By Summer Gold R.


“So my brother hasn’t been talking to you? For real? It’s almost five days already” Sapphire said in shock after Sunny explained how Axe has been snubbing her and has refused to acknowledge her ever since she had a fight with Bluey.

“I’m scared,I don’t know what to do. What if he drives me out of here? I have nowhere to go” Sunny mumbled tearfully.

“Who cares if he doesn’t want you anymore? But I won’t allow him drive you out,I still have power here,you’re my best friend and you’re here to stay until you are ready to leave” Sapphire told her and Sunny sighed.

“Why is it so hard for him to find out how much I love him? It’s not my fault that I fell for him” She said.

“I still don’t understand why you choose to fall in love with someone like my brother,we both know he can’t keep his dick to himself,He’s a fucker and he will never be satisfied with just one pussy” Sapphire scoffed.

“He might change,for real…”

“Really? Change? Him? They are like two parallel lines that can never meet and you know that” Sapphire said.

They heard a knock on the door and Sapphire ordered the person to come in,then the door opened.

A guard entered and bowed.

“Queen mother want me to inform you that the Don will be here soon,she wants you to dress up and go downstairs” The guard said.

“Fine” Sapphire rolled her eyes.

After the guard left the room,She hissed.

“I still don’t understand why mom act this way…am I supposed to go down there to welcome the girl or what?” She hissed.

“I heard the Don himself will be here,not just the girl” Sunny chuckled.

“I’ve not seen her but I just have the feeling that I won’t like her,I don’t want to like her and I would love if she doesn’t like me either” Sapphire rolled her eyes and got down from the bed toward her closet.

“Will you wait here until I’m back?” She asked.

“Yeah” Sunny groaned and fell on her back on the bed before grabbing her phone to start pressing.


Minutes later,outside the main building, all the gang members were present,all standing in a single column side by side,Queen mother was standing between Kaine and Axe,Sapphire beside Kaine. The way he smells so good almost tempted her to just kiss him senselessly but she controlled it.

Just then,three tinted up benze showed up and stopped few distance away,some guards rushed out of the car to open the one in the middle.

Don Bruno came out from one side and Adriana from the second side.

Immediately all the gangs bowed.

“You’re welcome Don” They greeted and he smiled,adjusting his hat.

“Beautiful faces” he said but was quick to turn to Queen mother.

“Rossa” He called and they both hugged each other.

“It’s been a while Bruno” queen mother said.

“Hello queeny” Adriana called and the queen mother’s smile widnened.

“Oh gracious…is that Adriana?!”

“Of course queen” Adriana answered and went to hug her at once.

“Wow,you’re so beautiful girl. You’ve grown so much” Queen mother said.

“And you look as young as ever queen,still pretty” Adriana said and pecked her two cheeks.

Bruno chuckled.

“Don’t lie to Rossa” He said.

“Oh come on daddy,you don’t have to pretend” Adriana rolled her eyes.

Bruno and Rossa laughed.

“Axe and Kaine…oh my..Sapphire right?” Bruno asked and Sapphire managed to smile.

“You have such beautiful faces around you Rossa,I’m jealous” Bruno said.

“Oh don’t be” Queen mother chuckled.

“Hi” Adriana waved at Sapphire with a smile.

Sapphire rolled her eyes.

Adriana ignored her and rushed to Kaine.

“Hey” She hugged him and kissed his cheek.

The gang members all exchanged glances as Kaine hugged her back.

“Oh I see you two got along like I said” Bruno said and Adriana blushed.

“Let’s go in,come on,special feast waiting for you” queen mother said and led the way,Bruno walked beside her while Kaine,Axe,Sapphire and Adriana behind them with some guards following.

Sapphire was glaring at Adriana with all hatred inside her as she flirted with Kaine,the two of them were talking silently and smiling.

‘I want to burn her body and soul’ Sapphire said inwardly.



Everyone gathered around the dinning table,all eating in silence until queen mother broke it.

“So when are you planning to leave?” She directed her question to Bruno.

“Early tomorrow,I don’t know when I will be back so I hope Kaine help keep my daughter’s company” Bruno said and Adriana blushed.

“Oh oh…why Kaine?” Queen mother asked curiously.

“She seems interested in him” Bruno replied.

“Dad stop it..don’t make him uncomfortable. We agreed to be friends for now” Adriana said.

“Anything you want” Bruno said and Queen mother chuckled.

“That’s good” She said and looked at Kaine.

“Is she really joining us?” Sapphire asked.

“As you can see” Axe scoffed.

“Don’t worry about her…she will be of great help to you. I trained her myself” Bruno said proudly and Adriana nodded.

“Of course I know Adriana well,she’s greatly skilled like my Kaine,with the two of them here,then it’s going to be like a gift. Take as long as you want over there Bruno” Queen mother said.

“Sure” Bruno smiled.

“And I’m counting on your Kaine” He added.

“Yes boss” Kaine mumbled and Sapphire rolled her eyes.



Bluey opened the door and peeped into the hall,she smiled when she saw Sasha and Knife….some other mobsters also scattered all over the hall doing one thing or the other.

“Girls” She waved from the back and they both turned.

“Finally you’re here” Sasha smiled.

“Why telling me to meet you two here? I’ve never been here” Bluey muttered,looking around.

“Are you scared?” Knife asked and Bluey chuckled.

Knife raised the gun in her hand and Bluey screamed.

“What the heck” Sasha laughed ad Bluey used her for cover up.

“Lazy ass….the boss love strong girls” Knife scoffed and Bluey pouted.

“Come try this out” Sasha said,handing her gun to her.

Bluey wanted to collect it but suddenly the memory of how Axe killed Aunt Melody with a gun flashed back in her head and she gulped.

“I…I can’t” She shook her head and shifted back.

“Why?” Knife asked.

“If I learn how to shoot….doesn’t that mean,I’m going to start killing too? I can’t imagine myself doing that” Bluey muttered.

“Well that’s what we do here,does that mean you can’t be friends with us also?” Sasha asked.

“That’s not what I mean…..”

“The boss is one heartless killer,you can’t survive here if you keep acting this way,trust me” Sasha chuckled and turned to the range,she shot two bullets out at once and faced Bluey back.

“You’re not part of us,I was just teasing you” She chuckled and Bluey nodded.

“I understand it’s hard,,,you were once a nun so take your time” Knife said.

Risky and Bian came in.

“Girls!” Risky called loudly as they approached them.

“Hey guys” Sasha smiled.

“Hey Bluey” Bian smiled at Bluey.

“I’ve not seen you for two days” Bluey said.

“I can say that as well…you’ve been busy with the boss I guess” Bian smirked.

“Shut up” Bluey groaned and they laughed.

“Hey Sasha” Bian smiled at her before walking to another side with Risky without glancing at Knife for once.

It has been like that since their last encounter,they both act like they don’t see each other.

“What the heck is going on between you and Bian? He use to be all over you,now what happened? I’ve noticed you two” Sasha said.

“Same here” Bluey nods her head.

“It’s nothing” Knife muttered and turned back to her shooting target,the sound of her gun filled the air.

Sasha and Bluey exchanged glances.

“Have you heard about the Don’s daughter who just arrived?” Sasha asked.

“Don daughter? Who?” Bluey asked.

“He’s the head Don in the empire world,most powerful and most feared,we welcomed him some hours ago” Knife said.

“His daughter is here? Why?” Bluey asked.

“Oh I heard she will be staying here for now…I think he’s kind of close to the boss,she even hugged him” Sasha scoffed.

“Close?” Bluey asked.

Sasha and Knife nodded.


Adriana was walking with Kaine beside her, Don Bruno already left immediately after their meal and now Adriana insisted that Kaine showed her around which he’s doing right now.

“My lady” A voice called from the back and Adriana turned,same as Kaine.

“I finished tidying up your room” She said.

“Thanks…oh Kaine meet Kat..she’s like a sister,but she’s my assistant. I couldn’t come without her” Adriana introduced and Kat bowed for Kaine with a smile.

“I see” Kaine muttered.

“So…continue from where you stopped” Adriana grabbed Kaine’s hand again,turning away from Kat as they walked while Kat followed behind them.

“Here is….”

“Where’s the training area or ground? I’m more interested in that” Adriana cut in immediately.

“You wanna see that now?” Kaine asked her and she nodded instantly.

Still holding unto Kaine,they started walking to the training hall.

Immediately they entered,Adriana gasped and everyone turned.

“Whoa,This place is so fucking big. I can already imagine myself here” Adriana chuckled.

The gang members present bowed and Kaine replied with a nod.

“Kaine,how about a short duel with me?” Adriana smirked from where she was standing.

“Okay” Kaine nodded and started walking closer.

Bluey was staring at him but he doesn’t seem to notice her,or maybe he just decided not to look at her.

Everyone started going out to give them privacy.

“Let’s go” Sasha said to Bluey and she followed everyone leaving.

Just at the entrance, Someone bumped into Bian as soon as he came out.

“Ahh!” Kat gasped and almost fell but Bian was fast enough to grab her by the waist.

“Are you okay?” He immediately asked.

“Yes I’m…” She wanted to talk but as soon as she saw his face,,her cheeks turned red.

“I’m fine” She said in a soft voice and Bian released her.

“Thanks” She said and Bian nodded before walking away.

“Wow,who’s she? She’s so pretty” some of the guys were already staring at Kat.

“I guess” Bian muttered.

Knife rolled her eyes and walked away.

“I will see you later” Bluey mumbled and also left.

“What’s with those two?” Sasha asked looking confused.



Queen mother was having a conversation with Axe when Sapphire stormed in angrily,the door she closed sounded so loudly that they both looked up.

“Mom what’s going on here? Why exactly is the Don insisting that Kaine keep his daughter’s company?! I hope it’s not what I’m thinking,it’s never going to be what I’m thinking,right?” She asked.

“What exactly are you thinking Sapphire” Queen mother looked at her.

“He’s not trying to link my Kaine with that girl right?” Sapphire asked.

“Your Kaine? Are you silly right now? How is he yours? Why the heck is everyone so obsessed with him? Why?” Axe asked angrily.

“Who I like shouldn’t be your business,stay away!” Sapphire yelled at her and Axe got up.

“Mind repeating that again?!” He yelled at her and Sapphire rolled her eyes.

“Can you two just stop bring crazy for once in your life?! Do you know who Bruno is?! Isn’t this for the empire’s forwardness?!” Queen mother yelled.

“And whatever Bruno wants,he gets…it has been that way,there’s no way I can be against him or Kaine himself” Queen mother added.

“Don’t use my Kaine for the empire’s forwardness! She can date Axe for all I care,not my Kaine!!” Sapphire shouted and stormed out of the room.

“She’s going crazy” Axe scoffed.

“Axe..she’s your sister….”

“Like I give a damn,,you should warn you daughter,I might just end up getting rid of her tongue one day” Axe said and also left angrily.



Sasha sprinted around the race track, her legs pumping hard. She wore black leggings and a spot bra, her hair tied up in a messy bun. The cold wind whipped through her hair, but she didn’t slow down.

As she ran, Kael suddenly appeared beside her. They both exchanged glances but didn’t exchange a word, just kept running together. The track stretched out before them, long and winding.

They ran until they couldn’t anymore, their bodies exhausted. They collapsed onto the ground, conscious but spent. Kael rested his head on Sasha’s lap, their chests heaving as they struggled to catch their breath.

“Hey” Sasha called when she noticed his head on her laps.

“Don’t complain,I’m too tired to get up right now” Kael mutgerrf and closed his eyes.

“Seriously? Should I push you off right now?” Sasha asked.

“Do that and I will kiss you” Kael said and Sasha’s eyes widened.

“Is that a …….”

Kael raised his head and his lips almost touched her,she quickly covered her mouth with her palm and Kael grinned.

“Are you avoiding my kiss right now?”

“I told you not to do it again” Sasha said.

“Why? Because I’m not Alex?” He asked.

“Get up,I need to go” Sasha mumbled,ignoring his question.

“You can’t leave me,let’s go together” He got up right away.

“You’re such an headache” Sasha scoffed.

“To you alone” Kael replied and she rolled her eyes.


Alex approached Knife who was walking with all her focus on her phone.

“Hey, Knife, have you seen Sasha around?” Alex asked.

Knife shook her head, her hair swishing.

“No, I haven’t seen her. Why are you looking for her?”

Just then, a figure came into view. It was Sasha,walking with Kael by her side.

Alex’s eyes narrowed, a hint of jealousy flashing across his face.

Sasha didn’t seem to notice Alex and Knife as she was too focused on her little conversation with Kael.

Alex’s eyes lingered on Sasha and Kael for a moment before he turned and walked away.

“Hey, Sasha!” Knife called out, breaking the silence.

“Alex was just looking for you.”

Sasha’s gaze snapped back to Knife, her eyes locking onto hers. For a moment, she seemed frozen, as if processing the information.

Then, seemingly making a decision, she turned to Knife.

“I’ll catch up with you later, Knife. I need to go.”

“Where are you off to?” She asked Knife before taking a step.

“The gym,” Knife replied and Sasha nodded.

With that, she took off, leaving Knife to watch her go with a thoughtful expression.

“What was that?” She mumbled and also turned toward the gym direction.



Inside the gym, Bian was the only one present, running slowly on the treadmill. His muscles flexed with each step, visible through his armless jersey. He was lost in his own world, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him.

Just then, Kat walked in,she was wearing a tight short and a sleeveless top which only covered her boobs. A smile escaped her lips the moment she saw Bian.

“Hey….it’s you again” She said.

Bian looked up, his eyes locking onto hers.

“Oh hi” He also smiled.

Kat approached him, her eyes roaming over his toned physique.

“I love watching you run” she muttered.

Bian chuckled, his face flushing slightly.

Just then, Knife walked into the gym, her eyes scanning the room. Bian’s gaze flicked to her, and he suddenly stopped the treadmill.

“I think I’m done for the day.” He said

But Kat grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

“No way, you’re not escaping me that easily…come on,I’m new here” She pouted.

Bian hesitated, his eyes darting to Knife, who was trying to do some workouts as well.

“Fine” He muttered.

“By the way,I’m Kat,what about you?” She asked.


“You’re so hot” Kat blushed.

Bian chuckled.

“I’m going to do some squats,,,I actually love working out a lot” She said.

“Obviously,,,you’ve got a perfect shape” That kinda slipped out of Bian’s mouth and Kat looked at him.

“Thank you” she smiled.

Bian kept staring at her as she worked out,keeping their conversation on no matter what.

“That’s funny” Kat laughed when Bian said something funny.

“So you came with lady Adriana?” Bian asked.

“Yeah…I’m an assistant” She replied.

“So you can fight as well?” Bian asked,throwing two punches into the air.

“Absolutely,wanna try me?” Kat asked.

“I’m not in the mood” Bian immediately said and Kat laughed.

She touched his chest in the process and Bian almost froze.

“Oh…” He got hold of her hand and Kat raised her brows.

“What,am I making you uncomfortable?” She asked.

“I’m just thinking….you might not do that if you know my age” He muttered.

“Huh? Tell me”

“Im nineteen” Bian said and Kat gasped.

“Really?! But who cares?” She asked.

“You’re naughty” Bian muttered and Kat laughed.

“Honestly I’m not,,but you’re just too cute to ignore. The distance isn’t that much,I’m twenty three…just four years right? And I look hot” Kat scoffed.

“You are something else” Bian shook his head and Kat chuckled.

Suddenly her phone rang.

“Oh…she wants me. I will see you later Bian” Kat waved at him and ran out.

Bian touched his chest and his eyes fell on Knife who was also staring at him already.

He looked away from her and took his hand towel to dry up his wet hair,he walked out without glancing at her again.

Knife let out a scoff.

“Hot indeed” She rolled her eyes,she suddenly bumped into a bottle on the floor.

“Fuck off!” She yelled and kicked the bottle away angrily.

“Gosh” She mumbled and run her fingers through her hair gently.



Bluey opened the door and Fang popped up.

“The boss wants you in his suite” He reported and Bluey tried not to roll her eyes.

She haven’t seen him all day except when he came into the training hall with Adriana hours ago,and now he’s calling for her?

Without argument,she followed Fang and locked her door.

It didn’t take them two minutes before they got to the suite.

“He’s in the pool…just pass through the balcony and you will get it” Fang told him and Bluey nodded.

She never knew there’s a private pool in his suite until now.

She went inside and followed Fang’s instructions,leaving the balcony she sighted Kaine sitting down on one of the pool side seats,he was shirtless, a stick of lollipop in between his lips,looking as hot as always.

The beautiful lights swallowing up the darkness even added to his hotness,his two colored hair glowing.

“I’m here….” Bluey said with a short bow and Kaine looked up.

The lollipop rolled in his mouth as he stared at Bluey pouting.

“What’s wrong?” He asked and removed the stick from his mouth.

“I’m fine” Bluey mumbled but her face was saying something else.

“Spill it out,I hate lies” Kaine looked away.

“It’s our first time today…seeing each other” She said and he looked at her again.

“First time? It’s the second time Bluey” He said.

“With me…not her” Bluey immediately said and Kaine raised his brows.


“The new lady….she was holding you earlier and you were smiling with her as well” Bluey mumbled.

“Are you jealous Bluey?” He asked and Bluey looked up with wide eyes.

“No I’m not” She said.

Kaine nodded and took the wine glass beside him.

Just then, Kaine’s phone started ringing and they both glanced toward it at once…the caller’s name written bodly on it.


Kaine dropped his glass and tried taking his phone but almost immediately Bluey sat down on his laps and he looked at her with a confused look.

“No…don’t take that” She said.


“Don’t take it,,stay with me,only me” She cut in and Kaine returned his hand,leaving the phone to continue ringing.

“Then…bribe me,if you don’t want me to leave” he said.

“Huh? How?” Bluey asked.

“That’s up to you…if I’m impressed enough” Kaine smirked.

The phone started ringing again and he gave her a go ahead sign.

Bluey got down from his laps and started undressing in front of him,he stared at her with interest as she took off her blouse,then her skirt,leaving her bra and pant,she packed her hair into a ponytail as well,then she went on her knees in front of him abd Kaine raised his brows.

“What are you going to do?” He asked.

“I’m going to…..suck your dick” Bluey blurted out and Kaine’s eyes widened.





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