Juliet instinctively raised her hand to shield her eyes, squinting against the glare.
Her heart skipped a beat as she realized the light was coming from an approaching car, its engine roaring louder as it sped towards her.
Before she could react, the car slammed into her with a sickening thud.
The impact sent her flying onto the hood, her body bouncing off the metal before she crashed onto the hard pavement below.
Pain exploded through her body, but the world around her blurred into a confusing haze.
“JULIET!!” A voice familiar and frantic pierced the fog of pain.
It wasn’t far away, but she couldn’t tell where it was coming from.
The car that had hit her reversed with a screech, the tires skidding on the asphalt.
Juliet’s dazed mind struggled to comprehend what was happening, but as the car revved its engine, preparing to run her over again, another vehicle swerved into the path, blocking its way.
“Juliet!!!”The voice was clearer now, full of panic and desperation.
Cookie rushed out of the second car, not even waiting for it to come to a full stop. She sprinted toward Juliet, her eyes wide with terror.
At the same time, Jennifer emerged from her own car, her eyes wild with fury.
Without a moment’s hesitation, she turned and bolted, her feet pounding against the pavement as she made a break for it.
Collins leaped out of the car as well, his gaze locking onto Jennifer like a predator zeroing in on its prey.
He took off after her, his strides long and powerful.
Jennifer weaved through the parked cars, glancing over her shoulder to see Collins still on her tail.
Panic surged through her veins as she pushed herself harder, her breath coming in short, frantic bursts.
No matter how fast she ran, he was gaining on her, the gap between them closing with each passing second.
She reached the edge of the street and darted across it, narrowly avoiding the oncoming traffic.
Collins followed, his focus unwavering. He was close now, close enough to reach out and grab her.
Desperation clawed at Jennifer’s mind. With a burst of adrenaline, she lunged toward the bridge ahead, her hands gripping the cold metal of the railing.
In one swift motion, Jennifer vaulted over the bridge’s edge, her body suspended in the air for a brief, terrifying moment before she plunged into the darkness below…..
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I Hope nothing should happen to cookie!
I hope nothing happens to Collins