voice raising.

“Now go to sleep!”

Juliet nodded, without another word she went to her bed and lay down, her mother nodded, walking out of the room, slowly closing the door behind as not to wake her husband

Juliet jumped down the bed, without bothering to put on her slippers. As their mother down the hallway, Juliet stealthily followed her.

In the hallway, Jennifer turned to their mother.

“Juliet’s getting too suspicious. If you don’t handle her, I’ll have to tell Dad about what you did.” she threatened meaning every word coming out from her mouth.

Their mother’s face went pale.

“Please, don’t. He can’t see that video. I’ll give you anything, just keep this quiet.

Okay fine, will get you a new car and increase your monthly allowance….”

Jennifer’s lips curled in disdain.

” A new car won’t be enough. Just keep Juliet away from me.”

With that, Jennifer walked away, leaving their mother standing in the hallway, clutching her jaw in distress.

The weight of the hidden video seemed to press heavily on her, and she resolved to silence Juliet to protect her secret.

Long ago their mother did something dirty, she had no idea Jennifer was using the premise for her school acting class and everything was being recorded.

At the end of the day, Jennifer went to check her live event and that was how she saw their mother, since then she has been using it on her mother.

Taking advantage of almost everything, making their mother side with her both in good and bad, sometimes ago her father suspected but their mother convinced him everything was right, too scared to let her secret come to light.

And with that, she turned a blind eye to other and only listen to anything Jennifer filled her head with.

She already lost Cookie just to protect her secret, now does she have to lose Juliet too? She new her dangerous Jennifer was but she didn’t also want to lose her marriage.


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2 thoughts on “COOKIE : CHAPTERS 41 – 50”

  1. I think the new development is cool but how will the 300 get to you, speaking of those who do’nt have.
    If this is the admin i also want to become a writer like i want to post my stories here but i do’nt know how to start or do it i need guidelines i am looking forward on getting feedback thank you.

    • Thanks for your comment. The 300 weekly and how to make the payment shouldn’t and wouldn’t be issues. I will give you access to post your stories, just be getting them ready one by one.


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