By Chioma Miracle

Victor pov

I stared the handsome kid as dad attends to him

Few minutes he was done and then faced me with a small smile… No a tired one

“ dad you look tired ” I commented as I stared at my dad who chuckled

“ it’s fine son and besides it’s my duty ” he replied

Dad and his job. He doesn’t joke with it and always determine

Doctor Anthony Davis. One of the best doctors across the country

My dad is rich enough but loves living a simple life.

He’s a simple man loved by many.

“ whats wrong with the kid dad ? ” I asked turned my head towards the kid

“ he’s been in coma ” he replied

“ coma?! ” I exclaimed

“ yes and he’s seem to improve but now he’s in vegetative state ” he signed triedly

*fuck this small kid!* I thought in my head

“ who has been looking after him ? ”

“ Ana ” dad replied as he shut his eyes and rubbing his forehead

He seemed stressed out.

“ Ana ? ”

“ his aunt ”

I mouthed an “ oh ”

I moved closer to him and rubbed his hands as he looked dead eye closed.

“ I should be in my office now I’m done ” dad said as he walked towards the door

“ I’m right behind you ” I muttered as I heard him closed the door

I signed as I brought out my phone and texted Lucas what I find out

I turned and left the room quietly towards dad office.




David pov

“ Solomon! ” I yelled as he came banging into the room in a hurry

“ yes boss! ” he bowed

“ I need you to take the boys and abduct the girl Wendy and make sure you do a clean job this time ” I gritted my teeth

“ yes boss! ”

“ make sure you don’t fail or else I will blow off your head. ” I warned as I narrowed my eyes at him

“ I won’t fail you boss ” he replied head bowed

“ you may leave now ” I ordered as he quickly left the room while I huffed triedly

*shes the perfect tool… My beautiful NIECE!…* I chuckled evily




Wendy pov

This the tenth time I’m yawning… I feel so tired and weak

Damon is not around. That flower horn!

He went to work and not yet back. What should I do to keep myself busy

I picked my phone and what?!

Lucas called… Hours now ?!

I tried calling him back but not reachable. I sent him a voicemail instead

I signed as I stood up from the cushion and picked my bag from the big table in the sitting room

I hung it around my shoulder and picked my phone from the cushion

I need to get some stuff from the grocery shop.

Least I forget. Jayden sent the money as promise … I’m so fucking happy about it .. I will be visiting Nicholas tommorow

I left the sitting room and walking towards the gate and the security stopped me

“ you ain’t allowed to go out ma’am ” he said as I shot him a stare

“ why?! ” I questioned

What right does he have to stop me or is this damon’s order?! That flowerhorn!

“ boss order ” he replied

I rolled my eyes at him. I guessed right!

“ please I won’t take long please and he won’t know about it please.. I just needed to get a pad… You see..see … I’m.on my monthly flow ” I lied as I pouted my lips and gave him my cutest eyes

I saw him drooling and I smirked mentally

“ fine ma’am. But please be quick ” he said as the gate automatically opened.

I nodded and gave him a big smile as I left and stopped a cab

“ where ma’am ? ” he questioned

I stared at him with confused look. He looked familiar

“ have we met before ? ” I asked him

“ don’t think so ma’am ”

“ hmm ” I hummed as I hopped into the cab

“ where ma’am ? ”

“ twins mum grocery shop please ”

“ okay ma’am ” he replied as he drove off


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