
Creating And Implementing Amazon Marketing Strategy

Creating And Implementing Amazon Marketing Strategy. Thingscouplesdo

Creating And Implementing Amazon Marketing Strategy

Creating and implementing an Amazon Marketing strategy is both an art and a science. It requires a unique approach that takes all of the moving parts into consideration. The most intimidating aspect of forming an Amazon marketing strategy can be the overwhelming fact that Amazon is a massive platform.

How can an eCommerce business display ads on Amazon while standing out among the competition?

Should your business offer incentives to consumers in exchange for reviews?

Can using your competitor’s name in your keywords elevate your business’ brand awareness and boost sales?

Your digital marketing team may have more questions than answers right now, but this article will help kickstart your Amazon marketing efforts.

Creating And Implementing Amazon Marketing Strategy. Thingscouplesdo

Creating and implementing an Amazon marketing strategy isn’t as laborious or difficult as it may seem. With a fine-tuned approach with research and attention to detail, your eCommerce business can thrive on the world’s largest eCommerce platform.

Who is Amazon’s target market?

Before you can make a successful Amazon marketing strategy, much less make a sale, your team needs to know Amazon’s target market.

The target market for Amazon is primarily made up of the middle to upper socio-economic class. Within that demographic are professionals that have various means of making an online payment and prefer shopping online for the sake of convenience. Busy lifestyles lead to choosing eCommerce for daily necessities everything from toilet paper to pre-packaged meal subscription boxes.

Amazon itself has recently started its small section similar to Etsy by highlighting locally made items from different regions of The United States. This just proves that Amazon can attract many different demographics.

Amazon has also created a successful digital marketing strategy by offering potential customers the option to ‘subscribe and save’ by having the same products automatically arrive at their homes every month. Boasting lower prices and price comparison attracts a demographic of people that are on a budget and looking to save money.

How does Amazon advertise their products?

Every eCommerce business wants the coveted ‘Amazon’s Choice’ tag next to its listed product on the Amazon marketplace. That may be the holy grail in Amazon marketing, but it isn’t impossible.

Creating And Implementing Amazon Marketing Strategy. Thingscouplesdo

How can a business create an Amazon Marketing Strategy that will be successful from one quarter to the next?

Well, it turns out that Amazon is as complex as it is successful. It’s also well worth the investment of your time and your advertising budget.

We’re going into the belly of the beast here to show how Amazon marketing works. What does Amazon do that other large conglomerates don’t? Are there tricks? It turns out that Amazon’s success doesn’t exist on magic alone but an epic and strategically planned marketing strategy. Amazon’s marketing strategy is well-thought-out, involving clever product display ads that are shown across all types of social media channels, eventually bringing consumers to the intended product page.

Amazon PPC
Get a taste of Amazon’s marketing strategy through their PPC platform. This refers to the Amazon affiliate program for third-party sellers. On the platform, your business will be able to build its own Amazon marketing campaigns, create Amazon ads, and increase brand awareness. Then, each time your Amazon ad is clicked on by a potential customer, Amazon charges your business a fee.

Amazon also allows you to sponsor your product listings. They have a whole advertising center dedicated to helping sellers get their products in front of more eyes. Consider also joining the Amazon early reviewer program to see where your business needs to improve.

A-C-what? ACoS stands for Advertising Cost of Sales. Your ACoS percentage is how much you spend on advertising per dollar of revenue you make. Your business’ ACoS percentage is the vital measurement of success for your Amazon marketing campaign. The Acos score will serve as the needle on your campaign’s compass. Adjust your campaign accordingly.

Ad Impressions
Are shoppers being drawn to your Amazon product listings? Ad impressions are the best way to measure this. Your business will be able to learn why your campaign may be falling flat. Low ad impressions could be due to a poor choice in Amazon listing optimization. There are always areas to reassess and improve when it comes to ad impressions. Allocating a bigger budget for advertising and bidding with new campaigns is just one way to improve your Amazon marketing strategy.


Exact, Phrase, or Broad Match?

When you’re setting up your Amazon marketing campaign, you’ll be prompted to categorize how you want your keywords to a cluster. Selecting a ‘Broad Match’ will allow room for error when customers search your product. This could look like misspellings, synonyms, and suggested words. If you opt for a ‘Phrase Match’ then shoppers will be able to search by exact word order as seen in a phrase. The search will still generate suggestions for word variations. An Exact Match’ gives potential customers the ability to be specific in their searches. This option will yield a smaller pool of shoppers, but the shoppers that do come your way will likely purchase from you.

Automated campaigns

Automated campaigns are great for those just starting with their Amazon marketing strategy. They’re (you guessed it) automatic which means your team can set them up and follow the progress as Amazon collects the data for you. As part of the Amazon listing optimization process, they will also be collecting your relevant keywords on your behalf.

Manual campaigns

If your team is made up of experts that have run successful campaigns before then running a manual ad campaign may be their comfort zone. Manual campaigns allow for more ownership and control over the ad which includes relevant keywords, etc. These Amazon business campaigns are more intensive since they require more time and resources.

Outsmart the Competition

We’re not talking about turning your Amazon marketing strategy into a political smear campaign here. Outbidding your competitor on your advertising keywords is a great start on inching ahead of them. Also, you can legally mention your competition in your Amazon ad (just be careful to not say anything untrue). Simple statements such as “consistently more affordable than [insert competitor]” can throw a punch.

How to Increase Click-Through Rates

You want ads that work for you. The whole idea here is to create a successful Amazon marketing strategy that brings new customers to your inconsistent waves. An attractive ad isn’t enough.

Here are other areas you can put your effort to work in while your automated campaigns are working for you in the background.

Lightening Sales. Flash sales are great for generating traffic for eCommerce businesses!

Incentives for Reviews. Incentivize consumers to leave a positive review by offering a discount on a future purchase.

Discounts on Bundles.
Amazon is pretty notorious for having products in bulk. Items that are in bundles are typically cheaper than buying the product individually. Amazon is great about providing the cost breakdown just under the product description for customers. If your product could be offered in bulk then go for it! It will generate more Amazon sales for your brand.

ManyChat Integration.
Selling on Amazon marketplace while balancing customers’ needs behind the scenes can be a lot. As you learn how to sell items on Amazon, use a chatbot to your advantage. You can connect ManyChat and your Amazon Seller Central using Zapier to send customer information between the two apps and create personalized experiences for shoppers.

A Few Last Things

Your Amazon marketing strategy isn’t going to be scary. Nail down those keywords and get to know your target audience better. Don’t be afraid to invest in your ads and to put them on automation mode. Trust us, you’ll be happy when you don’t have to worry about the ads themselves in your early days on Amazon. Continue to research and read the data that Amazon sends your way—it’s there for a reason! Integrate a great Messenger bot (hi, we know how to do that!).

Now, the question you’ve been wanting to get to the bottom of.
“Amazon’s Choice” Badge

Amazon’s Choice badge is a gift that keeps on giving. Shoppers take that badge to mean that your product is reputable, reliable, and able to meet their needs. Amazon has never released exact instructions on how one goes about getting that badge. What we do know is that these items are always highly rated, have a low return rate, have been shipped quickly, have a high click rate, and are Prime eligible. If your Amazon marketing strategy goes according to plan then there’s no doubt you’ll get that badge fast!


Hope this post on Creating And Implementing Amazon Marketing Strategy is very helpful?


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